Following the successful workshop run in December, Annette Milligan is back! A nurse who runs a sexual health clinic in Nelson Annette is experienced in teaching sexuality education in secondary schools and to disability groups, Annette has a pragmatic approach to the work she does.
In 2000, she was a founding director of the company Health Click, who produces sexuality education resources. As part of her talk, Annette will be demonstrating 2 resources available to parents to help them in the sexual education of their children on the spectrum.
The workshop covers:
Sexuality education: what is it and what should be covered?
- How to talk about sex with teenagers on the spectrum
- Demonstration of the Me range of resources – a series of CD Rom and books to teach young people with intellectual disabilities about safety in relationships, hygiene, getting help and other related topics
- Demonstration of the SexSmart resource – a CD Rom already available in 20% of secondary schools ion NZ, covering relationships, sexuality, contraception and sexual health. The CD Rom will be available for sale on the day (cash and cheque only please) and the Parents and Family Resource Centre’s Goldminds Resource library also holds copies.
They understand that you may have questions that are particular to your child so have arranged for a special clinic to run after the workshop, in 15 minute appointment slots. Places are limited so registration is essential.
- WHERE: Windsor Park Baptist Church, Mairangi Bay, North Shore
- WHEN: Wednesday 15th February – 9.45am to 11am (workshop)
REGISTER: – code: SS15/02, please specify if you would like a clinic appointment Clinic appointments will be allocated on a first come first served basis: 11.15am; 11.30am; 11.45am; 12pm; 12.15pm; 12.30pm