Engage Workshops are one-off education sessions that build practical understandings and strategies that you can use to engage with better wellbeing. Contact us to book a public session for your community – if you provide the venue, we will come and share the info!
Thriving Lives
Thriving Lives introduces the practices associated with happiness and flourishing and then gives you a chance to use the Thriving Lives Worksheet to figure out how you can build those practices into your own daily life. Thriving Lives is an original Engage Aotearoa Ltd framework based on the latest research in positive psychology.
Click here to read and save a copy of the Thriving Lives Information Sheet
The Coping Kete
Build a deeper understanding of the role of coping in your life and create your own personalised coping kete, which you can use to change your automatic way of coping with unwanted emotions and stressful situations.
Understanding the Process
Learn to use a Cognitive-Behavioural model of emotions to understand your experiences and figure out how to change them.
Breaking Down Anxiety
Learn the foundations of how anxiety works and what overcoming problematic anxiety involves. A bite-sized portion of the information explored in Engage Group.
Recovery Tool Kit
Learn about the vast array of resources for personal empowerment that exist in your community and build your own community engagement plan.
Booking a Workshop for Your Community
Contact us if you want to take part in a workshop.
If you want to book a private workshops for your group only. Please visit www.engageresources.co.nz to find out more about service-provider options. CMHRT is only licensed to deliver these workshops in sessions that are open to the public and free to participate in.
Make sure you are receiving the genuine thing!
CMHRT is a licensed provider of the Engage Aotearoa website and associated workshop options. Only Engage Aotearoa Ltd, the creators of these materials, and their Licensed Providers, are authorised to deliver Engage workshops and associated materials.
Organisations wanting to obtain rights to deliver Engage Aotearoa workshops require a resource licence and the appropriate training. The incorrect delivery of an Engage Aotearoa resource poses serious safety and wellbeing risks for participants. Information can have a powerful effect on people.
If you are concerned that an Engage Workshop you attended was delivered by an unauthorised party, please contact Engage Aotearoa Ltd and let them know so you can be offered complete information and supportive follow-up.