Engage Aotearoa

Engage Aotearoa Welcomes Two New Volunteers

Engage Aotearoa is pleased to announce two new volunteers have joined the team to help make recovery resources easier for Kiwis to find.

Catherine Beyer  has joined the team of volunteers in the role of Directory Editor and Claire Sexton has joined the team in the role of Recovery Notes Content Writer.

As Directory Editor, Catherine is responsible for maintaining and expanding the Community Resources Directory.

Catherine has worked in health promotion for over 10 years, in the fields of allergy awareness and perinatal nutrition, and also as a healthy eating programme facilitator with the Salvation Army.  At university she studied biochemistry, nutrition and public health.  She has lived experience of recovery and is passionate about advocating for service-user rights, informed consent, and non-drug alternatives to dealing with mental distress.

As Recovery Notes Content Writer, Claire will be writing a regular series of blog articles that highlight information about alternative and complementary recovery approaches. Recovery Notes will be published in the Mental-Health News and Events Blog and archived in the Information Resources section of Engage Aotearoa’s Community Treasure Chest. Recovery Notes 1 focuses on Good Mood Food.

Claire Sexton is a freelance writer and full-time mom with experience of supporting people she cares about through the experience of depression. This gave Sexton an interest in mental health in general.  After graduating college, she put a lot of effort into her career as a nutritionist, but when motherhood came along, she decided it was time to pull back and take up her other passion, writing. Now she writes about health and finds her work-life balance far more enjoyable. When not working and caring for her children, she likes to go for long walks and find ways to make family meals more exciting.

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