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E-Book: How to Make the Most out of Your Therapy

How to Make the Most out of Your Therapy: A Guide for Clients receiving Talking Therapies from Psychologists, Counsellors and other Mental Health Professionals
An e-book by Tim Kilgour – clinical psychologist and fiction writer.

What is this e-book about? 

This easy to read guide is a relatively brief summary about how to make the most of your psychotherapy. It is designed for people who are planning to enter into a talking-based therapy with mental health professionals (e.g. psychologist, counsellor or other professional therapist). It outlines some ideas to help prepare for the therapeutic experience, outlines what the client may typically expect in early sessions, describes aspects of the therapeutic relationship, outlines helpful (and not so helpful) attitudes that a client may bring to enhance their progress, describes the purpose of homework, explains the value of others in the therapeutic setting, describes the closing stage of treatment, and gives tips on how to cope if therapy goes wrong. This text is designed to give you, the client, a “head start” in your therapeutic relationship to increase the likelihood of you having a useful experience and make the most of your “treatment dollar”.

The text will also assist psychologists and counsellors in preparing, managing and enhancing the experience of their clients prior to and during the therapeutic experience.

This text is published as an e-book at the following link: