Engage Aotearoa

Category Archives: Documentary

Have You Seen the Target Zero Documentary Yet? Watch Online

A very special documentary aired on Maori Television on the 15th of June. Target Zero highlights the need for suicide prevention strategies in NZ, Key to Life Charitable Trust‘s grassroots work across NZ, what gets people through and the solutions whanau and youth themselves are enacting in their schools and towns. IMG_0168


Engage Aotearoa would like to congratulate Mike King, Jo Methven, Tai Tupou and the rest of the Key to Life team on  the messages they have brought together in Target Zero. This is an inspiring example of what can come about when genuine people, with genuine passion, collaborate with their communities to fill community needs.

Watch Target Zero online here and share it on social media.

These are the kinds of ideas we need to be spreading.

Video Competition & Teaching Resource

Panui for Media Studies Teachers

The Mental Health Foundation is running a video competition for teenagers.

This is open to all students, but could be the product of a formative exercise for media production standards 2.6 and 3.6, for which a teaching unit plan is provided.

They are looking for a 30 second youth-friendly YouTube video that encourages youth to stop and pause when they hear  words like “nutjob”, “slut”, “schizo”, “mental”, and “homo”, and reflect on language that is stigmatising or discriminatory (especially in relation to mental illnesses).

The objectives are:

  • to provide students with  a useful insight into health marketing
  • to get students to help curtail bullying and to participate in mental health promotion
  • to generate a high-quality, resource we can use in a viral marketing campaign
  • it will be youth friendly and accessible
  • it will help to change people’s attitudes,
  • it well provide tools and skills to challenge inappropriate and demeaning language

What the brief will be for the video:

Work produced by youths has the potential to attract real interest from their peers.


Friday, 4th of April             Thehe unit plan will be sent to interested teachers

Friday, 20th of June          Entries close

Thursday, 17th of July      Awards ceremony

What the students will gain:

This will offer a meaningful learning opportunity based on the opportunity to produce a ‘real world’ product which will be used in a media campaign.

Research has indicated that teenagers care about the discriminatory language that they and their peers use, and would appreciate the opportunity to make clear statements about what is appropriate and what is not.

There will be prizes, and an award ceremony.

Perhaps more significantly, the winning students will achieve internet fame through a viral marketing campaign based on the winning videos; this will involve promotion through social media platforms and celebrity endorsements.

Teaching Resource.

This programme offers a high-quality teaching and summative assessment unit, including a lesson plans and assessment criteria, for media studies achievement standards 2.6 and 3.6 (media production), giving students practice in the skill of video production. This resource will be ready for the beginning of term 2.

If you are interested, please contact ivan@mentalhealth.org.nz, or on 027 2808972.

Rupene Mare’s Story On Waka Huia: Watch Online

74 year old Rupene Mare is a tough man and he has the ‘guns’ to prove it, but he is a long time sufferer of mental illness. In a TV One Waka Huia episode that screened on Sunday the 28th of July he talks intimately about his remarkable life.

Click here to watch the documentary online.

Being Me: Watch the Documentary Online

If you missed the TV One Attitude doco about Chris McMurray on Sunday July 14, you can watch it online here.

Chris McMurray, a talented performance poet and rapper was diagnosed with schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder when he was a teenager. Today he uses his art to convey life with a mental illness.

The Attitude documentary is half an hour long and follows Chris as he attempts to learn more about his father and himself.

Real Life Story on TV One this Sunday 14 July at 8:30 am

Chris McMurray is a poet and a rapper. Words are his thing.

At nine he lost his father to a fatal heart attack… and he went down a disruptive path of drug use, after which he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder.

Now at the age of twenty-two Chris uses his art to express what it’s like living with mental health problems and is looking to the future.

Share his story in the documentary this Sunday the 14th of July at 8:30 am on TV One.

Check out the promo clip here on Youtube.

Opening Doors to Reduce Seclusion

The Mental Health Foundation has launched Opening Doors, a video examining the use of seclusion and the long-lasting trauma it can cause to both patients and staff. Visit the Mental Health Foundation website for more information.

Documentary about Trauma Release Exercises

Here is a link to a short documentary on TRE and its creator (Dr David Berceli) the last time he was in NZ. Just for your information.


Call for Govt Recognition of Past Abuse in Psychiatric Institutions

Sign the on-line petition: An Acknowledgment of historic injustice against former patients of NZ psychiatric hospitals

Between July 2005 and April 2007 a Confidential Forum was held for former In-patients of psychiatric hospitals. Over 400 former patients spoke about their experiences. The final report of the Confidential Forum Te Aiotonga (2007, available from the Department of Internal Affairs) outlines the themes that emerged including occurrences of physical violence and sexual misconduct; and de-humanising environments. The report remains formally unacknowledged by the government.

A United Nations report on New Zealand’s compliance with the UN convention against torture in 2009 recommended that the NZ government should take appropriate measures to ensure that allegations of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in the “historic cases” are investigated promptly and impartially, perpetrators duly prosecuted, and the victims accorded redress, including adequate compensation and rehabilitation.”

Phoenix Group, a Wellington group of people who have experienced mental distress are using the publicity surrounding the release of Jim Marbrook’s Mental Notes to call on the government to make a formal apology.

How can you help? 

Print this postcard and send it to parliament – and give a copy to a friend so they can do the same. Postage is free. 

confidential forum protest postcard for print

And share this notice around!


Ma te whakatau, ka mohio

When we are shown, we come to know

Ma te mohio, ka marama

When we know, we come to understand

Ma te marama, ka ora ai tatou

When we understand, we all achieve wellness

Like Minds Newsletter

Like Minds Like Mine are happy to present you the latest Like Minds newsletter – this time they take a look at mental distress on campus, how stigma and discrimination in tertiary education can be combated and how to reduce stress and anxiety while studying.

Like Minds encourages you to participate in The Big reTHiNK and find out more about the What’s on your Plate? exhibition.

Meet Te Ariki, who talks about his journey through mental illness, and Wairarapa couple Shane Egan and Joanne Lind-Egan who tell us how they support one another.

Filmmaker Jim Marbrook shares his latest project, Mental Notes, and Like Minds mental health promoter Vaea Hutchen explains how she is helping to shift attitudes with women’s refuges in the South Island.

You are welcome to email your feedback and story ideas to likeminds@mentalhealth.org.nz and subscribe here.

Pacific Voices DVD

You can now check out the new PACIFIC VOICES DVD online. Watch it yourself and then help spread the word about this very welcome documentary by the AIDS Foundation.

“Sexual minorities are some of the communities most at risk of HIV and are often the silent voices in the Pacific. Research shows that the development of inclusive, strong and supportive communities and organisations is essential for building an HIV resilient New Zealand and Pacific. ‘Pacific Voices’ provides this opportunity for Pacific People to speak up and be heard.”

http://www.getiton.co.nz/pasifika/pacific-voices-dvd/ ( length 24:43)