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Tag Archives: Te Pou

On Track: Knowing where we are going

More than 200 people from across the mental health and addiction sector and the wider health and social sectors have contributed to a report, co-published by Te Pou and Platform Trust, that aims to prepare NGO mental health and AOD services for “the next round of reform”.

“On Track: Knowing where we are going outlines the wide range of issues that need to be considered and addressed to improve health outcomes for people using services, their whānau and local communities, and to ensure the future capability of the mental health and addiction workforce”.

Towards Restraint Free Mental Health Practice

In case you missed it, Te Pou have launched a new resource called Towards restraint free mental health practice: Supporting the reduction and prevention of personal restraint in mental health inpatient settings. This resource is the latest in a suite of work from Te Pou that is aimed at reducing and preventing the use of seclusion and restraint in New Zealand mental-health services. According to the Te Pou website “Every mental health inpatient unit in New Zealand is engaged in some form of practice based activity that promotes least restrictive practice.” This latest resource is intended to assist services to put ‘least restrictive practices’ in place and reduce the use of seclusion and restraint.

Find out more and download the resource here


Te Pou: Towards restraint-free mental health practice

Te Pou is pleased to launch Towards restraint free mental health practice: Supporting the reduction and prevention of personal restraint in mental health inpatient settings. This resource is the latest in a suite of work aimed at reducing and preventing the use of seclusion and restraint. Services can use this resource to plan and identify best practices that support a least restrictive approach to service delivery.

Te Pou
Level 2, Building B, 8 Nugent Street, Grafton, Auckland 1023.
Telephone: +64 9 373 2125www.tepou.org.nz

New Ministry of Health guidelines for COPMIA

The Ministry of Health will soon release the national COPMIA guideline, currently in draft.

This guideline will outline the responsibilities all mental health and addiction services have to the children of parents with mental illness and or addiction (COPMIA) and their families and whānau. For some, this is going to mean a big shift in the way that services operate. The guideline envisions a mental health and addiction sector that is inclusive of family and whānau, focusses on strengths, and promotes and protects the wellbeing and rights of children. It promotes early intervention in the lives of children to support resilience, offering evidenced based and culturally appropriate ways of working, and across sector partnerships to meet the needs of children and their families and whānau.

For more information click on this link to Te Pou.

Or contact Mark Smith at Te Pou
Phone number: 07 857 1278
Mobile number: 027 687 7127

Te Pou: Peer support competencies ‘sandstone to sharpen practice on’

The following is a press release from Te Pou, from their website:

The resource Competencies for the mental health and addiction service user, consumer and peer workforce were launched on November 11 at Te Pou in Auckland.

Dr John Crawshaw, director of mental health, gave an opening address to the mental health and addiction sector people from across the North Island. He acknowledged the pivotal role the service user, consumer and peer workforce has in informing service development and working alongside clinical services, supporting people to self manage and drive their own recovery.

Dr Crawshaw was followed by two peer support workers who spoke about their experience and what peer work meant for them. Elton Hakopa, addiction peer support worker from the drug court, gave a stirring and entertaining outline of his experiences. Elton gave the quote of the day, or even the year when he said “these competencies are the sandstone I will sharpen my practice on”.

Ahmad Al-Ali, mental health peer worker from Mind and Body, also entertained the crowd with his self-deprecating wit and story of courage. Both exemplified the state of gratitude they were in to be able to use their powerful experiences to support other people’s self-determination and wellbeing.

Robyn Shearer, Te Pou chief executive, talked about the power of people from across mental health and addiction co-designing and co-developing the competencies.

Two documents created to support the competency framework were also launched: The Service user, consumer and peer workforce guide for managers and employers and the Service user, consumer and peer workforce guide for planners and funders. These are available to download alongside the competencies. These documents provide information and sound direction for people managing and employing peer workforce members and for planners and funders investing in this exciting growth area in the mental health and addiction workforce.

To contact Te Pou or for further information:


Email: info@tepou.co.nz

Te Pou phone numbers online here.

Te Pou HoNOS Tool: now available for Android devices!

Te Pou has created a new utility for mental-health professionals. The HoNOS tool assists clinicians to use the HoNOS suite of outcome measures.

The dashboard gives you a deeper understanding of your caseload with snapshot statistics – input your entire caseload to get the full benefit of features such as number of cases, severity, ethnicity, gender profile and more. The HoNOS tool keeps track of who is due or overdue to be rated.

The tool is also available as a web version and will be launched for iOS devices in the coming months. Your data will sync across devices so you can use your computer, phone and tablet – whatever suits you best. Download the app from Google Play for use on your tablet or smartphone. Or open Google Play on your android device and search ‘HoNOS’.

For more information link here.

Te Pou: Workforce Planning Approach

Te Pou have released a workforce planning guide. If you are actively involved in, or leading workforce planning, this guide outlines some suggested workforce planning steps.

The document identifies and describes the key components of a workforce development plan, and suggests actions to develop a plan that suits an organisation’s particular needs.

Find Out More About the Workforce Planning Approach
and Download the Workforce Planning Guide

Contact: Emma Wood
Phone number: 09 300 6778
Mobile number: 027 233 1714
Email address: emma.wood@tepou.co.nz

Call for Evidence to Improve Physical Health of People Living with Mental-Health Problems

Take action for health equity: Working together to improve the physical health of people with a severe mental illness and/or addiction

Te Pou is working with Platform and its members on a collaborative project which aims to take action to improve the relatively poor physical health of people who have been diagnosed with a severe mental-health problem, including major depressive disorder, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia and/or addiction. Te Pou and Platform want to hear from organisations or individuals that have conducted evaluations or gathered evidence in the course of their work that will help to build a picture of what works to improve the physical health of people with mental-health problems.

To find out more about this project click here.

August e-Bulletin from Te Pou

The August e-Bulletin is out from Te Pou.

Read it online here.

Inside the August e-Bulletin

  • Developing an outcomes culture
  • Te Pou news
  • Sector notices
  • Job vacancies
  • In the news
  • Events

New Ministry of Education Evidence-Base For Suicide Prevention in Schools Released

In case you missed it, on the 21st of March 2013, the Ministry of Education launched a new document to support suicide prevention work in schools called  Updated evidence and guidance supporting suicide prevention activity in New Zealand SchoolsThis accompanies the Preventing and responding to suicide: Resource kit for schools (Ministry of Education, 2013) which is now ready to be distributed across NZ schools. The creation of the evidence-base update document was undertaken by Professor Sunny Collings to inform the revision of the school guidelines, as part of the suicide prevention research programme managed by Te Pou for the Ministry of Health.

pdficon_largeClick here to open and save a copy of Updated Evidence and Guidance Supporting Suicide Prevention Activity in New Zealand Schools 2003-2012