Engage Aotearoa

Kyle MacDonald Comments on New Beneficiary Strategy

The following is an excerpt from Kyle MacDonald’s blog, Off the Couch. Click the link at the bottom of the post to continue reading.

System failure

by Off the Couch: Kyle MacDonald on May 8, 2012

“I was always taught not to raise the topics of politics, sex or money unless you wanted to start an argument.  Todays policy announcement about free long term contraceptives for beneficiaries from National raises all three.

But why are people so concerned?  John Key seems keen to reassure us it is all optional:

“Mr Key said he did not believe Work and Income case managers would put undue pressure on beneficiaries to take up the long-term contraceptive options, saying they would simply be made aware of the options they had.” http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10804304

I think the question we need to ask is what can happen when people who have been disempowered, victimized by trauma, and suffering mental health difficulties engage with these policies in the real world?..” (Click here for the rest of this blog post)


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