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Category Archives: Parents And Parenting

Chinese Information for New and Expectant Mothers

2012 is the Chinese Year of the Dragon and has given rise to the phrase “dragon baby” for families expecting a new arrival.

The dragon is the mightiest zodiac sign in Chinese astrology, and is associated with traits such as success, ambition and independence. Many mothers consider this to be a particularly auspicious year to give birth.

In recognition of this, The Mental-Health Foundation of NZ have made a special Dragon Baby section, where they offer Chinese language information for new and expectant mothers.

Resources on offer

Post natal depression

National Screening Unit resources in other languages

Nine SKIP parenting pamphlets

When your baby can’t stop crying – Canadian resource, phone numbers are outside of New Zealand

Unicef breastfeeding and bottle feeding advice

Kids Health, Australia – health fact sheets

Kidscount –  Australian website with information that can help you to raise happy and confident children


Terms of Reference for the Children’s Commission Experts Advisory Group on Solutions for Child Poverty

FYI: The Children’s Commission Experts Advisory Group on Children’s Poverty has released their terms of reference for their search for proposed solutions to child poverty in New Zealand.

Click here to open a copy of the full report.

UNCRPD Monitoring Survey 2012

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability is a UN convention that aims to enshrine the rights of people with disabilities in law to ensure all people are afforded the human right to participate in their communities.

The New Zealand government has ratified the UN Convention and thus made a commitment to ensure legislation, policy and procedure to protect the rights of people with disabilities – including disability caused by the effects of a mental-health problem.

In 2011 a report to the UN was written by the government to summarise their progress towards this goal. A shadow report was also written by community groups in consultation with their stake-holders. There were some key differences in the perspectives of these two reports.

A monitoring survey has now been established to gather a wider perspective of how people living with disabilities in the community see things.

Follow the link below to fill out an anonymous survey and help the UN monitor what NZ needs to do better for people living with disability.


Tree Planting Expeditions with Kaipatiki Bush Project


Kaipatiki Project Environment Centre warmly invites the community to come and plant native trees in Eskdale Reserve Network this winter.

Members of local churches, schools, community groups and business are welcome to join forces with local people in these family-friendly events – and there is a free barbecue for all planters.

Bring gumboots, a spade if you have one and lots of enthusiasm!

  • Sat 2 June, 9.30am-12.30pm: Frances Kendall Reserve, Kaipatiki Road (near Kaipatiki bridge), Glenfield
  • Sat 7 July, 9.30am-12.30pm: Domain Road, corner Domain & Glenfield Rds, Glenfield
  • Sat 4 August, 9.30am-12.30pm: Eskdale Reserve (Cemetery end), Glenfield Road, Glenfield
  • Sat 1 September, 9.30am-12.30pm: Eskdale Reserve (near Cemetery), Eskdale Road, Glenfield

Enquiries: ph 482 1172

email: coordinator@kaipatiki.org.nz

Website: www.kaipatiki.org.nz/volunteer

Feedback Sought on Auckland Respite Services for People with Disabilities

Renaissance Group is a supplier of disability support services in the greater Auckland area.

In conversations and discussions at various network meetings with parents and families, the gaps in the respite services in the greater Auckland area has stood out.

In order to identify some of these gaps more clearly, feedback is needed from disabled people and their families currently accessing respite services, or disabled people and families who feel they need respite services but are currently not receiving this.

This feedback is completely anonymous. No one needs to put their names, or identify themselves in their feedback.

They are gathering this information to look at what respite services could look like moving forward, and how they can meet your needs at a wider level.

Open and save a copy of the Renaissance Group Questionnaire for Respite Services to your computer where you can complete it at your leisure.

They would really appreciate  receiving your feedback by Monday 28th May.

Please reply with your responses to Evan Clulee either via email or alternatively you can post your questionnaire back:

  • Email: evan.c@ren2001.co.nz
  • Address: Renaissance Group, PO Box 63-001, Manukau City, Auckland 2241.

Nationwide Ministry of Health Resources

for your information and reference – Nationwide resources….provided by Ministry of Health across New Zealand

Support and help for individuals


  • Lifeline 0800 543 354
  • Lifeline’s Suicide helpline 0508 TAUTOKO
  • Youthline 0800 376 633
  • Kidsline 0800 543 754 (weekdays 4-6 pm)
  • What’s Up 0800 942 8787 (one to 11 pm 7 days, for young people aged 5 to 18)
  •  Depression Helpline 0800 111 757
  • Samaritans 0800 826 666 (lower North Island and Upper South Island) provides confidential, non-judgmental emotional support through their telephone helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to people in distress and at risk of dying by suicide.
  • Healthline 0800 611 116


  • The Lowdown (for young people) www.thelowdown.co.nz or freetext 5626
  • The Depression website www.depression.org.nz  which provides information about depression and an online depression self-management programme ‘The Journal’ presented by John Kirwan, which is backed up by online and phone base personalised support services.
  • Samaritans www.samaritans.org.nz


  • Primary care professional or general practitioner
  • Community mental health service through the local district health boards (contact details in the white pages or at www.moh.govt.nz/districthealthboards

Support for families and friends

General Information Sources

  • Ministry of Health www.moh.govt.nz/suicideprevention – information about suicide and suicide prevention, facts, and Ministry publications
  • Suicide Prevention Information New Zealand www.spinz.org.nz – the national information service to provide high quality information to promote safe and effective suicide prevention activities.
  • The Mental Health Foundation www.mentalhealth.org.nz provides free information and training, and advocates for policies and services that support people with experience of mental illness, and also their families/whanau and friends.

What is Recovery Discussion on Radio 1 May 2012

On Tuesday 1 May hear how a positive and constructive consumer hui contributed to research into the issue of What Does Recovery Mean to You. Guest Leigh Fitzjames, who’s been commissioned by Counties Manukau Mental Health and Addictions Partnership to explore the recovery issue, gives hints about what she’s discovered and reveals how the thoughts of a large group of consumers at the hui helped her project. Take It From Us on PlanetFM 104.6FM  @ 12.30pm Tuesday 1 May.

Listen live on 104.6FM at 12.30pm or online www.planetaudio.org.nz

OR if you missed the broadcast, listen for the next seven days @: www.planetaudio.org.nz/takeitfromus

Catch up on the last four shows online: www.likeminds.org.nz

And don’t forget their new Facebook page @ Facebook.com and type take it from us in the search box; or email takeitfromus@mail.com for any feedback and comment/suggestions for shows

Ask-Share-Give: New Community Website Launched

Five weeks ago a new not-for-profit website was launched where people can share their time, skills, transport or old and unwanted goods with each other.

The idea behind AskShareGive is that people are able to go on the website and create a listing in which they outline what they have to offer.  It could be anything from volunteering an hour a week of dog walking, weeding a garden, helpwith administration, building or anything at all. Just as you can offer your services you can also ask someone for what they are offering or create a listing asking for something you would like or need, be it help in the garden, befriending or budgeting advise to asking for an item that’s needed such as clothes, appliances or toys.

For people recovering from a mental-health problem volunteering time to someone else can be highly validating.  People are only too grateful to receive help with something and sometimes this can lead to friendships, paid employment or just assist someone to feel useful and a part of society. It’s also really nice to be able to get something you need from a giving person out there too.

The website boasts a friendly community coordinator who is the presence behind the site, available to answer questions and to assist in resolving any issues.

Contact Tanya, AskShareGive, Community Coordinator, Phone 0272831929 or email info@asksharegive.org.nz


2011 Annual Report on Places of Detention in NZ

Monitoring Places of Detention: Annual Report 2011

The latest annual report by the five organisations responsible for monitoring places of detention in New Zealand under the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) has been tabled in Parliament and is available on the Human Rights Commission website, at: http://www.hrc.co.nz.   Those organisations, the Ombudsmen, Children’s Commissioner, Independent Police Conduct Authority, Inspector of Service Penal Establishments and the Human Rights Commission are known as National Preventive Mechanisms, and designated under the OPCAT to monitor places where people are deprived of liberty.

Hard copies of the report are also available and can be requested by emailing Infoline@hrc.co.nz.
Further information can also be found at: www.hrc.co.nz.

Civil society meetings

The National Preventive Mechanisms invite members of civil society to meet with them to discuss the monitoring activities, and to seek the views of civil society on key issues regarding the conditions and treatment of people in detention.   Please feel free to forward this invitation to interested people/ networks. Dates and venues are as follows:



 Wednesday 2 May  12.30pm–2.00pm  Human Rights Commission

Level 1, Vector Building

44-52 The Terrace Wellington


Christchurch Wednesday 16 May 12.00pm–1.30pm Kilmore Street Training RoomWestpac Business Hub

55 Jack Hinton Drive



Auckland Tuesday 29 May 11.00am–12.20pm

Human Rights Commission

Level 3, Zurich House

21 Queen Street

Auckland Central

Please RSVP to jessican@hrc.co.nz.

Call for Govt Recognition of Past Abuse in Psychiatric Institutions

Sign the on-line petition: An Acknowledgment of historic injustice against former patients of NZ psychiatric hospitals

Between July 2005 and April 2007 a Confidential Forum was held for former In-patients of psychiatric hospitals. Over 400 former patients spoke about their experiences. The final report of the Confidential Forum Te Aiotonga (2007, available from the Department of Internal Affairs) outlines the themes that emerged including occurrences of physical violence and sexual misconduct; and de-humanising environments. The report remains formally unacknowledged by the government.

A United Nations report on New Zealand’s compliance with the UN convention against torture in 2009 recommended that the NZ government should take appropriate measures to ensure that allegations of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in the “historic cases” are investigated promptly and impartially, perpetrators duly prosecuted, and the victims accorded redress, including adequate compensation and rehabilitation.”

Phoenix Group, a Wellington group of people who have experienced mental distress are using the publicity surrounding the release of Jim Marbrook’s Mental Notes to call on the government to make a formal apology.

How can you help? 

Print this postcard and send it to parliament – and give a copy to a friend so they can do the same. Postage is free. 

confidential forum protest postcard for print

And share this notice around!


Ma te whakatau, ka mohio

When we are shown, we come to know

Ma te mohio, ka marama

When we know, we come to understand

Ma te marama, ka ora ai tatou

When we understand, we all achieve wellness