Engage Aotearoa

Category Archives: Cultural Considerations

IIMHL New Zealand Special Update

The following links are a summary of the IIMHL AND IIDL UPDATE – 15 NOVEMBER 2014

If you want further information on the IIMHL organisation go here. To sign up for their mailing list go here.

For general enquiries about these links or for other IIMHL information please contact Erin Geaney at erin@iimhl.com.

  1. The Physical Health of People with a Serious Mental Illness and/or Addiction: An evidence review
  2. Stories of Success
  3. Tihei Mauri Ora: Supporting whānau through suicidal distress
  4. New ‘wellbeing bank’ for baby boomers
  5. “There is always someone worse off…” (regarding the earthquakes in Christchurch)
  6. Debriefing following seclusion and restraint: A summary of relevant literature
  7. Families and whānau status report 2014: Towards measuring the wellbeing of families and whānau
  8. Growing Up in New Zealand: Vulnerability Report 1: Exploring the Definition of Vulnerability for Children in their First 1000 Days (July 2014)
  9. Parents or caregivers of children with a disability have a voice in New Zealand (video playlist)

Also recommended in the update are:

Effective parenting programmes: A review of the effectiveness of parenting programmes for parents of vulnerable children
(2014, April 14). Wellington: Families Commission

New Zealand practice guidelines for opioid substitution treatment
(2014, April). Wellington: Ministry of Health



Four Articles from the APA Monitor

The following content is from the Monitor digital newsletter. The Monitor is the magazine of the American Psychological Association, which they describe as “a must-read for psychology educators, scientists and practitioners.”

Born Bashful

Psychologists have new insights into the causes and effects of childhood shyness.

Unlocking the Emotions of Cancer

A new mandate requires cancer centers to screen oncology patients for distress.

Double Whammy Discrimination

Health-care providers’ biases and misunderstandings are keeping some older LGBT patients from getting the care they need. Psychologists are working to change that.

Suicide and Intimate Partner Violence

A US federal initiative aims to bring experts from the two fields closer together in an effort to save lives.


Highlights from the Engage Facebook Page

Here are a few of the posts shared on the Engage Aotearoa Facebook Page in the last few weeks.

A 1970s Teacher Gives Her Class a Lesson They Won’t Forget

If you have an interest in issues like self-worth, stigma, discrimination and equality, you might like this video of one teacher’s experiment with her 3rd Grade classroom for National Brotherhood Week in the 1970s (might be earlier – it’s hard to tell). This is one of those old experiments that would never get through a modern-day ethics committee, but that nonetheless teach us a lot about what it is to be a human being in the world.

Upworthy writes:

“1:30: This teacher begins a study that will be talked about for 40 years.
3:00: She re-creates segregation and racism in her classroom.
7:45: Mrs. Elliott flips the entire class on their heads.
10:00 Jane Elliot makes the most profound discovery about us all
11:43: The students learn something that the world is still struggling to. 
There are too many great moments to point out. Just watch.”

Pacifica Person’s Views on Mental-Health Recovery | Take It From Us Radio 14 May 2013

On Take It From Us on Tuesday the 14th, hear the views of a Pacific Islander ambassador for mental health recovery. Like Minds mental health promoter Keleni Talau’s journey through life has left a few scars but this week’s guest is exploring many options to cope. Listen to her story this Tuesday the 14th of May on PlanetFM104.6 at 12.30pm.

Listen live on 104.6FM at 12.30pm or online www.planetaudio.org.nz

OR if you missed the broadcast, listen for the next seven days @: www.planetaudio.org.nz/takeitfromus

Catch up on the last four shows online: www.likeminds.org.nz

And don’t forget the Facebook page @ Facebook.com and type ‘take it from us’ in the search box
Email: takeitfromus@mail.com for any feedback and comment/suggestions for shows.

Learn a Waiata on Youtube

Do you wish you knew the words to join in singing waiata at events?

Here are a few clips from Youtube to get you started with some of the classics…

New Help Line for Chinese People

Vagus Line 0800 56 76 666

As from 1 October 2012, Vagus line 0800 56 76 666 from Chinese Mental Health Consultation Services Trust will be in service:

This new service is to promote family harmony among Chinese, enhance parenting skills, decrease conflict among family members (couple, parent-child, in-laws) and stop family violence.

Vagus Line provides FREE/ CONFIDENTAIL/ PROFESSIONAL consultation such as providing parenting strategies, communication skills.

If necessary, clients can be referred to Vagus counselling services or related resources.

Service hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12 noon to 2pm

Research: Mental Health practitioners’ perspectives of working with Chinese migrants in New Zealand

Jing Xu is a Master of Social Work student at the University of Auckland. She would like to invite you to take part in a study about “the mental health practitioners’ perspectives on working with Chinese migrants in relation to mental health service delivery and accessibility”.

What is the study about?

Jing Xu would like to speak with mental health practitioners individually to understand the following themes:

(1). Identification of the impediments that Chinese migrants may experience in relation to the access and use of mental health services

(2). Identification of the challenges that mental health practitioners face in delivering services to Chinese immigrants

(3). Determining strategies, solutions, and/or new approaches which would improve professional practice when working with Chinese immigrants.

Through this study, it will be possible to identify critical issues and ways that mental health practitioners can deliver culturally appropriate services to Chinese immigrants.

The focus of this study is on your professional perspectives of working with Chinese migrants in mental health settings rather than upon the specific workplace practices of your agency or organisation that you have been or are currently employed.

More Information

If you would like to participate, or you have any questions about this study, please contact Jing Xu to discuss the project further. Her email address is jxu090@aucklanduni.ac.nz


Youth Mental-Health News from YouthworX

Youth Mental Health Package Unveiled by Prime Minster:   Last week the Prime Minister unveiled a $62 million package of initiatives focusing on youth mental health. The package details how Government will improve services for young people with, or at risk of, mild to moderate mental health problems. The initiatives will be of interest to many people and organisations working in the community sector who deal with the consequences of unmet mental health needs, which can involve families, schools and communities as well as the young people themselves.  The initiatives will include a focus on making primary health care more youth friendly with interim support for Youth One Stop Shops.  The finer details are still in development and the Ministries are consulting with key people in the sector.  The initiative also increases the number of youth workers in low decile schools.

Youth workers will be placed in schools in South Auckland, Porirua and Flaxmere that don’t already have Multi Agency Support Services in Secondary Schools. Youth workers will be employed by Child, Youth and Family preferred providers who will be required to go through a tendering and contracting process.  There will be 9 new youth workers in 2012/13 and 10 more in 2013/14.  Youth workers will be required to have a level 6 qualification.

Full fact sheet information is available here:





Whanau Ora: A Strengths Based Approach to Youth Mental Health:  The Minister for Whānau Ora, Tariana Turia, has welcomed the recognition that Whānau Ora is intimately linked to the drive to improve youth mental health. “Whānau Ora, at its heart, is about whānau, aiga or families coming together to support each other through building shared aspirations, and working together to achieve those aspirations,” said Mrs Turia.  Read the media release http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/wh%C4%81nau-ora-strengths-based-approach-youth-mental-health

Youth Smoking Hits Record Low:   ASH Smoking Survey shows a record drop in youth smoking – especially among Maori girls. The overall rate of youth smoking has dropped one-and-a-half percent to 4.1% (from 5.5% in 2010), the largest drop in almost a decade. Read the full report here:  http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/youth-smoking-hits-record-low

Public Sector Targets:  The Government has announced a set of 10 new targets for the public sector over the next three to five years. These have implications for children, young people, and people working with them.  For more information see http://beehive.govt.nz/sites/all/files/The_Prime_Minister%27s_results_for_New_Zealanders.pdf

Health of Maori Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities:  The report provides an overview of secondary health service utilisation patterns for Māori children and young people with chronic conditions and disabilities. To read the report see http://www.health.govt.nz/publication/health-maori-children-and-young-people-chronic-conditions-and-disabilities

Families Commission – Teen Pregnancy – New Report:  A recent report on teen pregnancy in New Zealand makes recommendations aimed at providing more support, choice and opportunity for young parents. To download and view the report go http://www.familiescommission.org.nz/research/parenting/teenage-pregnancy-and-parenting

Payment Rate Increases:  From 1 April 2012 there will be a 1.77% increase to: rates and thresholds for main benefits, Student Allowances, Student Loan Living Costs and the Foster Care Allowance, rates and thresholds for some supplementary assistance, thresholds for the Community Services Card.  A 2.65% increase will apply to rates of New Zealand Superannuation.  Read more here http://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/newsroom/media-releases/2012/payment-changes-for-april-2012.html

Chinese Information for New and Expectant Mothers

2012 is the Chinese Year of the Dragon and has given rise to the phrase “dragon baby” for families expecting a new arrival.

The dragon is the mightiest zodiac sign in Chinese astrology, and is associated with traits such as success, ambition and independence. Many mothers consider this to be a particularly auspicious year to give birth.

In recognition of this, The Mental-Health Foundation of NZ have made a special Dragon Baby section, where they offer Chinese language information for new and expectant mothers.

Resources on offer

Post natal depression

National Screening Unit resources in other languages

Nine SKIP parenting pamphlets

When your baby can’t stop crying – Canadian resource, phone numbers are outside of New Zealand

Unicef breastfeeding and bottle feeding advice

Kids Health, Australia – health fact sheets

Kidscount –  Australian website with information that can help you to raise happy and confident children
