Engage Aotearoa

Category Archives: News

Petition to Save Auckland’s Rape Crisis Line – Again!

Auckland’s 24 hour rape crisis line is again under threat of closure — less than 12 months since 7,000 people signed the petition that forced PM Key to promise its survival.

2 000 people signed the new petition in the first 24 hours – but it’s not over yet.

The 24 hour rape crisis line is integral to our community. It’s the service that Auckland’s sexual violence survivors can turn to for help. For thirty years, it’s taken a call every hour of every day.

A year ago, PM Key said he’d do his part to help rape survivors by funding the crisis line. But, we always said we’d need to stay vigilant and hold the government to their word. And now that the spotlight has dropped off, the Government thinks it can get away with slashing funding for this essential service. 

The service needs just $116,000 from the government to survive. And we know we can get that commitment again if we continue the pressure. Sign and then share the petition with at least 5 of your friends and have them add their names to support a vital service. An immediate and overwhelming response will show the Prime Minister that we’re still watching.

This service will close unless we act now. The service’s board will soon start offering redundancies to counselling staff — the exact people rape survivors rely on for support and advice in their time of need.

Volunteers and staff are planning some media events and are trying hard to get the word out. But take a moment to share the petition with at least 5 of your friends and do your part to help an essential service that many rely on.

Family Court Bill Introduced

Key features of the Family Court Bill are:

  • A new Family Dispute Resolution service to help parents and families settle their problems without going to court
  • Increased penalties for breaching protection orders
  • Extending the definition of domestic violence to include economic abuse
  • Expanding the Parenting Through Separation course
  • Improved programmes to stop domestic violence
  • Better information to help people navigate the court system.

Find out more about the Family Court Bill here!

Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa Strengthens Input to Health and Disability Sector

The Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa is a fairly new group set up and supported by the Health and Quality Safety Commission to provide consumer input to services and any other interested parties. It is a collaboration of consumer groups from the whole health and disability sector, not only mental health.

If you are not already, your organisation is strongly encouraged (provided it fits the definition of ‘consumer’ organisation) to join up. Individuals can join as ‘associate’ members if they are not with an organisation as such.

What do organisations get for their free membership of the CCA?

  • An information centre for information about consumer organisations
  • ‘Go to’ group/website for consumer reps and other stakeholders
  • Opportunity to retain your organisations own identity but act collaboratively
  • You can profile your organisation on the CCA website Invite organisations to upload their profiles to CCA website

They had an AGM at the end of October and have produced a newsletter outlining the details.

To find out more

  • Visit the website


  • Email Darcey Jane, Project Manager, Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa


Engage Aotearoa is Updating the Way They Do Updates!

Engage Aotearoa is moving from Feedburner to MailChimp to manage the way email updates from the Mental-Health News and Events Blog are sent out.

This means that if you are currently signed up to receive email updates from the Engage Aotearoa Mental-Health News and Events Blog (the one you are reading right now) you need to update your subscription.

Simply click through to the online Email Registration form here to sign up.

Once registered, you will receive a daily email-summary of new posts added to the Mental-Health News and Events Blog whenever content is added. As usual, this will be around 2 – 3 emails per week, max. You will notice some formatting changes as the team works to deliver information to you in a more compact way. You can now select to receive updates to your mobile phone.

Once you’ve Subscribed to the New Mailing List, you will want to unsubscribe from the old email list. Click here to Unsubscribe from the old Feedburner Mailing List.

Engage Aotearoa will be closing the current Email Subscriber list on the 30th of December 2012 and anyone who has not updated their subscription will no longer receive email updates directly to their inbox until they have done so.

Click through to the online Email Registration form here to sign up

Similar changes have also come into effect for subscribers to The Coping Kete updates.


Updates to the Mobility Parking Scheme: What You Need to Know

The mobility parking permit scheme is getting a spruce up!

CCS Disability Action has looked at ways in which they can improve the Mobility Parking Permit Scheme in consultation with mobility parking users.

As a result of this consultation, we’re pleased to announce the upcoming changes. We believe as a result the scheme will be fairer and more transparent for all.


Everyone with an existing permit will still be able to continue to use it, but you will notice changes in the scheme and in permits issued from early December this year.

Fairer eligibility

A number of people told CCS Disability Action that the current eligibility criteria are confusing. As a result of a review CCS Disability Action also felt that there were people who were missing out who had a genuine need, particularly people who require intensive behaviour support that could really benefit from being able to use designated mobility parking spaces.

You will be eligible if you meet the following criteria:

  1. You are unable to walk and always require the use of a wheelchair; or
  2. Your ability to walk distances is severely restricted by a medical condition or disability. If for example, you require the use of mobility aids, experience severe pain, or breathlessness; or
  3. You have a medical condition or disability that requires you to have physical contact or close supervision to safely get around and cannot be left unattended. For example, if you experience disorientation, confusion, or severe anxiety.

Changes to the criteria will make it clearer for people to determine if they are eligible, making the application process easier for all users.

Applying for a permit

To apply for a short-term permit, an extension on a short-term permit or a long-term permit for the first time you will need to get your doctor to confirm your eligibility by completing the medical section of the application form. However if you are renewing your long-term permit – as it was confirmed by your doctor in the application for your first long-term permit that you have a medical condition or disability which affects your mobility and is long-term (permanent); you do not have to provide any additional medical information.

From early December there will be a new application form that will be easier to download from the website www.MobilityParking.org.nz.

Only some of the branch offices will be processing applications received by post – these are listed on the application form. While you will still be able to take your application into your local branch and pay for your permit, the permit will not be issued to you over the counter. Your permit will be sent to you within 5 working days from the date that they receive your application and payment.

New look permit brings greater accountability

Everyone with an existing permit will still be able to continue to use it, but those issued with a new permit from early December will notice a completely new look.

The new permit is in CCS Disability Action colours (green, black and white) and will have the expiry date (month and year) printed on it. The permit will also include a barcode and permit number that will allow parking wardens to scan for real time information, similar to current vehicle licensing technology.

It’s hoped these technological improvements will result in a fairer scheme for all, supporting faster identification of those lost and stolen permits in circulation.

Further changes

In the first half of 2013 CCS Action will be introducing the facility for people to apply and pay for a mobility parking permit online! Keep an eye out on the website for more information on this as it comes to hand.

Contact Sara Georgeson

Mobility Parking Permit Scheme Project Manager

CCS Disability Action , National Office

TEL    04 384 5677
DDI    04 805 0080   MOB  021 1903 786

EML Sara.Georgeson@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz

www.ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz www.MobilityParking.org.nz

Goodbye Disability Resource Centre, Hello Independent Living Service

The Disability Resource Centre has changed its name to the “Independent Living Service (ILS)”.

Disability Resource Centre Auckland was originally founded in 1981 as the Independent Living Centre.  Some years later there was a name change to the Disability Resource Centre.  The original name better reflects the purpose and philosophy of the organisation to empower those with disabilities to live a good life.  A name change to The Independent Living Service is timely and honours the organisation’s roots and those in the community that started it.

Administrative Matters:

This is a name change only and not a change in our legal/charitable structure or status.  This makes the change very easy on all fronts and will not require new contracts, accounts or legal documentation.

  • The official change-over date was Monday 5th November
  • Email addresses changed on Friday 19th October and are first name@ilsnz.org
  • The Mobile Service changed from DRC Mobile to ILS Mobile with the web address www.ilsmobile.org
  • Their new web address is www.ilsnz.org and was live from Friday 19thOctober. However you  will be directed to www.disabilityresource.org.nz until all changes are complete.
  • All existing phone numbers and addresses remain the same.
  • Please contact Julianne McEldowney for new brochures on julianne@ilsnz.org

Promoting Participation in General Elections for People with Disabilities

The Ministry of Social Development is looking to improve accessibility of elections processes for people with disabilities.

A consultation document has just been released, with responses due by 14 December. Click on the link below for more information.


There’s an accessible Word format document at the above url.

Eden and Women’s Health Action Trust join forces

For 22 years Eden has worked at the forefront of our community’s efforts to create a world which values body trust, body satisfaction, size acceptance and diversity. In response to the present funding climate, Eden has entered a process of transition to ensure the sustainability of Eden’s unique and valued services and programmes.

Eden is separating its two key service areas: counselling/support services and health promotion. The counselling and support services have been absorbed by Eden’s specialist counselling team into their private practice work. This redirection will enable clients to retain an ongoing level of care with as little disruption as possible. Please see www.eden.org.nz for referral details.

Eden has developed its health promotion activities over the past 14 years focusing on supporting and educating health professionals, organisations and schools to create environments that support body satisfaction, size acceptance and body diversity. In order to ensure the continuity and sustainability of this valuable work, Eden’s health promotion services will be moving to Women’s Health Action Trust. Eden will retain its brand identity and fit under the Women’s Health Action Trust umbrella. These health promotion services include BWISE – BILS programme in schools, Nourish – aimed at people working with youth and our yearly events, Love you Body campaign and Diet Free Day.

The Women’s Health Action team is excited to carry on the legacy of Eden’s work and is looking forward to employing a health promoter early in the New Year.

While Eden will cease to operate in its current form and location, this change will offer the potential for the future growth and sustainability under the banner of Women’s Health Action. Eden is very grateful for the continued support of their funders who have pledged support for Eden’s new journey.

Eden’s board would like to thank all the staff, volunteers and stakeholders who have been involved over the past 22 years and who have been instrumental in supporting individuals and families, resourcing and educating health practitioners and communities and advocating for a view of health that is indexed to well-being rather than weight.  While it is with sadness that this era of Eden comes to an end there is also a renewed excitement at the strength and opportunity that is gained by joining forces with such a vibrant and impactful organization as Women’s Health Action.

For further information about Eden’s health promotion activities please contact Women’s Health Action on 09 520 5295.

Contact details: 
Eden Board Member (Toni Ingram) p 021 152 2137
Women’s Health Action Director (Julie Radford-Poupard) p 09 520 5295 or 021 989 745

UK Expands Definition of Domestic Violence

New UK domestic violence definition includes coercive control

The UK Home Office has announced it will expand the definition of domestic violence to include ‘coercive control’ and to cover people 16 years of age and older.

The change is to the official definition of domestic violence used across government not the legal definition.

The expansion of the definition to cover 16 and 17 year-olds came after the British Crime Survey 2009/10 found that 16-19 year-olds were the group most likely to suffer abuse from a partner.

Link to further info on the NZFV Clearinghouse website: http://www.nzfvc.org.nz/node/793

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Thanks to the North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network weekly E News for passing this information on. Sign up to receive their E-News directly by emailing fvpnns@gmail.com 

Funding Bug Strikes Again: Eden Counselling Service Closes

Due to lack of funding, Eden will close it’s counselling services at the end of business on the 23rd of October 2012. Counsellors will continue to operate privately.

Victoria Marsden

BA, PG Dipl Tchng, MCouns (Hons), MNZAC

Ph: 021-122-4221

Email: v.marsden@xtra.co.nz

Web: Victoria at Auckland Psychology

Perry King

Ph: 021-778-392

For parents, caregivers, supporters and friends: EDANZ

Ph: (09) 522-2679

Email: info@ed.org.nz