The following are some highlights from the latest Taylor and Francis “Psychosis” online releases.
Overcoming distressing voices
Katherine Berry
Understanding the development of narrative insight in early psychosis: A qualitative approach
Eric Macnaughton, Sam Sheps, Jim Frankish & Dave Irwin
Is the content of persecutory delusions relevant to self-esteem?
Johanna Sundag, Tania M. Lincoln, Maike M. Hartmann & Steffen Moritz
Childhood sexual abuse moderates the relationship of self-reflectivity with increased emotional distress in schizophrenia
Bethany L. Leonhardt, Jay A. Hamm, Elizabeth A. Belanger & Paul H. Lysaker
Opinion piece: “Hearing the voices of young people!” Do we require more personal accounts from young people who have psychotic-like experiences?
Patrick Welsh & Roz Oates
For the Psychosis list of issues click here.