A new project, Stigma Watch, is now up and running. Details are below. If you would like to join the Facebook group please let Katrina know at the email address below and she will send you an invitation.
Stigma Watch is a group which enables members of the public to access and respond to media articles or portrayals that may be stigmatising to those with experience of mental illness.
The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand will disseminate potentially stigmatising articles to members of the group. Members can then respond directly to media outlets, in their capacity as either:
a) Individual members of the public; or
b) Spokespeople for their organisations*
* Spokespeople must check with their managers that they are allowed to speak on behalf of their organisation. Many organisations will have official communications departments who issue all statements. If in doubt, ask!
The Stigma Watch process
Anyone who is interested in keeping abreast of New Zealand media articles addressing mental health issues can join Stigma Watch. To be added to the database, just email NewsAlerts@mentalhealth.org.nz with the Subject: Join database.
Regular emails will be sent directly to your email address. You can also, should you wish, join the Stigma Watch Facebook group where you can discuss articles with other group members. These conversations will be private to the group.
If you feel that an article requires a response, you should respond directly to the media outlet.
Where Like Minds fits in
Stigma Watch is part of the Like Minds programme. However, please do not respond as Like Minds or as a Like Minds spokesperson. If you are a provider, you may refer to yourself as such, but any responses made will come from you or your organisation, not Like Minds.
Where the Mental Health Foundation fits in
The Mental Health Foundation will provide administrative support for the Stigma Watch database and Facebook page. Any responses to media articles from the Mental Health Foundation will come from the Chief Executive and will not be part of Stigma Watch.
Why won’t the Mental Health Foundation get involved in responses?
They do! The Mental Health Foundation sends many responses to media articles every year. But what Like Minds now needs is a bigger pool of responders who are speaking on their own behalf. The more responses an article gets, the more likely the media organisation is to sit up and take notice.
Mental Health Foundation communications team
The Mental Health Foundation communications team does not have the capacity to provide any services to those who wish to respond to articles (e.g. proof reading). The role of the Mental Health Foundation is purely administrative.
If you have any questions about Stigma Watch, please email Katrina: Katrina@mentalhealth.org.nz.