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Tag Archives: Integrating Spiritual Interventions In Psychotherapy

Recent Updates from APA

Recorded convention sessions available for use in high school classrooms

APA’s Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS) programme has made seven videos available for teachers of psychology to view and/or use in class.

These sessions were recorded at the 2012 APA Convention in Orlando, Fla. Each video is approximately 45 minutes. Topics Include…

      1. “Brain Organization for Language: It’s All in the Network(s),” Christine Chiarello, PhD;
      2. “Why Students Love Evolutionary Psychology… and How to Teach It,” David Buss, PhD;
      3. “A Letter to Teachers: William James, H. B. Alexander, and Me,” Kenneth D. Keith, PhD;
      4. “Connecting the Dots: How Race in America’s Classrooms Affects Achievement,” Beverly Daniel Tatum, PhD;
      5. “Meta-studying: Teaching Metacognitive Strategies to Enhance Student Success,” Elizabeth Yost Hammer, PhD;
      6. “The Seven Sins of Memory: An Update,” Daniel L. Schacter, PhD;
      7. “Microaggressions in the Classroom: Manifestation, Dynamics and Impact,” Derald Wing Sue, PhD

Guidance for integrating spiritual interventions in psychotherapy with children and their families

“Spiritual Interventions in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy,” edited by Donald F. Walker, PhD, and William L. Hathaway, PhD

Many children are raised in families where religion and spirituality are key factors in their development, and clinical experience shows that addressing this spirituality can assist the therapeutic process. In psychotherapy, spiritual interventions must be blended effectively with secular evidence-based techniques. Furthermore, when such interventions are applied with children, there are unique ethical, developmental, and family considerations.

Scholars address unresolved issues with authoritative parenting

“Authoritative Parenting: Synthesizing Nurturance and Discipline for Optimal Child Development,” edited by Robert E. Larzelere, PhD; Amanda Sheffield Morris, PhD; and Amanda W. Harrist, PhD

Psychologist Diana Baumrind’s revolutionary prototype of parenting, called authoritative parenting, combines the best of various parenting styles. In contrast to previously advocated styles involving high responsiveness and low demandingness (i.e., permissive parenting) or low responsiveness and high demandingness (i.e., authoritarian parenting), authoritative parenting involves high levels of both responsiveness and demandingness. The result is an appropriate mix of warm nurturance and firm discipline.