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Tag Archives: Iimhl

IIMHL New Zealand Special Update

The following links are a summary of the IIMHL AND IIDL UPDATE – 15 NOVEMBER 2014

If you want further information on the IIMHL organisation go here. To sign up for their mailing list go here.

For general enquiries about these links or for other IIMHL information please contact Erin Geaney at erin@iimhl.com.

  1. The Physical Health of People with a Serious Mental Illness and/or Addiction: An evidence review
  2. Stories of Success
  3. Tihei Mauri Ora: Supporting whānau through suicidal distress
  4. New ‘wellbeing bank’ for baby boomers
  5. “There is always someone worse off…” (regarding the earthquakes in Christchurch)
  6. Debriefing following seclusion and restraint: A summary of relevant literature
  7. Families and whānau status report 2014: Towards measuring the wellbeing of families and whānau
  8. Growing Up in New Zealand: Vulnerability Report 1: Exploring the Definition of Vulnerability for Children in their First 1000 Days (July 2014)
  9. Parents or caregivers of children with a disability have a voice in New Zealand (video playlist)

Also recommended in the update are:

Effective parenting programmes: A review of the effectiveness of parenting programmes for parents of vulnerable children
(2014, April 14). Wellington: Families Commission

New Zealand practice guidelines for opioid substitution treatment
(2014, April). Wellington: Ministry of Health



Updates from the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership

IIMHL Features – England

Whole-person care: from rhetoric to reality in achieving parity between mental and physical health

A new Report from England argues more should be done to ensure mental health treatments are on the same level as treatments for physical health and more promotion of good mental health and improved funding into research into mental illness are all also crucial for ensuring parity of esteem between­­­ the two aspects of healthcare.

The report, developed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in conjunction with other mental health organisations, highlights the significant inequalities that still exist between physical and mental health care, including preventable premature deaths, lower treatment rates for mental health conditions and an underfunding of mental healthcare relative to the scale and impact of it. It also highlights the strong relationship between mental and physical health. Poor mental health is associated with a greater risk of physical health problems, and poor physical health is associated with a greater risk of mental health problems.

The report makes a series of key recommendations for Government, policy-makers and health professionals, as well as the new NHS structures which came into force on April 1 including the NHS England, Clinical Commissioning Groups and Public Health England.

Professor Sue Bailey, president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said: “Much has been done to improve mental health in the last 10 years but it still does not receive the same attention as physical health, and the consequences can be serious. People with severe mental illness have a reduced life expectancy of 15-20 years, yet the majority of reasons for this are avoidable. Achieving parity of esteem for mental health is everybody’s business and responsibility. We therefore urge the Government, policy-makers, service commissioners and providers, professionals and the public to always think in terms of the whole person – body and mind – and to apply a ‘parity test’ to all their activities and to their attitudes.

Improving Personalised Care and Support for People with Mental Health Problems

From the UK this new guide aims to increase the number of people with mental health problems experiencing the full benefits of personalised care and support. Currently, only 9% of people with mental health problems of working-age have a personal budget, compared to 29% of older people and 41% of adults with a learning disability. Paths to Personalisation, published by the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi), offers examples of what needs to be in place to make personalisation work in mental health. It provides examples drawn from latest practice and policy and up-to-date sources of advice for people. Coproduced with people who use mental health services and service professionals, the guide will help organisations meet government priorities to increase people’s choice and control over the care and support they experience.

Additional Features from Scotland

The British Journal of Psychiatry – Special issue focussing on campaign and attitudes

This special issue focuses on stigma and discrimination in England. It describes evaluations of the ‘Time to Change’ campaign conducted in England. It also looks at employment and role of the media.

There are seven articles followed by comments by leading mental health people.
Content Page April 2013, Volume 202, Issue s55 – all open access.

Adult Mental Health Benchmarking Toolkit: Year ending 31st March 2012
(2013). Scotland: National Health Services.
Annual publication of the Mental Health Benchmarking Toolkit comprising data up to 31st March 2010. The toolkit provides information on a range of indicators to compare key aspects of the Adult Mental Health Service in Scotland.

For general enquiries about this update or for other IIMHL information please contact Erin Geaney at erin@iimhl.com

Updates from the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership

Following is a series of articles from the May IIMHL Update

Greater Choice of Clinician in England

From April this year people referred by their GP to secondary mental health providers in England have the right to choose the professional-led team (which may or may not be led by a psychiatrist) which treats them. From April next year this choice at the point of referral will be extended further, to include choice of provider as well as choice of team within that provider.

The policy was set out in a recent consultation response. The accompanying ‘choice framework’ sets out patient entitlements:

The policy lead for this work within the Department of Health mental health policy team is Michael West (michael.west@dh.gsi.gov.uk). He would be happy to discuss this work further with anyone who is interested.

Well-being in the UK

Measuring National Well-being: Life in the UK 2012 provides a unique overview of well-being in the UK today. The report is the first snapshot of life in the UK to be delivered by the Measuring National Well-being programme and will be updated and published annually. Well-being is discussed in terms of the economy, people and the environment. Information such as the unemployment rate or number of crimes against the person are presented alongside data on people’s thoughts and feelings, for example, satisfaction with our jobs or leisure time and fear of crime. Together, a richer picture on ‘how society is doing’ is provided.


Probation Services and Mental Health
(2012, December). London: Centre for Mental Health
Research suggests that 39% of offenders supervised by probation services have a current mental health condition. Yet mental ill health in the probation caseload is, for the most part, unrecognised and untreated. This briefing paper summarises the current and potential future links between health and probation services relevant to the needs of offenders with mental health conditions. It is based on data collected by the University of Lincoln showing the prevalence of a range of mental health conditions among one probation service caseload and the proportion of those people receiving treatment and support (Brooker et al., 2012).

E-mental Health: What’s all the fuss about?
(2013, January). London: NHS Confederation. Discussion paper number 12
This paper looks at how the mental health sector might make the most of opportunities offered by e-mental. It gives examples of how service users, mental health providers and other organisations are already embracing e-mental health to bring about change.

Developing Family Leadership
A Discussion Paper on Personalised Transition from The Centre for Welfare Reform

Dr Pippa Murray, ibk initiatives, June 2011

Increasingly public services are waking up to the need to let families lead – not abandoning them, not burdening them – but building the right kind of supportive relationships that let families control their own destiny with respectful support. This discussion paper by Pippa Murray is a product of our Personalised Transition programme and reflects practical learning across Yorkshire and Humber.

To download a copy of this report, use the following link:


General enquiries about this update or for other IIMHL information please contact Erin Geaney at erin@iimhl.com

Read the June IIMHL Newsletter online here.

IIMHL Updates Now Online

You can now read the archive of the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership Updates online.

Follow this link to the IIMHL Update Archive.

IIMHL and IIDL Update – 15 MAY 2013

2013 Leadership Exchange

Copies of video interviews with delegates attending the Network Meeting are now available on the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership website, along  with the whiteboard narratives and workshops notes:  www.iimhl.com

Copies of keynote speakers’ presentations will be available shortly and IIMHL will also update you all on the formal evaluation in due course.

IIMHL Features

Sebelius: Bring mental illness out of the shadows

President Obama following lead of John Kennedy 50 years ago on improving access to care.

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius speaks during the opening plenary of the National Health Policy Conference organized by The Academy Health February 4, 2013 in Washington, DC

Story Highlights

  • When untreated, condition takes a heavy toll on our society.
  • Part of improving care is ending the stigma.
  • The President seeks a national dialogue to get more young people to seek help.


Creating A Place Of Healing and Forgiveness: The Trauma-Informed Care Initiative at the Women’s Community Correctional Center of Hawaii

Below is a link to a program brief that describes the Trauma-Informed Care Initiative at the Women’s Community Correctional Center of Hawaii, which is working to make the facility a “place of healing and forgiveness.”  Blending traditional Native Hawaiian concepts with the latest research on trauma-informed practices, the facility’s leadership has created a unique collaborative process for organizational change that includes staff, inmates, former inmates, community members, and representatives of community-based human service agencies. With a focus on educating staff, inmates, community partners, and the public about the value of trauma-informed environments and practices in healing, TICI creates opportunities for women to “live a forgiven life.”

This technical assistance document was developed by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) and Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) under contract for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and was written by Darby Penney.


IIDL Feature

Self Directed Disability Support (SDDS): Building community capacity through action research

This Australian research project explores how people with disability manage the transition towards self-directed disability support. Set against a backdrop of substantial reform with the introduction of a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), it is a collaboration between representatives of people with a disability and academic institutions to “investigate the impact and effectiveness of changes to self directed options for people requiring support, informal carers and support providers. It will also be a formative baseline for a longitudinal study examining service delivery systems pre and post the introduction of the NDIS”.


2014 Leadership Exchange

The 2014 Leadership Exchange will be in England in June.  City and date TBC soon.

Please note: IIMHL try to find articles, new policies, research that has been released or opinion pieces they think are interesting to reflect on.  Sometimes those who receive these may feel  is not accurate either for its use of data or not aligned with their views. IIMHL does not endorse any article it sends out as they try to rapidly share information.

Fran Silvestri

President and CEO, IIMHL


General enquiries about this update or for other IIMHL information please contact Erin Geaney at erin@iimhl.com.

Update from the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership

 From the IIMHL and IIDL Update List

IMHL AND IIDL UPDATE – 15 APRIL 2013 – Shared with permission here: Read on… 

IIMHL Features

Technique Is Not Enough (TINE) Framework

A Report from the British Psychological Society on Socially Inclusive Parenting Programmes and Child Mental Health

The BPS’s “Technique Is Not Enough (TINE) Framework” is designed to ensure known to be effective parenting programmes engage those parents most likely to benefit: those on low incomes who are marginalised and socially excluded. If all local programmes adopted this framework participation rates could increase dramatically.

Parenting programmes enhance parent-child bonding, reduce parental mental ill-health and lessen the chances of children growing up with behavioural problems or worse. Although the UN endorses 23 parenting programmes on the basis of RCTs their impact is limited by who they reach. In practice programmes recruitment and retention rates vary from a low 20% to a high of 80% in those programmes specifically adapted to reach and work with socially excluded families. The report recommends that parenting programmes should adopt psychosocial approaches to increase inclusion by involving culturally congruent parent “graduates” in the recruitment and retention of parents. When parents who have already benefited from the programme are involved in delivering the programme to others, it really helps. Parents should also be involved in adapting programmes’ content and learning styles to sensitively match participating parents’ cultural backgrounds as well as in quality control and evaluation.

The TINE framework describes how programme developers can invest in local parents and practitioners so their parenting programme can become an integral part of education and social care. Genuine co-production between programme developers and local parents, working alongside teachers, health and social care practitioners, can drive effective inclusion. TINE challenges developers to identify the essential ingredients from their current parenting programmes and to clarify what can be adapted to meet local parents’ socio-cultural needs, whilst avoiding adaptations that dilute effectiveness.

The report evolved from joint work with families and teachers from an existing programme in an alliance including community health, psychologists, family therapists, social workers and children’s rights professionals. The framework is illustrated with examples from 11 UN recommended programmes.

Following is the link to view this paper in full:


IIDL Feature

High Aspirations. An Interview with Rob Greig, Principal Author of Valuing People

This is an interesting interview canvassing Rob Greig’s opinions on the current issues facing people living with an intellectual disability


2013 Leadership Exchange

In due course, copies of video interviews with delegates attending the Network Meeting and copies of keynote speakers’ presentations will be available on the IIMHL website, and they will forward further information to you in the 15 April Update.

You can now view the whiteboard narratives which are loaded onto the IIMHL website along with notes from the various workshops:  www.iimhl.com

IIMHL will also update you all on the formal evaluation in due course.

2014 Leadership Exchange

The 2014 Leadership Exchange will be in England in June.  IIMHL will confirm the city and date soon.

Please note: IIMHL try to find articles, new policies, research that has been released or opinion pieces we think are interesting to reflect on.  Sometimes those who receive these may feel  is not accurate either for its use of data or not aligned with their views. IIMHL does not endorse any article it sends out as we try to rapidly share information.

General enquiries about this update or for other IIMHL information please contact Erin Geaney at erin@iimhl.com.