Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Eden

Eden and Women’s Health Action Trust join forces

For 22 years Eden has worked at the forefront of our community’s efforts to create a world which values body trust, body satisfaction, size acceptance and diversity. In response to the present funding climate, Eden has entered a process of transition to ensure the sustainability of Eden’s unique and valued services and programmes.

Eden is separating its two key service areas: counselling/support services and health promotion. The counselling and support services have been absorbed by Eden’s specialist counselling team into their private practice work. This redirection will enable clients to retain an ongoing level of care with as little disruption as possible. Please see www.eden.org.nz for referral details.

Eden has developed its health promotion activities over the past 14 years focusing on supporting and educating health professionals, organisations and schools to create environments that support body satisfaction, size acceptance and body diversity. In order to ensure the continuity and sustainability of this valuable work, Eden’s health promotion services will be moving to Women’s Health Action Trust. Eden will retain its brand identity and fit under the Women’s Health Action Trust umbrella. These health promotion services include BWISE – BILS programme in schools, Nourish – aimed at people working with youth and our yearly events, Love you Body campaign and Diet Free Day.

The Women’s Health Action team is excited to carry on the legacy of Eden’s work and is looking forward to employing a health promoter early in the New Year.

While Eden will cease to operate in its current form and location, this change will offer the potential for the future growth and sustainability under the banner of Women’s Health Action. Eden is very grateful for the continued support of their funders who have pledged support for Eden’s new journey.

Eden’s board would like to thank all the staff, volunteers and stakeholders who have been involved over the past 22 years and who have been instrumental in supporting individuals and families, resourcing and educating health practitioners and communities and advocating for a view of health that is indexed to well-being rather than weight.  While it is with sadness that this era of Eden comes to an end there is also a renewed excitement at the strength and opportunity that is gained by joining forces with such a vibrant and impactful organization as Women’s Health Action.

For further information about Eden’s health promotion activities please contact Women’s Health Action on 09 520 5295.

Contact details: 
Eden Board Member (Toni Ingram) p 021 152 2137
Women’s Health Action Director (Julie Radford-Poupard) p 09 520 5295 or 021 989 745

Funding Bug Strikes Again: Eden Counselling Service Closes

Due to lack of funding, Eden will close it’s counselling services at the end of business on the 23rd of October 2012. Counsellors will continue to operate privately.

Victoria Marsden

BA, PG Dipl Tchng, MCouns (Hons), MNZAC

Ph: 021-122-4221

Email: v.marsden@xtra.co.nz

Web: Victoria at Auckland Psychology

Perry King

Ph: 021-778-392

For parents, caregivers, supporters and friends: EDANZ

Ph: (09) 522-2679

Email: info@ed.org.nz


Resources for Youth Week activities

YOUTH WEEK – Everything you need to run your own youth week activities!

Support the young people you work with to LOVE THE SKIN THEY’RE IN!

Eden, specialists in eating issues and body image since 1990, has resources and training which will help you deliver workshops and programmes for youth week, relating to the theme ‘Love the skin you’re in’, and enough content to continue all year long!

For more information visit www.eden.org.nz