From the IIMHL and IIDL Update List
IMHL AND IIDL UPDATE – 15 APRIL 2013 – Shared with permission here: Read on…
IIMHL Features
Technique Is Not Enough (TINE) Framework
A Report from the British Psychological Society on Socially Inclusive Parenting Programmes and Child Mental Health
The BPS’s “Technique Is Not Enough (TINE) Framework” is designed to ensure known to be effective parenting programmes engage those parents most likely to benefit: those on low incomes who are marginalised and socially excluded. If all local programmes adopted this framework participation rates could increase dramatically.
Parenting programmes enhance parent-child bonding, reduce parental mental ill-health and lessen the chances of children growing up with behavioural problems or worse. Although the UN endorses 23 parenting programmes on the basis of RCTs their impact is limited by who they reach. In practice programmes recruitment and retention rates vary from a low 20% to a high of 80% in those programmes specifically adapted to reach and work with socially excluded families. The report recommends that parenting programmes should adopt psychosocial approaches to increase inclusion by involving culturally congruent parent “graduates” in the recruitment and retention of parents. When parents who have already benefited from the programme are involved in delivering the programme to others, it really helps. Parents should also be involved in adapting programmes’ content and learning styles to sensitively match participating parents’ cultural backgrounds as well as in quality control and evaluation.
The TINE framework describes how programme developers can invest in local parents and practitioners so their parenting programme can become an integral part of education and social care. Genuine co-production between programme developers and local parents, working alongside teachers, health and social care practitioners, can drive effective inclusion. TINE challenges developers to identify the essential ingredients from their current parenting programmes and to clarify what can be adapted to meet local parents’ socio-cultural needs, whilst avoiding adaptations that dilute effectiveness.
The report evolved from joint work with families and teachers from an existing programme in an alliance including community health, psychologists, family therapists, social workers and children’s rights professionals. The framework is illustrated with examples from 11 UN recommended programmes.
Following is the link to view this paper in full:
IIDL Feature
High Aspirations. An Interview with Rob Greig, Principal Author of Valuing People
This is an interesting interview canvassing Rob Greig’s opinions on the current issues facing people living with an intellectual disability
2013 Leadership Exchange
In due course, copies of video interviews with delegates attending the Network Meeting and copies of keynote speakers’ presentations will be available on the IIMHL website, and they will forward further information to you in the 15 April Update.
You can now view the whiteboard narratives which are loaded onto the IIMHL website along with notes from the various workshops:
IIMHL will also update you all on the formal evaluation in due course.
2014 Leadership Exchange
The 2014 Leadership Exchange will be in England in June. IIMHL will confirm the city and date soon.
Please note: IIMHL try to find articles, new policies, research that has been released or opinion pieces we think are interesting to reflect on. Sometimes those who receive these may feel is not accurate either for its use of data or not aligned with their views. IIMHL does not endorse any article it sends out as we try to rapidly share information.
General enquiries about this update or for other IIMHL information please contact Erin Geaney at