Engage Aotearoa

Category Archives: People With Disabilities

Mangere Community Law Centre Says “This Is Relevant to YOU”

A message from Mangere Community Law Centre:

The Family Court is under review. This IS relevant to you! The Family Court deals with a range of things that seriously affect our community, including: domestic violence, parenting, adoptions, wills and divorce. The proposed changes are significant and now is the time to speak out if you don’t agree with them – in part or full. Submissions close 13 February 2013 so don’t put it off.      

The 5 major changes that the Mangere Community Law Centre are concerned about are:

  1. Cost of $897 for mandatory dispute resolution will have to be paid for by the parties – this will be compulsory before a matter can go to Court.
  2. NO lawyers allowed unless the matter involves violence, urgency etc.
  3. Lawyer for child will rarely be appointed.
  4. Free Court counselling will be limited.
  5. No interim orders – parties won’t have a chance to trial arrangements to see if they can work.

Submissions can be in any format – even a simple letter. Click the link below to open the template from Mangere Community Law Centre that you can use to get started and get your thoughts heard!

Family Court Review Submission Template from Mangere Community Law Centre

You can also check out these websites for more information: http://childrenneedavoice.com/ and http://www.familylaw.org.nz/

You can read the Bill at: http://www.parliament.nz/en-NZ/PB/Legislation/Bills/5/4/2/00DBHOH_BILL11914_1-Family-Court-Proceedings-Reform-Bill.htm 


New community action stories on the It’s not OK website

North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network & Safer Whanau Project have a great new page on their website that tells stories of community action projects from around the country.

You can read about what other networks and groups have done to change attitudes and behaviours towards family violence – everything from whole town campaigns, to working in sports clubs, universities and businesses, through to ideas for small projects/first steps.

An attempt has been made to write about what people did, the changes, challenges and learnings.

Have a look here: http://www.areyouok.org.nz/community_stories.php


Glenn Inquiry into Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Seeks Community Input

In July last year Owen Glenn announced that he would fund an independent inquiry to establish why domestic violence and child abuse remains such a major problem in New Zealand and to identify what needs to be done to address this issue.

If you have personal experience of child abuse or domestic violence or work with those who do the Glenn Inquiry team would like to hear from you!

Visit their newly launched website for more information at www.glenninquiry.org.nz

Follow the link below to check out the first newsletter from the Glenn Inquiry https://glenninquiry.org.nz/uploads/files/TheGlennInquiry_Newsletter.pdf



Hikoi Seeks National Big reTHiNK about Mental-Health Services

Media Release: 11/Dec/2012.

Annie Chapman, a former support worker for a mental-health trust in Porirua, is on a mission to reduce reliance on “medical mental healthcare” which she says can result in dependence and disempowerment, in a bid to promote healthier mental healthcare.

This summer, Chapman will spend five months walking the length of the North Island to advocate “change and choice in mental-health care“.

Annie Chapman’s One Woman Walking: Hikoi for a Big reTHiNK of Mental Healthcare Choices begins in Cape Reinga on December 12th and finishes five months later in Wellington. From December to May Annie will be stopping at towns along the Te Araroa Trail for community meetings to screen short stigma-busting films, discuss what a truly empowering mental-health system would look like and support the Petition for Better Mental-Healthcare Choices, which Annie will present at The Beehive in Wellington in May. Donations to cover costs are gratefully received. Any additional funds raised will be donated to Hearing Voices Network Aotearoa NZ, which provides information and support for people who experience voice hearing.

“I have witnessed life long dependence, drug withdrawal problems and the limited effectiveness of some psychiatric medications,” Ms Chapman says. “Research suggests positive and empowering alternatives exist for better long term outcomes,” she continues.

Chapman advocates a reduced systemic reliance on medications as the first-line treatment for mental-health problems. Ms Chapman wants to see funded access to psycho-social interventions and treatment options for people with mental-health problems to reduce long-term dependence on pharmaceutical interventions and compulsory models of treatment. “We need personal advocacy and psychotherapeutic help promoted and more tailored advice about diet and exercise provided,” says Chapman, “Walking can be one of the most effective anti-depressants there is,” she adds.

Miriam Larsen-Barr, from the Like Minds team at Mind and Body Consultants who coordinate the ongoing Like Minds Big reTHiNK Festival, comments, “We are proud to include One Woman Walking as part of the official Big reTHiNK calendar of events. The message that people with mental-health problems need whole-person approaches to empower their recovery is an important one.”

“It is time our society did some serious analysis. Let’s use our legendary Kiwi kindness and ingenuity to create mental-health services that offer hope of real recovery,” comments Chapman.

Find out when One Woman Walking is visiting a town near you


>>>Wednesday 20th December
>>>11am to 1pm
>>>at Te Ahu Community Centre


For more information contact: Annie Chapman | 0221739954 | anniechapman@actrix.co.nz

One Woman Walking Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hikoi-for-healthy-choices-in-Mental-Health/150792058391076?ref=ts

One Woman Walking Blog:

Follow this link to find out more about The Hearing Voices Network Aotearoa NZ  www.hearingvoices.org.nz 

Monitoring Reports on Rights of People Living with Disability Released

Earlier this year you may have provided feedback on the Human Rights Commission’s Wider Journey Discussion Document. The Commission would like to thank everyone for taking their time to share their knowledge, expertise, advice and pointers, all of which were considered in drafting the final reports.

As a result of feedback and further development of this work the Wider Journey document has been split into three separate reports. These reports were launched on the 3rd of December 2012 to help mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The three reports are:

1     Better Design and Buildings for Everyone: Disabled People’s Rights and the Built Environment

2     Better Information for Everyone: Disabled People’s Rights in the Information Age

3     Political Participation for Everyone: Disabled People’s Rights and the Political Process

The full reports and short summaries of each report are available in Word, PDF, Easy Read and NZSL on the Commission’s website here. Braille copies are available on request.

Information in these reports has also informed the Commission’s first annual monitoring report on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, also launched on the 3rd of December.

Report Highlights Bullying Faced By Kiwis Living with Disabilities

A report, released this week, highlights major issues facing New Zealanders living with disabilities.

Bullying, violence and harassment of disabled students in schools was highlighted in the annual report on the Disability Convention.

… Kea Street Specialist School principal Sherie Collins said some mainstream schools were more accepting or more supportive of children with disabilities.

An accepting culture could help mainstream schools address student bullying problems, she suggested.

Link to The NZ Herald: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10851945

Watch The Big reTHiNK Online

The Big reTHiNK is now online for your viewing pleasure on the reTHiNK Youtube channel.

Visit www.rethink.org.nz for more information about the Like Minds Big reTHiNK and how you can still get involved.

Don’t forget to share your favourite clips around and help spread the message.

Medical Council Reviewing its Standards of Clinical Competence and Ethical Conduct


The Medical Council of New Zealand is reviewing its standards of clinical competence, cultural competence and ethical conduct for doctors.

Have your say about ‘good medical practice’ in Aotearoa.

To find out more go to http://consumercollaboration.org.nz/news/good-medical-practice

Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa Strengthens Input to Health and Disability Sector

The Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa is a fairly new group set up and supported by the Health and Quality Safety Commission to provide consumer input to services and any other interested parties. It is a collaboration of consumer groups from the whole health and disability sector, not only mental health.

If you are not already, your organisation is strongly encouraged (provided it fits the definition of ‘consumer’ organisation) to join up. Individuals can join as ‘associate’ members if they are not with an organisation as such.

What do organisations get for their free membership of the CCA?

  • An information centre for information about consumer organisations
  • ‘Go to’ group/website for consumer reps and other stakeholders
  • Opportunity to retain your organisations own identity but act collaboratively
  • You can profile your organisation on the CCA website Invite organisations to upload their profiles to CCA website

They had an AGM at the end of October and have produced a newsletter outlining the details.

To find out more

  • Visit the website


  • Email Darcey Jane, Project Manager, Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa


Engage Aotearoa is Updating the Way They Do Updates!

Engage Aotearoa is moving from Feedburner to MailChimp to manage the way email updates from the Mental-Health News and Events Blog are sent out.

This means that if you are currently signed up to receive email updates from the Engage Aotearoa Mental-Health News and Events Blog (the one you are reading right now) you need to update your subscription.

Simply click through to the online Email Registration form here to sign up.

Once registered, you will receive a daily email-summary of new posts added to the Mental-Health News and Events Blog whenever content is added. As usual, this will be around 2 – 3 emails per week, max. You will notice some formatting changes as the team works to deliver information to you in a more compact way. You can now select to receive updates to your mobile phone.

Once you’ve Subscribed to the New Mailing List, you will want to unsubscribe from the old email list. Click here to Unsubscribe from the old Feedburner Mailing List.

Engage Aotearoa will be closing the current Email Subscriber list on the 30th of December 2012 and anyone who has not updated their subscription will no longer receive email updates directly to their inbox until they have done so.

Click through to the online Email Registration form here to sign up

Similar changes have also come into effect for subscribers to The Coping Kete updates.