Sign the on-line petition: An Acknowledgment of historic injustice against former patients of NZ psychiatric hospitals
Between July 2005 and April 2007 a Confidential Forum was held for former In-patients of psychiatric hospitals. Over 400 former patients spoke about their experiences. The final report of the Confidential Forum Te Aiotonga (2007, available from the Department of Internal Affairs) outlines the themes that emerged including occurrences of physical violence and sexual misconduct; and de-humanising environments. The report remains formally unacknowledged by the government.
A United Nations report on New Zealand’s compliance with the UN convention against torture in 2009 recommended that the NZ government should take appropriate measures to ensure that allegations of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in the “historic cases” are investigated promptly and impartially, perpetrators duly prosecuted, and the victims accorded redress, including adequate compensation and rehabilitation.”
Phoenix Group, a Wellington group of people who have experienced mental distress are using the publicity surrounding the release of Jim Marbrook’s Mental Notes to call on the government to make a formal apology.
How can you help?
Print this postcard and send it to parliament – and give a copy to a friend so they can do the same. Postage is free.
confidential forum protest postcard for print
And share this notice around!
Ma te whakatau, ka mohio
When we are shown, we come to know
Ma te mohio, ka marama
When we know, we come to understand
Ma te marama, ka ora ai tatou
When we understand, we all achieve wellness