Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Human Rights Commission

New Rainbow Community Human Rights Resource: Born Free and Equal

If you haven’t yet seen it, the Human Rights Commission recently released a new human rights, sexual orientation, sex and gender identity resource –  Born Free and Equal.

Copies can be ordered from the Commission by emailing resources@hrc.co.nz or can be downloaded from the HRC website here: www.hrc.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/BornFreeEqual_for_Web.pdf

Universal Periodic Review: Do New Zealanders Have Their Human Rights Upheld?

The right to health, to justice, to work, to education, to be free from discrimination: these rights belong to all of us. New Zealand has signed international agreements to uphold these rights, but how well are we actually doing?

The Universal Periodic Review is an important opportunity for individuals, NGOs and civil society organisations to share their experience and views on New Zealand’s realisation of human rights for everyone. What people and communities say can influence future developments. It isn’t just about writing reports. Communities will be consulted on what’s important for them. UPR 13/14 is an opportunity to work with other like minded groups, and to lobby the Government to make voluntary commitments and/or accept recommendations made by the working group following the UPR 13/14 process.

The Commission is offering free workshops to support civil society in UPR 13/14. In addition there will be opportunities to engage in discussions with government officials in April/May and subsequently to comment on the draft New Zealand government report. The Commission would also welcome the opportunity to discuss key issues with community groups and individuals to feed into the UPR 13/14 process.

The workshop dates and times for 2013 are:

  • Auckland          26 March (1.30 – 4.30pm) Auckland Law School
  • Wellington        4 April (1.30-4.30)
  • Christchurch      11 April (1.30-4.30)
  • Dunedin           16 April (1.30-4.30)
  • Hamilton          7 May (1.30-4.30)
  • Invercargill      9 May (Time TBC)

Please contact Michael White on michaelw@hrc.co.nz if:

  • You wish to attend one of the Commission’s workshops;
  • Would like to receive further emails about how to be involved in the UPR process;
  • If you or your organization are hosting an event where the Commission could talk about UPR 13/14; or
  • You would like the Commission to assist with facilitating co-ordinated engagement from your sector.

In the meantime for more information on UPR 13/14 and how you can get involved see: http://www.hrc.co.nz/international-human-rights-new/faqs-for-upr-1314

The Commission looks forward to working with you around UPR 13/14 to ensure the full and active engagement of civil society organisations across the country, helping to garner actual positive changes on the ground.

Human Rights Commission Calls for Inquiry into NZSL

Media release: Human Rights Commission announces formal public inquiry into NZSL

Manahau e-newsletter: English text and full NZSL translation

2011 Annual Report on Places of Detention in NZ

Monitoring Places of Detention: Annual Report 2011

The latest annual report by the five organisations responsible for monitoring places of detention in New Zealand under the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) has been tabled in Parliament and is available on the Human Rights Commission website, at: http://www.hrc.co.nz.   Those organisations, the Ombudsmen, Children’s Commissioner, Independent Police Conduct Authority, Inspector of Service Penal Establishments and the Human Rights Commission are known as National Preventive Mechanisms, and designated under the OPCAT to monitor places where people are deprived of liberty.

Hard copies of the report are also available and can be requested by emailing Infoline@hrc.co.nz.
Further information can also be found at: www.hrc.co.nz.

Civil society meetings

The National Preventive Mechanisms invite members of civil society to meet with them to discuss the monitoring activities, and to seek the views of civil society on key issues regarding the conditions and treatment of people in detention.   Please feel free to forward this invitation to interested people/ networks. Dates and venues are as follows:



 Wednesday 2 May  12.30pm–2.00pm  Human Rights Commission

Level 1, Vector Building

44-52 The Terrace Wellington


Christchurch Wednesday 16 May 12.00pm–1.30pm Kilmore Street Training RoomWestpac Business Hub

55 Jack Hinton Drive



Auckland Tuesday 29 May 11.00am–12.20pm

Human Rights Commission

Level 3, Zurich House

21 Queen Street

Auckland Central

Please RSVP to jessican@hrc.co.nz.

Wider Journey Report ready for Consultation

This is a link to the Human Rights Commission’s Wider Journey report.

This paper aims to provide information about  accessibility for disabled people and invites feedback on these issues.

The paper focuses on accessibility in three areas: the built environment, access to information and independent voting in Aotearoa.

The Wider Journey is part of the Commission’s work on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Disability Convention).

The report will help to inform the Government of its responsibilities and will also form part of the Commission’s independent report to the United Nations.

The consultation closes at the end of March 2012 and the Commission would appreciate your feedback on this draft paper.

Please get in touch if you need any further information.

Josie Maskell

  • PA/Administrator Kaiawhina, External Relations Team, Human Rights Commission
  • Direct Dial Waea Hangai: 64 9 306 2655
  • Email Karere Hiko: josiem@hrc.co.nz

Wider Journey Report on Disability Rights Published

The following came out on the Human Rights Commission’s website on Friday 2 December 2011.

The Wider Journey report

People with disabilities continue to face daily challenges in their lives because of the physical environment, in accessing information and in exercising their right to an independent vote. The Commission has produced a draft discussion report, The Wider Journey: The Rights of Disabled People to support and inform all those working towards better accessibility for disabled people through the built environment, access to information and independent voting in Aotearoa.

The Wider Journey is part of the Commission’s work under its obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Disability Convention). The report will help to inform the Government of its obligations and will also form part of the Commission’s independent report to the United Nations.

The report has been produced in a range of accessible formats, and a summary of the report is also available.

The Commission would appreciate your feedback on this draft report. Please complete the online feedback form on our website, call Infoline 0800 496 877 (toll free) or email Infoline@hrc.co.nz. Please respond by Friday 30 March 2012.
