Engage Aotearoa

Category Archives: Young People And Youth Issues

NEW Online NZ Resources for Bullying

Two innovative new bully-focused resources now available for school, community and professional use from Skylight.

With bullying causing deep and ongoing concerns in our New Zealand and Australian communities and schools, Skylight want to let you and your colleagues know that they have  just launched 2 new support resources to assist bullying prevention in both countries.

The new booklet WHO ME? (for 10-17 yr olds) focuses on the bully, giving them better understanding about what bullying is, insights into its effects on themselves as a bully and those bullied, and key steps to help them to stop their bullying behaviour.

When the Bully is Your Child is an 8 page booklet for parents and carers who aren’t sure how best to respond to their own child’s bullying.

These resources are best-evidence and best-practise based, as culturally inclusive as possible and easy to read. Both will be useful for those whose who teach or work with young people and all who work towards bullying prevention in schools, communities and families in any way.

Skylight bullying support resources can be found here. http://www.skylight.org.nz/Shop/Bullying

As a national, not for profit charity, Skylight produce high quality NZ resource tools to support children, teens, adults and their families through life’s tough times welcome partnerships with others to ensure our community is well resourced with the information tools they need the most.(www.skylight.org.nz )


Tricia Irving Hendry | Skylight | Deputy Chief Executive
PO Box 7309
Wellington 6242

04 909 7396 (DD)
021 987 995 (Cell)

0800 299 100
