Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Health And Quality Safety Commission

Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa Strengthens Input to Health and Disability Sector

The Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa is a fairly new group set up and supported by the Health and Quality Safety Commission to provide consumer input to services and any other interested parties. It is a collaboration of consumer groups from the whole health and disability sector, not only mental health.

If you are not already, your organisation is strongly encouraged (provided it fits the definition of ‘consumer’ organisation) to join up. Individuals can join as ‘associate’ members if they are not with an organisation as such.

What do organisations get for their free membership of the CCA?

  • An information centre for information about consumer organisations
  • ‘Go to’ group/website for consumer reps and other stakeholders
  • Opportunity to retain your organisations own identity but act collaboratively
  • You can profile your organisation on the CCA website Invite organisations to upload their profiles to CCA website

They had an AGM at the end of October and have produced a newsletter outlining the details.

To find out more

  • Visit the website


  • Email Darcey Jane, Project Manager, Consumer Collaboration of Aotearoa
