Engage Aotearoa

A practical guide to implementation of Peer Support Services

In late 2013, the Centre for Mental Health in London released a briefing report on how to implement peer support services. The authors write: “Our experience has led us to the conclusion that the widespread introduction of people with lived experience of mental health problems into the mental health workforce is probably the single most important factor contributing to changes towards more recovery-oriented services.” Gilfoyle, S., Gillard, S., Perkins, R., & Rennison, J. (2013, October 29). London: Centre for Mental Health.

The report outlines four phases in the implementation of peer support services: 1. Preparation of the organisation as a whole, 2. Recruitment, 3. Safe and effective employment of peer workers in mental health organisations, and 4. Ongoing development.

Read the full report online here:


Thanks to the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership for sharing this information.


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