Engage Aotearoa

Category Archives: Older People And Aging

Information about mental health for older people

Mike King Visits Kaitaia to Inspire Solutions to Suicide: 5 & 6 March 2013

Engage Aotearoa and The Key to Life Charitable Trust Present…

Mike King’s Community Korero

  • Venue: Te Ahu Centre
  • Date: Tuesday 5 March 2013
  • Time: 6 pm – 8 pm

It is time to stop throwing negatives at the problem of suicide and time to start throwing positives at a solution! Comedian Mike King gets straight up about his battle with depression, addiction and his ongoing journey back to recovery, including the mistakes he made along the way. Hear about the things he learnt from the hard times and how all those mistakes were blessings in disguise. This is a not-to-be-missed chance for the community to come together and explore how to support our youth and each other to survive and thrive. Plus heaps of useful resources to take away for later.

This important community event is followed by two student sessions the next day at Kaitaia College…

Mike King: It’s Cool to Korero

  • Date: 5 March 2013
    • Taipa Area School
  • Date: 6 March 2013 
    • Venue: Kaitaia College Hall
    • Session One – Years 9 & 10 at 9:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Session Two – Years 11, 12 & 13 at 11:25 – 1:25 pm

Students get to spend some quality time with Kiwi comedian Mike King as he talks about how he survived growing up. Mike’s is the story of a kid who wanted to fit in. It is about wanting to be part of the cool group but being 4’11 with buck teeth and big ears and needing a miracle to make it happen. Then one day he discovered he had a gift to make people laugh and he went from being bullied, to being liked and then many years later becoming a bully himself. Mike will share tips on how to deal with bullies and also why bullies do what they do. Most of all, he will speak about why it is important to talk rather than have conversations with yourself.  Mike’s main point is this… in life there will always be hurdles and heartbreak, but with perseverance, support and an attitude of hope, great things WILL happen.

Community Korero Poster Update 1 March

Hikoi for reTHiNK of Mental-Healthcare Choices Arriving in Auckland

One Woman Walking: Hikoi for a Big reTHiNK of Mental Healthcare Choices 

Annie Chapman is on a hikoi across the length of the North Island to raise awareness about the need for better mental healthcare choices to be made available to service-users in New Zealand.

I have ceased to be surprised now by how almost everyone I talk to about why I am walking has a story to tell of friends or loved ones in need, utterly failed by the mental health system.” ~ Annie Chapman, 21 December 2012

Annie Chapman will be in Auckland from the 14th – 21st February 2013 (and in fact she may arrive a few days earlier than this).

So far the Auckland events in place are:

• Saturday morning, 16th Feb, from 10 am til 12 noon at Morra Hall, Waiheke.  Note: there has been a change of venue to allow for a more formal setting.  Instead of Ostend Market as originally planned, Annie Chapman will now be at Morra Hall, Oneroa, Waiheke
• A meeting on 15th February with colleagues of Brigitte Sistig re Yoga and Depression
• A second radio interview with “Take it from Us” (Feb 19)
• A screening/talk of Jim Marbrook’s film “Mental Notes” as a fund-raiser on the 17th of February  at Connect SR in Glenfield.

If you have any questions or suggestions of other good possible places to meet, speak or be interviewed by media, please contact Annie direct on 027 4272644 or Hikoiforhealth@gmail.com

Find out more on the official Facebook Page

Help spread the wordinvite your friends to the Facebook Event

Mangere Community Law Centre Says “This Is Relevant to YOU”

A message from Mangere Community Law Centre:

The Family Court is under review. This IS relevant to you! The Family Court deals with a range of things that seriously affect our community, including: domestic violence, parenting, adoptions, wills and divorce. The proposed changes are significant and now is the time to speak out if you don’t agree with them – in part or full. Submissions close 13 February 2013 so don’t put it off.      

The 5 major changes that the Mangere Community Law Centre are concerned about are:

  1. Cost of $897 for mandatory dispute resolution will have to be paid for by the parties – this will be compulsory before a matter can go to Court.
  2. NO lawyers allowed unless the matter involves violence, urgency etc.
  3. Lawyer for child will rarely be appointed.
  4. Free Court counselling will be limited.
  5. No interim orders – parties won’t have a chance to trial arrangements to see if they can work.

Submissions can be in any format – even a simple letter. Click the link below to open the template from Mangere Community Law Centre that you can use to get started and get your thoughts heard!

Family Court Review Submission Template from Mangere Community Law Centre

You can also check out these websites for more information: http://childrenneedavoice.com/ and http://www.familylaw.org.nz/

You can read the Bill at: http://www.parliament.nz/en-NZ/PB/Legislation/Bills/5/4/2/00DBHOH_BILL11914_1-Family-Court-Proceedings-Reform-Bill.htm 


Glenn Inquiry into Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Seeks Community Input

In July last year Owen Glenn announced that he would fund an independent inquiry to establish why domestic violence and child abuse remains such a major problem in New Zealand and to identify what needs to be done to address this issue.

If you have personal experience of child abuse or domestic violence or work with those who do the Glenn Inquiry team would like to hear from you!

Visit their newly launched website for more information at www.glenninquiry.org.nz

Follow the link below to check out the first newsletter from the Glenn Inquiry https://glenninquiry.org.nz/uploads/files/TheGlennInquiry_Newsletter.pdf



Hikoi Seeks National Big reTHiNK about Mental-Health Services

Media Release: 11/Dec/2012.

Annie Chapman, a former support worker for a mental-health trust in Porirua, is on a mission to reduce reliance on “medical mental healthcare” which she says can result in dependence and disempowerment, in a bid to promote healthier mental healthcare.

This summer, Chapman will spend five months walking the length of the North Island to advocate “change and choice in mental-health care“.

Annie Chapman’s One Woman Walking: Hikoi for a Big reTHiNK of Mental Healthcare Choices begins in Cape Reinga on December 12th and finishes five months later in Wellington. From December to May Annie will be stopping at towns along the Te Araroa Trail for community meetings to screen short stigma-busting films, discuss what a truly empowering mental-health system would look like and support the Petition for Better Mental-Healthcare Choices, which Annie will present at The Beehive in Wellington in May. Donations to cover costs are gratefully received. Any additional funds raised will be donated to Hearing Voices Network Aotearoa NZ, which provides information and support for people who experience voice hearing.

“I have witnessed life long dependence, drug withdrawal problems and the limited effectiveness of some psychiatric medications,” Ms Chapman says. “Research suggests positive and empowering alternatives exist for better long term outcomes,” she continues.

Chapman advocates a reduced systemic reliance on medications as the first-line treatment for mental-health problems. Ms Chapman wants to see funded access to psycho-social interventions and treatment options for people with mental-health problems to reduce long-term dependence on pharmaceutical interventions and compulsory models of treatment. “We need personal advocacy and psychotherapeutic help promoted and more tailored advice about diet and exercise provided,” says Chapman, “Walking can be one of the most effective anti-depressants there is,” she adds.

Miriam Larsen-Barr, from the Like Minds team at Mind and Body Consultants who coordinate the ongoing Like Minds Big reTHiNK Festival, comments, “We are proud to include One Woman Walking as part of the official Big reTHiNK calendar of events. The message that people with mental-health problems need whole-person approaches to empower their recovery is an important one.”

“It is time our society did some serious analysis. Let’s use our legendary Kiwi kindness and ingenuity to create mental-health services that offer hope of real recovery,” comments Chapman.

Find out when One Woman Walking is visiting a town near you


>>>Wednesday 20th December
>>>11am to 1pm
>>>at Te Ahu Community Centre


For more information contact: Annie Chapman | 0221739954 | anniechapman@actrix.co.nz

One Woman Walking Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hikoi-for-healthy-choices-in-Mental-Health/150792058391076?ref=ts

One Woman Walking Blog:

Follow this link to find out more about The Hearing Voices Network Aotearoa NZ  www.hearingvoices.org.nz 

Watch The Big reTHiNK Online

The Big reTHiNK is now online for your viewing pleasure on the reTHiNK Youtube channel.

Visit www.rethink.org.nz for more information about the Like Minds Big reTHiNK and how you can still get involved.

Don’t forget to share your favourite clips around and help spread the message.

Medical Council Reviewing its Standards of Clinical Competence and Ethical Conduct


The Medical Council of New Zealand is reviewing its standards of clinical competence, cultural competence and ethical conduct for doctors.

Have your say about ‘good medical practice’ in Aotearoa.

To find out more go to http://consumercollaboration.org.nz/news/good-medical-practice

Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa Strengthens Input to Health and Disability Sector

The Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa is a fairly new group set up and supported by the Health and Quality Safety Commission to provide consumer input to services and any other interested parties. It is a collaboration of consumer groups from the whole health and disability sector, not only mental health.

If you are not already, your organisation is strongly encouraged (provided it fits the definition of ‘consumer’ organisation) to join up. Individuals can join as ‘associate’ members if they are not with an organisation as such.

What do organisations get for their free membership of the CCA?

  • An information centre for information about consumer organisations
  • ‘Go to’ group/website for consumer reps and other stakeholders
  • Opportunity to retain your organisations own identity but act collaboratively
  • You can profile your organisation on the CCA website Invite organisations to upload their profiles to CCA website

They had an AGM at the end of October and have produced a newsletter outlining the details.

To find out more

  • Visit the website


  • Email Darcey Jane, Project Manager, Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa


Updates to the Mobility Parking Scheme: What You Need to Know

The mobility parking permit scheme is getting a spruce up!

CCS Disability Action has looked at ways in which they can improve the Mobility Parking Permit Scheme in consultation with mobility parking users.

As a result of this consultation, we’re pleased to announce the upcoming changes. We believe as a result the scheme will be fairer and more transparent for all.


Everyone with an existing permit will still be able to continue to use it, but you will notice changes in the scheme and in permits issued from early December this year.

Fairer eligibility

A number of people told CCS Disability Action that the current eligibility criteria are confusing. As a result of a review CCS Disability Action also felt that there were people who were missing out who had a genuine need, particularly people who require intensive behaviour support that could really benefit from being able to use designated mobility parking spaces.

You will be eligible if you meet the following criteria:

  1. You are unable to walk and always require the use of a wheelchair; or
  2. Your ability to walk distances is severely restricted by a medical condition or disability. If for example, you require the use of mobility aids, experience severe pain, or breathlessness; or
  3. You have a medical condition or disability that requires you to have physical contact or close supervision to safely get around and cannot be left unattended. For example, if you experience disorientation, confusion, or severe anxiety.

Changes to the criteria will make it clearer for people to determine if they are eligible, making the application process easier for all users.

Applying for a permit

To apply for a short-term permit, an extension on a short-term permit or a long-term permit for the first time you will need to get your doctor to confirm your eligibility by completing the medical section of the application form. However if you are renewing your long-term permit – as it was confirmed by your doctor in the application for your first long-term permit that you have a medical condition or disability which affects your mobility and is long-term (permanent); you do not have to provide any additional medical information.

From early December there will be a new application form that will be easier to download from the website www.MobilityParking.org.nz.

Only some of the branch offices will be processing applications received by post – these are listed on the application form. While you will still be able to take your application into your local branch and pay for your permit, the permit will not be issued to you over the counter. Your permit will be sent to you within 5 working days from the date that they receive your application and payment.

New look permit brings greater accountability

Everyone with an existing permit will still be able to continue to use it, but those issued with a new permit from early December will notice a completely new look.

The new permit is in CCS Disability Action colours (green, black and white) and will have the expiry date (month and year) printed on it. The permit will also include a barcode and permit number that will allow parking wardens to scan for real time information, similar to current vehicle licensing technology.

It’s hoped these technological improvements will result in a fairer scheme for all, supporting faster identification of those lost and stolen permits in circulation.

Further changes

In the first half of 2013 CCS Action will be introducing the facility for people to apply and pay for a mobility parking permit online! Keep an eye out on the website for more information on this as it comes to hand.

Contact Sara Georgeson

Mobility Parking Permit Scheme Project Manager

CCS Disability Action , National Office

TEL    04 384 5677
DDI    04 805 0080   MOB  021 1903 786

EML Sara.Georgeson@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz

www.ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz www.MobilityParking.org.nz

Launch of Korean Positive Aging Charitable Trust 8 Nov 2012

Korean Positive Ageing Charitable Trust (KPACT) Launching Day

When: Thursday, 8th November 2012

Where: Meadowlands Methodist Community Church128 Whitford Road Sommerville / next Countdown Shopping Centre


Light refreshments will be served.

RSVP: Confirmation of attendance is essential as seats are limited.

Please RSVP by 31 October 2012 to Yongrahn Park, KPACT Service Coordinator at yongrahn.p@koreanpositiveageing.org.nz  or 09-272 7040










Registration and networking


MC note



Welcoming Speech

Yongrahn Park – Chairperson


Keynote Speech

Wendy Bremner,

CEO – Age Concern Counties Manukau


Congratulatory Speech I

David Hong -Chairperson

The Korean Society of Auckland Inc.


Congratulatory Speech II

Michael Williams, Chairperson – Howick Local Board


Congratulatory Speech III

Bernadette Pereira

Auckland Council


Introduction of KPACT’s Services & Board members


Closing Speech




Afternoon Tea and networking

Thank you for your attendance