Engage Aotearoa

Category Archives: Asian Communities

New Help Line for Chinese People

Vagus Line 0800 56 76 666

As from 1 October 2012, Vagus line 0800 56 76 666 from Chinese Mental Health Consultation Services Trust will be in service:

This new service is to promote family harmony among Chinese, enhance parenting skills, decrease conflict among family members (couple, parent-child, in-laws) and stop family violence.

Vagus Line provides FREE/ CONFIDENTAIL/ PROFESSIONAL consultation such as providing parenting strategies, communication skills.

If necessary, clients can be referred to Vagus counselling services or related resources.

Service hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12 noon to 2pm

Research: Mental Health practitioners’ perspectives of working with Chinese migrants in New Zealand

Jing Xu is a Master of Social Work student at the University of Auckland. She would like to invite you to take part in a study about “the mental health practitioners’ perspectives on working with Chinese migrants in relation to mental health service delivery and accessibility”.

What is the study about?

Jing Xu would like to speak with mental health practitioners individually to understand the following themes:

(1). Identification of the impediments that Chinese migrants may experience in relation to the access and use of mental health services

(2). Identification of the challenges that mental health practitioners face in delivering services to Chinese immigrants

(3). Determining strategies, solutions, and/or new approaches which would improve professional practice when working with Chinese immigrants.

Through this study, it will be possible to identify critical issues and ways that mental health practitioners can deliver culturally appropriate services to Chinese immigrants.

The focus of this study is on your professional perspectives of working with Chinese migrants in mental health settings rather than upon the specific workplace practices of your agency or organisation that you have been or are currently employed.

More Information

If you would like to participate, or you have any questions about this study, please contact Jing Xu to discuss the project further. Her email address is jxu090@aucklanduni.ac.nz


Transition Times 3: Changes to Benefit Structure

For your information from New Zealand Council of Social Services.

‘Transition Times’ #3 forwarded on behalf of Ros Rice, CEO, NZCOSS

Please note you can access NZCOSS Facebook where Ros posts information and commentary almost daily. https://www.facebook.com/pages/New-Zealand-Council-of-Social-Services/148340588547487. There is also a link on the front page of the website.


Tracking changes to the NZ Government’s funding and administration of social services in our communities.

(NZCOSS is not offering opinion or critique on the information that we are providing in this mailout.)


Date: 07.6.2012



  • Changes in structure of benefits
  • Introduction of a fiscal liability-based ‘Investment Approach’
  • A ‘Youth Package’ – for 16-17 year old youth and 16 -18 year old teen parents on benefit
  • Changes affecting parents and sole parents on benefit
  • Changes affecting people with long-term illness or disability


Three new main benefits:

  • Jobseeker Support – replaces current UB, SB (those who are temporarily unable to work due to illness will have a temporary work-test waiver) and DPB for those with youngest child aged 14+ years
  • Sole Parent Support – replaces DPB-Sole Parent for those with youngest child under 14
  • Supported Living Payment – replaces IB and DPB-Caring for Sick and Infirm

Also: Youth Payment & Young Parent Payment (see Youth Package)


  • Significant change to method of measuring performance and accountability for Work and Income’s activities
  • Annual (or biannual) actuarial assessment of long-term future liability of current (and future?) beneficiary population (ie, sum of all future benefit costs for current beneficiary population. Current estimate: approximately $45b).
  • A primary expectation on MSD/Work and Income will be to reduce the long-term fiscal liability number.
  • Amount of assistance provided to a person to be guided by the estimated liability they represent (and therefore the reduction in the long-term fiscal liability estimate if they leave benefit)
  • A new Board to oversee this – reports direct to Ministers of Social Development and Finance
  • In future, MSD funding may include performance rewards/penalties according to performance against change in LTFL estimate.


  • Applies (broadly) to 16-17 yr old youth and 16-18 yr old parents (single or couples) not supported by family or parents (ie mainly those previously eligible for the Independent Youth Benefit or Emergency Maintenance Allowance ). Commences in July 2012.
  • Intensive ‘wrap-around’ assistance – main focus being to achieve NCEA Level 2, also parenting and budgeting courses and other obligations (and incentives)
  • Heavy emphasis on money management – rent and bills paid directly, remainder on payment card for groceries, up to $50 cash as ‘In-hand Allowance
  • Services will be provided by contracted providers (private, NGO or Iwi)
  • Sanctions: based on recommendation of contracted providers: up to 100% (youth), 50% (young parents)


  • Part-time work test (15 hours) when youngest is 5 yrs; work preparation expectations when youngest is 3 yrs;
  • When youngest reaches 14, sole parents move from SPP to JSS with 30 hour work test and (presumably) JSS abatement regime

‘Subsequent child’ policy: if woman has child when on benefit:

  • Child’s age is disregarded for work-test obligation once s/he reaches 12 months old
  • Applies to couples on benefit as well as sole parents.
  • Applies at W&I discretion on ‘underlying principles’ of the policy, and can include wider circumstances if W&I believes a woman is seeking to get around the intention of the policy

Medical costs paid for contraceptive advice and for long-acting contraception for mothers on benefit and for their teenage daughters


  • Full details are yet to be announced.
  • Work capacity assessment procedures to be introduced
  • Presumably to apply to all applicants for the new Supported Living Payment and to all those currently on IB (and possibly some SBs)

Ros Rice, Executive Officer NZCOSS

(With thanks to Michael Fletcher; Senior Lecturer, Institute of Public Policy, AUT University.)

Have Your Say on the Gambling Harm Reduction Amendment Bill

A new gambling bill is currently before Parliament. The Gambling (Gambling Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill is a private member’s bill in the name of Te Ururoa Flavell.

Have your say in creating better gambling laws by making a written submission or make an online submission here – www.haveyoursayonpokies.co.nz/ to the Select Committee. This can be as short or as long as you like. You can submit for or against parts of the bill or the entire bill. If you make a written submission, you can also make an oral presentation. You can be as creative as you like. This is your chance to tell your story about the impact of gambling on you, your family and your community and to tell politicians about the changes that you want to see.

p.s. Some info, current editorial from the Herald


Current facts on gambling


Is gambling a concern in NZ?


5 year distribution of Pokie funds under the current system in Auckland– see PDF attached (as requested by some local organisations)

TANI Newsletter: Winter 2012

Please enjoy reading TANI Winter Newsletter  by clicking HERE.

Topics on this issue includes:

  • Don’t Let the Flu Get You
  • Disability was a focus at TANI 10th Annual Asian Forum
  • Case study of “Your Local Doctor” campaign
  • Race Relations Commissioner says focus on inclusion needed to reduce Asian discrimination
  • Smokefree promotion at the Korean Festival
  • Bowel Screening Programme Promoted to Chinese and Korean Communities
  • Free Asian Walking group
  • Garden Tips for your home garden
  • Celebrating the NGO Health Network Open Day
  • A time for Chinese service increased
  • Meet William Burr
  • Please remember those who can’t remember
  • Connect diverse communities to the sports
  • FREE Community Women’s Health Promotion course
  • Child Cycling Injury Prevention Workshops
  • The 2012 NZSA Asian Short Story Competition is now open!

TANI newsletter supports both Asian communities and service providers to connect and share information. To improve the health and wellbeing status of our communities, this newsletter includes the issues of physical & mental health, disability, safety, family violence prevention, health program/projects, and other community events.

You can also read the newsletter on TANI website www.asiannetwork.org.nz

Update on the Living Wage Campaign


On Wednesday 23 May an exciting new movement of community, faith-based groups and unions united around a common goal to address poverty and inequality in New Zealand was launched.

Around 200 people attended the launch of Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand in St Stephen’s church hall in Jervois Road, Ponsonby, Auckland. The event was a positive and affirming celebration.

A big thanks to all the community organisations, faith-based groups, unions and others who made this launch a huge success!

The launch

Our MC, Rev Mua Strickson Pua, did a wonderful job, even inviting speaker Uesefili Unasa to join him for a hiphop version of the song She Works Hard For Her Money.

Uesefili spoke of the importance of a living wage for the Pacific community. Other speakers included: Darryl Evans from Mangere Budgeting and Family Support Services, Rev Margaret Mayman from St Andrews on the Terrace, NZ Council of Trade Unions President, Helen Kelly, and Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota President Barbara Wyeth and National Secretary John Ryall.

Those speeches will be published on the new Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand website http://www.livingwagenz.org.nz/ when they are available.

The winner and runner up of the SFWU Living Wage song competition, Kane Hogan performed his song. Listen here. http://soundcloud.com/living-wage-aotearoa-nz/kane-hogan-more-for-all-need-a.

But the highlight was the official sign-on by community organisations, church groups and unions to a giant poster of the Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand statement:

“A living wage is the income necessary to provide workers and their families with the basic necessities of life. A living wage will enable workers to live in dignity and to participate as active citizens in society. We call upon the Government, employers and society as a whole, to strive for a living wage for all households as a necessary and important step in the reduction of poverty in New Zealand.”

Afterwards, community, church people and unions joined for a lunch.

Supporting organisations

The list of supporting organisations is growing daily. For a list of all organisations (to 23 May) click here. www.livingwagenz.org.nz/support.php

Follow up

On the day of the launch a website and facebook page went live. Hundreds of people have signed on to receive regular campaign updates and have volunteered to get involved and donate their skills to the on-going campaign.

Media coverage

The launch attracted huge media coverage. To view go to: www.livingwagenz.org.nz/news.php

Next steps

Wellington Meeting

Wellington groups are invited to a meeting to plan the next steps on Wednesday 4 July 1pm – 3pm, at Epworth House, behind Methodist Church, 75 Taranaki Street, Te Aro, Wellington.

For information email: lyndy.mcintyre@sfwu.org.nz

Auckland Meeting

Auckland groups are meeting to establish an Auckland coalition on Thursday 5 July, 2pm – 4pm at St Stephen’s Church Hall, 65 Jervois Road, Ponsonby.

For information email fala.haulangi@sfwu.org.nz

Advance Pasifika

March for our future. Gather at Albert Park, Auckland at 9am 16 June to march for a better future for Pacific people.

For information: 021 024 58674 or email advance.pasifika@gmail.com

Meanwhile, sign up to the Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand facebook page: www.facebook.com/LivingWageAotearoaNewZealand


Celebrities say WTF?! about suicide among LGBT youth

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect – More than 30 of New Zealand’s leading celebrities come together in this Rainbow Youth and Outline campaign to ask New Zealand to stand together and say WTF?! .

Watch the video and share with your friends!


Child Protection: Everybody’s Business: 23 May 2012

Child Protection: Everybody’s Business

What are your responsibilities with the new amendments to the crimes act?

SASI: South Auckland Special Interest group for Mental Health.

Guests Speakers
Karyn Healey Child Protection Coordinator
Julie Carroll, Clinical Nurse Specialist

  • Wednesday 23rd May
  • Manukau Super Clinic
  • 17.30 – 20.00

Places are limited. Reserve your place now

Contact: Lisa Cartledge at cartlel@middlemore.co.nz, phone 0212416219

SASI also recommend the following site as a useful resource http://www.familyservices.govt.nz/directory. It is a directory of services acrossNew Zealand and can be location specific. “The Family Services Directory is a searchable online database. It lists information about family support organisations and the services/programmes they offer to supportNew Zealand families (we call the organisations in the Family Services Directory “providers”). The purpose of the Family Services Directory is to connect people with providers who can help them to cope with common issues and problems.”

Chinese Information for New and Expectant Mothers

2012 is the Chinese Year of the Dragon and has given rise to the phrase “dragon baby” for families expecting a new arrival.

The dragon is the mightiest zodiac sign in Chinese astrology, and is associated with traits such as success, ambition and independence. Many mothers consider this to be a particularly auspicious year to give birth.

In recognition of this, The Mental-Health Foundation of NZ have made a special Dragon Baby section, where they offer Chinese language information for new and expectant mothers.

Resources on offer

Post natal depression

National Screening Unit resources in other languages

Nine SKIP parenting pamphlets

When your baby can’t stop crying – Canadian resource, phone numbers are outside of New Zealand

Unicef breastfeeding and bottle feeding advice

Kids Health, Australia – health fact sheets

Kidscount –  Australian website with information that can help you to raise happy and confident children


UNCRPD Monitoring Survey 2012

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability is a UN convention that aims to enshrine the rights of people with disabilities in law to ensure all people are afforded the human right to participate in their communities.

The New Zealand government has ratified the UN Convention and thus made a commitment to ensure legislation, policy and procedure to protect the rights of people with disabilities – including disability caused by the effects of a mental-health problem.

In 2011 a report to the UN was written by the government to summarise their progress towards this goal. A shadow report was also written by community groups in consultation with their stake-holders. There were some key differences in the perspectives of these two reports.

A monitoring survey has now been established to gather a wider perspective of how people living with disabilities in the community see things.

Follow the link below to fill out an anonymous survey and help the UN monitor what NZ needs to do better for people living with disability.
