Engage Aotearoa

Category Archives: Parents And Parenting

Philip Patston’s TedX Talk About Labels Available Online

In 2012 diversity activist Philip Patston gave a talk on the topic of labels at the TedX Auckland event. Earlier this July, The NZ Herald uploaded Patston’s TedX Talk to their website.

You can watch it here.

“Philip Patston is best recognised for his ten-year career as a comedian and entertainer, but it’s his passion for social change that is getting him noticed. An alumni of the New Zealand Social Entrepreneur Fellowship, Philip is a passionate believer that we have a powerful opportunity to reimagine diversity. His focus is on engaging people to achieve positive social change by reinventing the labels with which we categorise ourselves and each other.”

Engage Community Resources Directory Updated 3 July 2013

The Engage Community Resources Directory has had another round of updates added, including…

  • A Psychiatrists Section that lists most of the community mental-health services in the country
  • More Crisis Teams
  • Rotorua, Tokoroa, Hamilton therapists added
  • Plus other services that have been sent in from community members. Keep them coming, guys!

The information manager at Engage Aotearoa still has stacks of services waiting to be added, so keep an eye out for next month’s update. As usual, there is so much more waiting to be shared.

Visit The Community Treasure Chest to check out your own copy of The Community Resources Directory.


Inspiring Story of Independence and Connection

Martine Abel at the Auckland Council sent a copy of this Herald Article around in a group email last week. Engage Aotearoa service director says “this story makes me wish I had an ‘Awesome’ tag for our blog posts!

“Disabled find their place

By Boris Jancic | 5:30 AM Friday Jun 28, 2013

Journey to independent living was difficult, but the results are astonishing, says mother

Like most young people, Travers Brown wants his independence.

But Mr Brown, 33, has Down syndrome, which means he is unable to do everyday things like read, write or drive.

Despite that, he now flats happily with three other adults with disabilities in Howick, and the journey he took to get there is behind a new resource aimed at helping families in similar situations.

His family set out on an ambitious project to engage a variety of charities, government bodies and private companies to create a shared, independent living space for their children.”

Read the rest of the article on the NZ Herald website here.

Mike King Korero Heads to Rotorua 2-3 July 2013

Mike King of The Nutters Club and Key to Life Charitable Trust is joined by Tai Tupou next week as they stop off in Rotorua on their way to Tokoroa as part of Key to Life and Engage Aotearoa’s Korero project.

In the Community Korero, comedian Mike King gets straight up about his battle with depression, addiction and his ongoing journey back to recovery, including the mistakes he made along the way. Hear about the things he learnt from the hard times and how all those mistakes were blessings in disguise. This is a not-to-be-missed chance for communities to come together and explore how to support our youth and each other to survive and thrive.

  • Tues 2 July 2013 |Venue: Sunset Primary School, Rotorua | Time: 6 – 8 pm

In Cool to Korero, school students get to spend some quality time with Mike and Tai as they talk about how they survived growing up. Mike’s is the story of a kid who wanted to fit in. It is about wanting to be part of the cool group but being 4’11 with buck teeth and big ears and needing a miracle to make it happen. Then one day he discovered he had a gift to make people laugh and he went from being bullied, to being liked and then many years later becoming a bully himself. Mike shares tips on how to deal with bullies and also why bullies do what they do. The main point is that struggles and hardship are part of life but if we make it cool to korero, seek support and hold on to an attitude of hope, we can get through anything and go on to thrive.

  • 2 July 2013
    • Session 1 Venue: Rotorua Girls High, 11:30 am
    • Session 2 Venue: Sunset Heights Primary School, Rotorua
    • Session 3 Venue: Western Heights School, Rotorua
  • 3 July 2013 
    • Session 1 Venue: Rotorua Boys High School
    • Session 2 Venue: Rotorua Intermediate, 1:00 pm

Posters for Upcoming and Past Korero Events

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Eleanor Longden Shares Experience of Learning to Live Well with Voices at TED2013

Eleanor Longden has come a long way since she was a university student and first started hearing a voice that narrated everything she did back to her in the third person.

She recently gave a talk at a TED conference, which has been shared all over Facebook this week. Eleanor is now working with InterVoice to raise awareness of voice hearing as a meaningful experience to be understood rather than something to be feared.

In one of the online threads afterwards, a Twitter user asks: Did you hear voices during your talk?

Eleanor Longden replies: Yes, they reminded me of parts of the talk I forgot.

Watch the Youtube Video Here – Eleanor Longden: Learning from the Voices in My Head.

Can’t watch the video for some reason? Read a great summary in this blog.

Consultation on Proposal to Change Home-Based Support Services in WDHB Area


Waitemata District Health Board are proposing to change the current model of care for the provision of Home and Community Support Services funded within the Waitemata District Health Board area.

Waitemata District Health Board is consulting with its communities and stakeholders on a proposal that may change the model of care for home-based support services within the district. The aim of the proposed model is to ensure clients receive services based on the level of need and that they are empowered to achieve optimal functioning and independence.

Waitemata DHB encourage you to provide feedback.


The proposal and other relevant documents are available on the Waitemata District Health Board website.

View Online – Visit: www.waitematadhb.govt.nz to view the proposal and other relevant documents.

Request a hard copy – contact Imelda Quilty-King, Community Engagement Coordinator, Waitemata DHB on mobile: 0212236099 or by email: hbssconsultation@waitematadhb.govt.nz if you wish to request a hard copy or if you have any other query on this proposal.


Online – Visit www.waitematadhb.govt.nz to complete a survey using survey monkey.

By post – Request a hard copy or print off the feedback form from the

website and post it the Waitemata District Health Board.

Request a Face to Face meeting – The Waitemata DHB is not holding public meetings however your organisation/group is welcome to request a face-to-face meeting with us by contacting Imelda Quilty-King, Community Engagement Coordinator, Waitemata DHB on mobile: 0212236099 or by email: hbssconsultation@waitematadhb.govt.nz


Feedback closes at 5pm, Monday 24 June 2013.

New Open Access Research on BMC Psychiatry

Research article
Understanding treatment non-adherence in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a survey of what service users do and why
Gibson S, Brand SL, Burt S, Boden ZV, Benson O
BMC Psychiatry 2013, 13:153 (29 May 2013)
[Provisional PDF]

Research article    
‘Pseudoneurological’ symptoms, dissociation and stress-related psychopathology in healthy young adults
Bob P, Selesova P, Raboch J, Kukla L
BMC Psychiatry 2013, 13:149 (25 May 2013)
[Provisional PDF]

Research article    
Is legal status impacting outcomes of group therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder with male asylum seekers and refugees from Iran and Afghanistan?
Drozdek B, Kamperman AM, Tol WA, Knipscheer JW, Kleber RJ
BMC Psychiatry 2013, 13:148 (24 May 2013)
[Provisional PDF]

Research article    
Mental health affects future employment as job loss affects mental health: findings from a longitudinal population study
Olesen SC, Butterworth P, Leach LS, Kelaher M, Pirkis J
BMC Psychiatry 2013, 13:144 (24 May 2013)
[Provisional PDF]

Research article    
Association between vitamin b12 levels and melancholic depressive symptoms: a Finnish population-based study
Seppälä J, Koponen H, Kautiainen H, Eriksson JG, Kampman O, Leiviskä J, Männistö S, Mäntyselkä P, Oksa H, Ovaskainen Y, Viikki M, Vanhala M, Seppälä J
BMC Psychiatry 2013, 13:145 (24 May 2013)
[Provisional PDF]


Family Carers to be Paid to Care for Adult Relatives with Disabilities

Fantastic news – family members can now be paid to provide support to people with disabilities – this means people can choose who they want support from and family members don’t have to give up income to be there and stay involved. Find out more in The Herald article below…

Budget 2013: Families will be paid to care for disabled adult relatives


Hikoi for Better Mental-Healthcare Choices Builds Up to Petition Presentation at Parliament


National Depression Initiative Update Issue 12

Issue 12 of the National Depression Initiative – NDI UPDATE ISSUE 12.

This issue is jam packed with lots of depression related activities happening across the country, as well as NDI specific, Pasifika radio adverts.

Please feel free to share this communication with friends, whanau/family, work colleagues and community groups.

If you would like your organisation, and the innovative work they are doing in the area of depression, profiled in an upcoming UPDATE newsletter, please email Kayte Goodward, Sector Relationship Manager at Lifeline.

Ph: +64 9 909 9216 | Mobile: +64 21 877 236

Email: kayteg@lifeline.org.nz