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Tag Archives: Acc Sensitive Claims

New Pathway for ACC Sensitive Claims

ACC are the government organisation that can help people with a physical and/or mental injury suffered as a result of sexual abuse or sexual assault.

A new pathway for ACC Sensitive Claims was released in March this year. 

This page provides an overview of the new ACC sensitive claims service, including its key features.

You’ll need to talk to a GP or a counselor to lodge a sensitive claim with ACC.

For more information about how to lodge a sensitive claim, click here.

Off the Couch by Kyle MacDonald 22 March 2012

Where there’s smoke…

by Off the Couch: Kyle MacDonald on March 22, 2012

When all this ACC carry on about Sensitive Claims kicked off in 2009, and I started this blog, I had no idea that three years later I’d still be banging on about the problems and difficulties claimants and professionals encounter.

I’ve become one of those people who have become embattled with ACC, albeit for a much different reason and with none of the the consequences experienced by many claimants.

Stories that have begun to break about Bronwyn Pullar that suggest she has been fighting for ten years.  There are also many, many others who don’t have such powerful friends.

And this reaction to the ACC has been of interest to me as a psychotherapist, and I believe in many ways unique to the ACC.  So what is it about ACC that means that people fight and keep fighting with them?…(Click here for the rest of this blog post.)