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Tag Archives: Changing Minds

New programmes added to The Wellbeing Sessions

Whakatau Mai: The Wellbeing Sessions are a series of free online groups funded by the Ministry of Health as part of the national Covid19 response. They were started during the first Lockdown by the good folks over at Changing Minds who have curated a weekly calendar of zoom sessions that anyone with an internet connection and a device can join.

You’ll find regular sessions covering things like mindfulness, journaling, yoga, The Mind Tribe’s safe tapering group, and the recently added Realities Group, which I am really excited to see up and running, plus a bunch of one-off sessions like the upcoming Food & Mood session on February 4th.

The Realities Group
An opportunity for people who experience other realities to discuss their experiences and gain support, with the aim of better understanding these experiences and how to live well with them.  Based on the principles of the Hearing Voices Movement.

The Wellbeing Sessions will run through to the end of February 2021. Here’s a little recommendation Rachel Hunter shared from managed isolation.

Online Wellbeing Sessions from Changing Minds

During lock-down Auckland’s service-user network, Changing Minds, started sharing free peer-led support sessions online and this project has grown wings to make it easier for people to connect and take care of themselves during this extra stressful time.

Visit www.wellbeingsessions.nz to select from a menu of options from mindful journaling, fitness sessions, poetry readings, a drop-in support group, a supporting families group and more.

Latest Changing Minds Newsletter is Out

This month’s update from the crew over at Changing Minds has heaps of upcoming events and news items you’ll want to know about.

Click Here to Read the Changing Minds E-Newsletter

As well as sharing events and news from across the mental-health sector, Changing Minds have also announced an event of their own for World Mental Health Awareness Day on October 10th. More details below.

Changing Minds Panel Discussion

Changing Minds will be holding a panel discussion on the evening of the 10th of October to celebrate world mental health day, and mental health awareness week; places will be advertised soon, for further information please email Ainslie by clicking here.

Announcements from Changing Minds: Diverse City, New Manager and Mental Blocks.

Changing Minds launched the first issue of Diverse City last week, a brand new quarterly print-magazine that aims to start conversations that promote diversity and acceptance.

Find out more about Diverse City and how to get a copy on the Changing Minds website.


Tina Helm has left Changing Minds for the shores of Australia and new manager Ainslie Gee is now settling in.

Changing Minds has opened submissions for a new project called Mental Blocks, which, like the old reTHiNK Grant, offers funds for creative community projects that change the way people think about mental-health problems.

You can apply for up to $2 000 to bring your project to fruition and they say they will consider anything. 

Applications are due: Friday 30 August 2013, before 5pm.

New Quarterly Magazine Diverse City Due for Release in June

Diverse City – A FREE Changing Minds Publication

At the end of June Changing Minds will be launching a new quarterly magazine – Diverse City!

This new Changing Minds publication aims to widen the lens though which we view ourselves and the world around us, and we hope it will be the catalyst for some new conversations and ideas. Inside you will find analysis of community issues and current events as well as interviews, an arts section, and a whole lot more!
Read more…

There will be a limited hard copy print run of just 500 so be in quick and order yourself a copy today by completing and returning this form.

Changing Minds Partnership Report Released

Changing Minds is pleased to announce the public release of “Partnership and Tangata Whai Ora: Report from Changing Minds Community Forum.” The report contains feedback from a range of forum attendees and other interested tangata whai ora, and we hope that this information will be well received by mental health and addictions service providers. Our goal is to provide a space for tangata whai ora to speak, and this report holds a great deal of wisdom and insight into what services are currently doing and how things could be improved. It describes challenges that people have faced, and recommendations for improving the quality of services for everyone…Read More


The C Word: C is For Consumer | New Blog Promotes Discussion

An important new forum for strengthening self-determination in mental-health recovery has been launched on the Changing Minds website – a brand new blog called The C Word.

The latest blog post on ‘The C Word’ was released on Friday the 15th of March, and this time the blogger tackles the word ‘Consumer’ and ideas of self-identification:

“Working in what is considered a “consumer” role, most people would assume that I identify as a “consumer”.  But I don’t.  Put simply, I just can’t identify with that term, and to be honest I feel the same way when it comes to alternatives such as “service-user”.

I choose instead to identify as a person.

I’ve had experiences in my life that have lead me to work in the mental health and addictions sector. These experiences probably enable me to work in this sector more effectively, because I bring personal knowledge as well as professional knowledge to my work.  I don’t feel that I should need to share those life experiences to prove my validity as a humanitarian and as an asset to the community sector.  I’m a person – a person with a strong sense of social justice and who believes that all human beings should be free from harm and treated with fairness and respect. ”

Read more…

New Year Updates Out From Changing Minds

The latests newsletter is out from Changing Minds (previously Regional Consumer Network/RCNet).

Read the Changing Minds Newsletter online here

Changing Minds provides information about events, jobs, workshops, and research in relation to mental health issues and addictions in the Auckland region,  and welcome your feedback and contributions.  

To contribute to future mailouts contact the editor


New Changing Minds Website Live

Changing Minds saw their brand spanking new website go live on Monday 17 December 2012.

Pop along to changingminds.org.nz  to find out more about Changing Minds, link in with a community forum, sign up for their newsletter, join the Reference Advisory Group, meet the team and join in on upcoming projects to increase self-determination and service-user leadership.

Regional Consumer Network Re-Brand: Welcome Changing Minds

Changing Minds, Changing Brands

September 17th marked the first release of the new name for what we have come to know of as Regional Consumer Network.

Changing Minds worked with members of the network to come up with the best new name for the organisation.  More than one hundred participants voted for their preferred name. Since then, the Council for Mental Wellbeing Trust, the Reference Advisory Group, staff, and a number of other individuals have worked on the new look, including the by-line.

In order to reflect the organisation’s commitment to our Maori members they have included the whakatauki “Te Pae Tawhiti o te Hinengaro” – literally translated as: searching the horizon of changing minds.  Not only is this a whakatauki, but can be seen as a translation of the new name.

Another feature is their by-line: Strengthening Self-determination. This is something that the new-look organisation is very focused on – working on strengthening the voice of service users to ensure that people are treated fairly, with dignity and respect, and that every individual is given opportunity to live their life in the way in which they choose whether they have a diagnosis of a mental health issue or not.

You can reach the Changing Minds team now by emailing:

tina@changingminds.org.nz (manager)
campbell@changingminds.org.nz (newsletters, updates, media watch)
joey@changingminds.org.nz (forums, youth project)