Engage Aotearoa

UNCRPD Monitoring Survey 2012

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability is a UN convention that aims to enshrine the rights of people with disabilities in law to ensure all people are afforded the human right to participate in their communities.

The New Zealand government has ratified the UN Convention and thus made a commitment to ensure legislation, policy and procedure to protect the rights of people with disabilities – including disability caused by the effects of a mental-health problem.

In 2011 a report to the UN was written by the government to summarise their progress towards this goal. A shadow report was also written by community groups in consultation with their stake-holders. There were some key differences in the perspectives of these two reports.

A monitoring survey has now been established to gather a wider perspective of how people living with disabilities in the community see things.

Follow the link below to fill out an anonymous survey and help the UN monitor what NZ needs to do better for people living with disability.


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