Engage Aotearoa

Category Archives: Parents And Parenting

Hikoi Seeks National Big reTHiNK about Mental-Health Services

Media Release: 11/Dec/2012.

Annie Chapman, a former support worker for a mental-health trust in Porirua, is on a mission to reduce reliance on “medical mental healthcare” which she says can result in dependence and disempowerment, in a bid to promote healthier mental healthcare.

This summer, Chapman will spend five months walking the length of the North Island to advocate “change and choice in mental-health care“.

Annie Chapman’s One Woman Walking: Hikoi for a Big reTHiNK of Mental Healthcare Choices begins in Cape Reinga on December 12th and finishes five months later in Wellington. From December to May Annie will be stopping at towns along the Te Araroa Trail for community meetings to screen short stigma-busting films, discuss what a truly empowering mental-health system would look like and support the Petition for Better Mental-Healthcare Choices, which Annie will present at The Beehive in Wellington in May. Donations to cover costs are gratefully received. Any additional funds raised will be donated to Hearing Voices Network Aotearoa NZ, which provides information and support for people who experience voice hearing.

“I have witnessed life long dependence, drug withdrawal problems and the limited effectiveness of some psychiatric medications,” Ms Chapman says. “Research suggests positive and empowering alternatives exist for better long term outcomes,” she continues.

Chapman advocates a reduced systemic reliance on medications as the first-line treatment for mental-health problems. Ms Chapman wants to see funded access to psycho-social interventions and treatment options for people with mental-health problems to reduce long-term dependence on pharmaceutical interventions and compulsory models of treatment. “We need personal advocacy and psychotherapeutic help promoted and more tailored advice about diet and exercise provided,” says Chapman, “Walking can be one of the most effective anti-depressants there is,” she adds.

Miriam Larsen-Barr, from the Like Minds team at Mind and Body Consultants who coordinate the ongoing Like Minds Big reTHiNK Festival, comments, “We are proud to include One Woman Walking as part of the official Big reTHiNK calendar of events. The message that people with mental-health problems need whole-person approaches to empower their recovery is an important one.”

“It is time our society did some serious analysis. Let’s use our legendary Kiwi kindness and ingenuity to create mental-health services that offer hope of real recovery,” comments Chapman.

Find out when One Woman Walking is visiting a town near you


>>>Wednesday 20th December
>>>11am to 1pm
>>>at Te Ahu Community Centre


For more information contact: Annie Chapman | 0221739954 | anniechapman@actrix.co.nz

One Woman Walking Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hikoi-for-healthy-choices-in-Mental-Health/150792058391076?ref=ts

One Woman Walking Blog:

Follow this link to find out more about The Hearing Voices Network Aotearoa NZ  www.hearingvoices.org.nz 

Facebook Campaign for Positive Change in Families

Eliminate Cling-ons (Disqualifiers)

Whanau Marama’s Facebook Campaign

Eunmi from Whanau Marama writes, “I was pretty bad at saying cling-on’s to others including my child. When my child showed me her drawing or homework or writing, I used to say “Well done or good, but it doesn’t look like your best.” Or “I can see you have tried hard, but I don’t think it is very good.” Some times I’ve even added “I think you should find something you are better at.”

I did not realize what I said was hurting my child’s feelings. She was only trying to show me what she had done. How I responded prevented my child from connecting with me. I thought I was giving her good advice. I just wanted her to do better. I was wrong. It had the effect on my child that she did not want to show me what she had done any more.

Sometimes we inadvertently punish good behaviour like I did. This can lead to our child feeling discounted and often quite angry. In our parenting course, we call this a “cling-on”. So let’s eliminate cling-ons out of our vocabulary. Let us become more aware of the times we are saying cling-on’s and then try not to say them again. We can make our children smile. We can make a positive change in our family.”

Please share the group with your friends on Facebook.

Report Highlights Bullying Faced By Kiwis Living with Disabilities

A report, released this week, highlights major issues facing New Zealanders living with disabilities.

Bullying, violence and harassment of disabled students in schools was highlighted in the annual report on the Disability Convention.

… Kea Street Specialist School principal Sherie Collins said some mainstream schools were more accepting or more supportive of children with disabilities.

An accepting culture could help mainstream schools address student bullying problems, she suggested.

Link to The NZ Herald: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10851945

Watch The Big reTHiNK Online

The Big reTHiNK is now online for your viewing pleasure on the reTHiNK Youtube channel.

Visit www.rethink.org.nz for more information about the Like Minds Big reTHiNK and how you can still get involved.

Don’t forget to share your favourite clips around and help spread the message.

Family Court Bill Introduced

Key features of the Family Court Bill are:

  • A new Family Dispute Resolution service to help parents and families settle their problems without going to court
  • Increased penalties for breaching protection orders
  • Extending the definition of domestic violence to include economic abuse
  • Expanding the Parenting Through Separation course
  • Improved programmes to stop domestic violence
  • Better information to help people navigate the court system.

Find out more about the Family Court Bill here!

Medical Council Reviewing its Standards of Clinical Competence and Ethical Conduct


The Medical Council of New Zealand is reviewing its standards of clinical competence, cultural competence and ethical conduct for doctors.

Have your say about ‘good medical practice’ in Aotearoa.

To find out more go to http://consumercollaboration.org.nz/news/good-medical-practice

Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa Strengthens Input to Health and Disability Sector

The Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa is a fairly new group set up and supported by the Health and Quality Safety Commission to provide consumer input to services and any other interested parties. It is a collaboration of consumer groups from the whole health and disability sector, not only mental health.

If you are not already, your organisation is strongly encouraged (provided it fits the definition of ‘consumer’ organisation) to join up. Individuals can join as ‘associate’ members if they are not with an organisation as such.

What do organisations get for their free membership of the CCA?

  • An information centre for information about consumer organisations
  • ‘Go to’ group/website for consumer reps and other stakeholders
  • Opportunity to retain your organisations own identity but act collaboratively
  • You can profile your organisation on the CCA website Invite organisations to upload their profiles to CCA website

They had an AGM at the end of October and have produced a newsletter outlining the details.

To find out more

  • Visit the website


  • Email Darcey Jane, Project Manager, Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa


Engage Aotearoa is Updating the Way They Do Updates!

Engage Aotearoa is moving from Feedburner to MailChimp to manage the way email updates from the Mental-Health News and Events Blog are sent out.

This means that if you are currently signed up to receive email updates from the Engage Aotearoa Mental-Health News and Events Blog (the one you are reading right now) you need to update your subscription.

Simply click through to the online Email Registration form here to sign up.

Once registered, you will receive a daily email-summary of new posts added to the Mental-Health News and Events Blog whenever content is added. As usual, this will be around 2 – 3 emails per week, max. You will notice some formatting changes as the team works to deliver information to you in a more compact way. You can now select to receive updates to your mobile phone.

Once you’ve Subscribed to the New Mailing List, you will want to unsubscribe from the old email list. Click here to Unsubscribe from the old Feedburner Mailing List.

Engage Aotearoa will be closing the current Email Subscriber list on the 30th of December 2012 and anyone who has not updated their subscription will no longer receive email updates directly to their inbox until they have done so.

Click through to the online Email Registration form here to sign up

Similar changes have also come into effect for subscribers to The Coping Kete updates.


The Ministry of Health’s New Model: what families need to know

Seminar  “Choice & Control – The New Model, what families need to know”.

The Parent & Family Resource Centre and Imagine Better invite you to a free workshop to discuss aspects of the Ministry of Health’s proposed New Model for supporting people with disabilities, and how this will affect families.

These workshops will run on the following dates and venues:

North Auckland

Monday 26 November 6.30 – 9.30pm

YES Disability Resource Centre

3 William Laurie Place, Albany

West Auckland

Monday 3 December 6.30 – 9.30pm

Integrated Neurological Rehabilitation Foundation, 2 Claude Brookes Drive, Henderson

South Auckland

Wednesday 5 December 6.30pm – 9.30pm

Nathan Homestead, 70 Hill Road, Manurewa

Central Auckland

Wednesday 12 December 9.30am – 12.30pm

Independent Living Service (formerly DRC)

14 Erson Ave, Royal Oak

Light refreshments will be available at the start of the workshop and families will receive a workshop pack including some presentation notes.

To book onto this free workshop, please contact Lisa at Parent & Family Resource Centre on 09 636-0351 or lisa@pfrc.org.nz

Please advise if you have specific accessibility requirements or if you require a sign language interpreter.

Click here to view the flier as Word document

click here  to view the flier as pdf.

APA Interview with International Expert on Bipolar Disorder

Myths and Realities About Bipolar Disorder

Five questions for bipolar disorder expert Eric Youngstrom, PhD

The following feature interview was produced by the American Psychological Association.  

Media coverage of people who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder usually does not fully explain this serious mental-health problem, how best to treat it and how it can affect those who have it, as well as their families, friends and coworkers. To explain what bipolar disorder is and psychology’s role in identifying and treating it, APA asked Eric A. Youngstrom, PhD, to share his knowledge about this mental illness.

Dr. Youngstrom is professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and acting director of the Center of Excellence for Research and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. He earned his doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Delaware and specializes in the relationship of emotions and psychopathology and the clinical assessment of children and families. Dr. Youngstrom has published more than 150 peer-reviewed articles on clinical assessment and emotion, he has served as an ad hoc reviewer on more than 60 psychology and psychiatry journals.

APA: What is bipolar disorder and how is it different from the general mood swings that many people experience?

Dr. Youngstrom: Bipolar disorder is a condition that leads to extreme changes in mood, energy and sleep. With all of these things, people will experience ups and downs in everyday life. What sets bipolar disorder apart is that the swings happen with more frequency and intensity than developmentally appropriate and they last much longer. The extremes also start to cause problems at school, home, with friends or other important areas in the person’s life. There is no sharp dividing line that separates bipolar disorder from ordinary changes in energy and mood. It is the combination of extremity and impairment that signals when it has become a problem. Interestingly, although we have long thought of bipolar disorder as a “mood disorder,” we’re learning that focusing on shifts in energy may be a more accurate way of detecting episodes of the illness. The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) defines four different types of bipolar disorder: bipolar I, where the person has had a manic episode at least once in their lives; bipolar II, where the person becomes seriously depressed, but also has a history of hypomania (a milder mania); cyclothymic disorder, where the person has years of depressive and hypomanic symptoms without developing a full mania or depression; and bipolar “not otherwise specified,” for situations that do not fit into any of the other three definitions.

APA: Is bipolar disorder on the rise or does it just seem that way because of frequent media coverage?

Dr. Youngstrom: Both may be true, but changes in the actual rate are likely to be in the small to medium range, whereas changes in clinical diagnosis and media attention are huge. Several studies have found that the rate of clinical diagnoses of bipolar disorder has increased markedly over the last 20 years, especially in children and teenagers. The media often present these as percentage increases, which exaggerates the appearance of change because the current generation of practitioners was not trained to look systematically for bipolar disorder in youths. When something is rarely or never diagnosed and then starts to be recognized, the change in the rates can be misleading — 40 times more than something very small is still a small rate. A recent meta-analysis found no sign that the rates were increasing over the last 20 years. However, some of the risk factors associated with bipolar disorder, such as obesity, changes in diet, disruption of sleep and earlier onset of puberty, definitely have been increasing over the last few decades, so we cannot rule out the possibility that there is an increase in bipolar disorder. The increase is just much smaller than the changes in attention by the media and clinicians.

APA: How prevalent is bipolar disorder? Is it more common among certain demographic or geographic groups?

Dr. Youngstrom: The meta-analysis mentioned above found that bipolar disorders in children and teens are about half as common in adults, affecting 2 percent of the general population around the world (compared to 4 percent for bipolar in adults, or 6 to 8 percent for depression in teens). This makes bipolar about a third as common as depression and less than half as common as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in youths, but about twice as common as autistic spectrum disorders. Many longitudinal studies suggest that roughly a third of all depressions have a bipolar course when followed over time. There is no good evidence that it is more common in some demographic groups than others, although ethnic minorities with bipolar disorder are likely to be misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, conduct disorder or antisocial behavior instead. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with bipolar II, but there is no evidence of a gender linkage. It is more likely that women seek help more often for depression, so clinicians see more women with bipolar II. Internationally, bipolar disorder appears equally common among youths in the USA as in the rest of the world. In adults, rates of bipolar disorder may be lower in Asia than in the USA, but it is hard to tell whether this is due to protective factors — such as lower rates of obesity or higher fish consumption — versus greater social stigma preventing people from acknowledging problems and seeking help.

APA: What causes bipolar disorder? Are there differences in how the disorder affects children, adolescents and adults?

Dr. Youngstrom: Bipolar disorder is caused by a combination of biological and environmental factors. Genes play a major role, but genes are not enough by themselves to cause bipolar disorder. Identical twins share 100 percent of the same genes, but if one twin has bipolar disorder, the other twin does not develop bipolar 20 percent or more of the time. At this point, research has identified lots of genes that each contribute a little bit of risk for bipolar disorder. Diet may play an important role as well. Stress and trauma increase risk, as do intense emotional conflicts in families. Most of the risk factors for bipolar disorder also increase the odds of developing other conditions, such as anxiety or attention problems, which probably is why we see such high rates of co-occurrence among these disorders. Interestingly, the risk factors appear to be the same for children, adolescents and adults, which gives us more confidence that we are dealing with the same condition. The biggest way that the illness seems to change with age is that older individuals are more likely to experience depression and less likely to have mania, whereas in childhood it is more mania or a mixture of high energy with negative mood. Researchers and clinicians have described that pattern for more than a century.

APA: What are the most effective treatments for the disorder?

Dr. Youngstrom: The best treatments for bipolar disorder focus on smoothing out the highs and lows in mood and energy. There are several different psychotherapies that have promising results. These include cognitive behavioral therapy to pay attention to automatic positive thoughts as potential triggers for hypomania or mania; dialectical behavior therapy for improving emotion regulation; psychoeducational therapy to understand triggers and ways of managing the illness; family-focused therapy to improve communication and reduce intense emotional conflict; and interpersonal social rhythm therapy that emphasizes regular sleep and activity patterns. When the mood and energy become extreme, reaching the severity of a full-blown mania or depression, then medication is important in reducing the symptoms to a level where therapy and everyday functioning become possible. Therapy has a lot of promise as a way of preventing progression of bipolar disorder, delaying relapse and improving functioning in between episodes. Many incredibly talented and productive people have successfully dealt with bipolar disorder, so a goal of treatment should not just be symptom reduction, but helping the person to make the most of their gifts and abilities.

For more information, contact Dr. Youngstrom by email.


The American Psychological Association, in Washington, D.C., is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and is the world’s largest association of psychologists. APA’s membership includes more than 137,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students. Through its divisions in 54 subfields of psychology and affiliations with 60 state, territorial and Canadian provincial associations, APA works to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people’s lives.