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Tag Archives: Medication Withdrawal

Learning To Cope And Thrive Through Psychiatric Medication Withdrawal

Will Hall is offering a free online workshop called Learning to Cope and Thrive through Psychiatric Medication Withdrawal on Friday the 5th of February at 8-9:30 am NZ time. Register on EventBrite at the link below.


Will Hall is a counselor and advocate whose work and learning arose from his experiences of recovery from madness. He holds a Diploma and Masters Degree in Process Work from the Process Work Institute, and studies over the years have included training with Jaakko Seikkula and colleagues in Open Dialogue at the Institute for Dialogic Practice, and the WRAP facilitators’ training. He was a co-author of the Harm Reduction Guide to Coming of Psychiatric Drugs with the Icarus Project and is currently a PhD candidate at Maastricht University Medical Center – School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, supervised by Dr. Jim van Os doing research into alternatives to psychiatric medications.

Clinical experiences of supporting people to taper off antipsychotic medication

Tapering Antipsychotic Treatment
Mark Abie Horowitz, Robin M. Murray, David Taylor, JAMA Psychiatry. Published online August 5, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2020.2166

In this paper three leading researchers in the field of psychiatric drug withdrawal summarise their clinical experience in supporting people to taper off antipsychotic medication.

You can request a full-text copy of this short, peer-reviewed opinion piece directly from the authors on Research Gate here: www.researchgate.net/publication/343467517_Tapering_Antipsychotic_Treatment

New Research: Support makes a difference in antipsychotic medication withdrawal

An important part of my doctoral research and some further analysis has just been published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. You can follow this link to view a copy of the full text online, but will need a subscription to download a pdf copy to keep:  https://rdcu.be/MpKs

Here’s a screenshot of the abstract for quick reference…

Abstract Attempting to Stop Antipsychotic Medication Success Supports and Efforts to Cope