The latest issue of the Like Minds Newsletter is available now.
The feature article explores Richard Anderson’s experience of schizophrenia, the benefits of work and his strategies for keeping well.
They cover aspects of the Like Minds National Providers Hui and hear about the resilience focus of the Noho Wananga.
This month marks the launch of the DSM-5. Like Minds talks to a psychiatrist, an international mental health consultant and a mental health advocate to get their thoughts on the revised manual. Changing Minds Manager Tina Helm offers her full perspective as a separate document, Anticipating the DSM-5.
Journalist Robyn Yousef tells us why she waited so long to ‘seize the day’ and share her story about living with bipolar disorder.
Hikoi champion Annie Chapman is walking her way around the North Island to raise awareness about choice in mental health care. She explains what is driving her and how you can support her petition.
Mental health radio show Take It From Us recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Sheldon Brown discusses his role as host and how the show came to be.
Finally, remember to sign up for Stigma Watch and check out poetry book Smells Like Sugar and SamRB’s second album Queen Street Acoustics.
You are welcome to email your feedback and story ideas to and, if you think others would enjoy receiving this e-newsletter, please forward this email so they can subscribe.