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Tag Archives: Changes To Benefits

Consultation on Changes to Benefits 25 October 2012

Paula Bennett has set out her latest proposals for changes to welfare benefits for consultation.  These will mean changes to sickness and invalids benefits, the way disability allowance is paid, and the DPB CSI.

Auckland Disability Law invites you, your whanau and friends to a Community Hui to discuss the proposed changes and to learn how to make a submission.

The hui will look at these changes from a Rights based framework and will incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the Government’s obligation under this convention.

Come and share your views and ideas.

Please let ADL know if you are coming and if you need and NZSL interpreter. Numbers limited

Full information about the select committee process can be found here: http://www.parliament.nz/en-NZ/PB/Legislation/Bills/5/2/a/00DBHOH_BILL11634_1-Social-Security-Benefit-Categories-and-Work-Focus.htm

Submissions are due Thursday 1 November.

Thursday 25 October 2012,

9.30am – 12pm (tea and coffee from 9-00am)

Mangere Community Law Centre, off Waddon Place, Mangere