Engage Aotearoa

Recovery Story on Radio 24 April 2012

On Tuesday 24 April on Take It From Us, hear the inspiring recovery story of mental health client, Kim Knight, who conquered clinical depression, mental breakdown, chronic fatigue and burnout. Kim now uses her experiences to counsel on mental health, emotional wellbeing and how to use our body intelligence for health, harmony and happiness.

Call in with your questions.

104.6FM at 12.30pm every Tuesday

Listen online www.planetaudio.org.nz

OR if you missed the broadcast, listen for the next seven days @: www.planetaudio.org.nz/takeitfromus

Catch up on the last four shows online: www.likeminds.org.nz

And don’t forget their new Facebook page @ Facebook.com and type take it from us in the search box;

Their email is takeitfromus@mail.com for any feedback and comment/suggestions for shows.

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