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Tag Archives: Te Pou

Recent Additions to Te Pou’s Online Research Library

Some recent additions to Whare Pukapuka, the database of New Zealand mental health research at Te Pou

Mental health promotion and prevention services to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex populations in New Zealand: Needs assessment report

Te Pou has released a report on the results of an assessment of the mental-health promotion and prevention needs of people who identify as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and intersex.

You can read a summary and download the full report here.

Two New Resources from Te Pou: Talking Therapies and Restraint Training

De-Escalation and Restraint Training for Clinicians Literature Review: http://www.tepou.co.nz/library/tepou/de-escalation-and-restraint-training-for-clinicians

Talking Therapies: Where to Next? http://www.tepou.co.nz/library/tepou/talking-therapies-where-to-next