Engage Aotearoa

Regional Consumer Network Re-Brand: Welcome Changing Minds

Changing Minds, Changing Brands

September 17th marked the first release of the new name for what we have come to know of as Regional Consumer Network.

Changing Minds worked with members of the network to come up with the best new name for the organisation.  More than one hundred participants voted for their preferred name. Since then, the Council for Mental Wellbeing Trust, the Reference Advisory Group, staff, and a number of other individuals have worked on the new look, including the by-line.

In order to reflect the organisation’s commitment to our Maori members they have included the whakatauki “Te Pae Tawhiti o te Hinengaro” – literally translated as: searching the horizon of changing minds.  Not only is this a whakatauki, but can be seen as a translation of the new name.

Another feature is their by-line: Strengthening Self-determination. This is something that the new-look organisation is very focused on – working on strengthening the voice of service users to ensure that people are treated fairly, with dignity and respect, and that every individual is given opportunity to live their life in the way in which they choose whether they have a diagnosis of a mental health issue or not.

You can reach the Changing Minds team now by emailing:

tina@changingminds.org.nz (manager)
campbell@changingminds.org.nz (newsletters, updates, media watch)
joey@changingminds.org.nz (forums, youth project)

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