Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Auckland Women’s Centre

Support Group for Women to Talk about Same Sex Attraction; Auckland


Would you like a supportive women’s space to talk about same sex attraction?

This group is participant directed, a space to explore topics like:

  • What does same sex attraction mean to you?
  • Identity labels…e.g.  Bi, Queer, Lesbian, Dyke
  • Stereotypes and gender stereotypes
  • Being in an opposite sex relationship and having same sex attraction
  • Finding community and dating
  • Being out in society
  • If you want to come out, how to tell family, friends, work colleagues
  • Relationships with women
  • You, your children and a new relationship

This six-week group is facilitated by Cissy Rock and Ellie Lim.  Cissy is a prominent contributor to the Auckland Lesbian scene creating events and support groups.  She enjoys getting alongside people and sharing her experience as a mother, feminist, lesbian, friend and partner.  Ellie works for the Auckland Women’s Centre and has had extensive involvement with rainbow organisations.  She is passionate about enabling women to live the lives they dream of living.

Comments from previous participants:  (I enjoyed) “Being able to connect with people and talk to people who were experiencing similar things to me.  Having experienced people to help us and cheer us on.”  “Really enjoyed (it) and appreciated the professional delivery. Thanks! :-)”

Date: Tuesdays 7 July – 11 August, 2015
Time: 7.00pm-9.00pm
Venue: Auckland Women’s Centre, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn
Cost: FREE
Contact: Ellie on 376 3227 ext 1 or email her on womensservices@womenz.org.nz
Come along, ask questions, share, this is a safe, non-judgemental environment. (6 weeks)

New Poetry Book Charts Trauma Recovery Journey

Engage Aotearoa’s service director can most often be found sharing other people’s recovery stories and experiences. But in her spare time she is a poet, and writing under her maiden name, Miriam Barr, she recently had her first major collection of poetry published by Steele Roberts Aotearoa, one of New Zealand’s leading publishers of home-grown poetry.

Bullet-hole-riddle-FRONTcoverThe book features cover art by Elke Finkenauer and interior art from Andrew Blythe‘s untitled ‘No’ series. The back-cover reads, “Bullet Hole Riddle is a three-part narrative sequence charting one person’s journey to make sense of an unwanted history. Framing personal experience as a series of collective acts, Miriam Barr’s first major collection of poetry tells a story about the human psyche and the spaces between us.”

Those familiar with Engage Aotearoa will know what Miriam means when she comments on the Engage Facebook page, “I guess this [Bullet Hole Riddle] is kinda like my Butterfly Diaries story in a way. In poetry form.”

An Auckland Women’s Centre article by Sabrina Muck goes on to say, “Tied into the overall message of the book, it is worth noting its dedication, which tells us this is for the untold stories. Speaking with Miriam in the week following the announcement of the Roastbusters outcome, she felt this was particularly relevant in light of the young women’s experiences in that case, and the voices of too many survivors which continue to go unheard. Steele Roberts is to be commended for supporting this book on its journey and bringing Miriam’s voice into the public sphere.”

The CMHRT Board of Trustees and the volunteer team at Engage Aotearoa would like to congratulate Miriam for her poetic achievement and wish her all the best for Bullet Hole Riddle’s journey into the world.

Bullet Hole Riddle can be ordered online at www.steeleroberts.co.nz or from your local bookseller. Copies are available to borrow at Auckland City Libraries and the Auckland Women’s Centre Library. Check out reader reviews and share your own at GoodReads.com. Find out more about the book at www.miriambarr.com/bulletholeriddle.