Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Ministry Of Health

New Ministry of Health guidelines for COPMIA

The Ministry of Health will soon release the national COPMIA guideline, currently in draft.

This guideline will outline the responsibilities all mental health and addiction services have to the children of parents with mental illness and or addiction (COPMIA) and their families and whānau. For some, this is going to mean a big shift in the way that services operate. The guideline envisions a mental health and addiction sector that is inclusive of family and whānau, focusses on strengths, and promotes and protects the wellbeing and rights of children. It promotes early intervention in the lives of children to support resilience, offering evidenced based and culturally appropriate ways of working, and across sector partnerships to meet the needs of children and their families and whānau.

For more information click on this link to Te Pou.

Or contact Mark Smith at Te Pou
Phone number: 07 857 1278
Mobile number: 027 687 7127

Govt Considers New Way of Contracting for Mental-Health Services: Social Bonds

NZ Council of Social Services – Social Bonds

The Ministry of Health and Treasury have been investigating if Social Bonds can be used in New Zealand.  They are being used in limited ways in England, Australia and the USA.

What are Social Bonds?

Along with other initiatives like social lending, and microlending, social bonds are a way to access funding for the NGO sector outside of government. Government guarantees the investor a return on their investment if a pre-determined set of social outcomes are achieved.

The pure form of working with social bonds is as follows; ( the final idea maybe a hybrid of bonds and government funding)

  • The provider wishes to provide services and will work with a government agency to decide outcomes and the payment that will be made if outcomes successfully achieved. The agreed amount should cover both the cost of service plus an agreed reward for achieving the desired outcomes.
  •  The provider then finds an investor(s) who will fund the cost of the service.  Eg: a corporate, or a philanthropic organisation.
  •  At the term of the contract, if the outcomes have been met, government will then pay the amount agreed to the provider and/or investor.

Points to understand:

Government does NOT pay upfront.  Government will contract for results and pay after an agreed period if the service outcomes have been achieved.  If, for example, the service contract is for 3-5 years, the payment from government will not occur until that contract has been concluded and outcomes met

Possible Benefits:(from seminar in Wellington with representatives of Health and Treasury)

  • Providers will not be required to explain to government how they achieve outcomes.  This will give more opportunity to deliver the best way rather than the required way.
  •  There should be less paperwork from government.
  •  There should be greater flexibility with resources from external sources, money could be paid immediately rather than drip fed over time, and organisations could have longer term contracts to enable outcomes to be achieved.
  •  Organisations receiving funding from external sources would not be tied to political terms and ministerial imperatives.

Possible Risks and questions:

  • May not be able to agree to outcomes.
  •  May not be able to prove outcomes.
  •  What if you fail to provide outcomes, yet owe an external funder back the upfront investment plus interest?
  •  What are the mechanisms that will enable payment from government?
  •  If philanthropic organisations spend their grant monies on these projects, what happens to other applicants who are not involved with social bonds who normally receive funding from these sources?
  •  How do organisations make sure that the external providers of funding are appropriate?  Eg: gun manufacturers etc

This is clearly a shift of risk from government to the NGOs and to finance providers in the marketplace.  Those working on the Social Bonds Project are asking these questions.

  • What would the risks, costs and benefits be?
  • What outcomes could services aim for?
  • How would success in achieving outcomes be measured?
  • When and how would groups be paid?

The scoping project will run to June 2013 when a paper will be ready for cabinet to consider whether a social bond pilot should take place in New Zealand.  Please ensure you attend any seminars near you to get fuller information on this alternative procurement route being considered.

Community Consultation on The Ministry’s Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan

The Ministry of Health is releasing for stakeholder consultation Rising to the Challenge: The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan 2012 – 2017.  The purpose of the Plan is to provide direction for mental health and addiction service delivery across the health sector over the next five years, and to clearly articulate Government expectations about what changes are needed to build on and enhance gains made in the delivery of mental health and addictions in recent years. The Plan incorporates key themes from Blueprint II and advances the Government’s focus on better performing public services. The plan has also been informed by input from preliminary sector consultations.

The consultation period will run from 8 October 2012 to 2 November 2012.  Feedback closes on Friday 2 November 2012 at 5.00 pm. Please note that any feedback forms received after this time will not be included in the analysis of feedback.

How to respond

You can respond using the consultation response questionnaire attached to the consultation document. Email your local coordinator to request a consultation document and feedback form.

Attend a regional consultation workshop in your region during October.

You may already be aware of these meetings.  If not, please email the contact person identified for further details if you wish to attend.

Your views and feedback are welcome and can be provided:

a) by email to:  SDP@moh.govt.nz

b)   in writing to:  April-Mae Marshall, Mental Health Service Improvement Group,  Ministry of Health,  PO Box 5013,  Wellington.

All feedback forms will be acknowledged by the Ministry of Health and a summary of feedback will be sent to all those who request a copy. We look forward to your feedback which will assist us to finalise this document.

Ministry Consultation on Payment for Family Carers

Please find below the information about the Ministry of Health’s consultation on payment for family carers.

The Ministry is holding workshops in various cities.

  • Workshops afternoon and evening, Dunedin, Tuesday 2nd October.
  • Workshops afternoon and evening, Christchurch, Wednesday 3rd October.
  • Workshops afternoon and evening, Wellington, Monday 8th October.
  • Workshops afternoon and evening, Hamilton, Tuesday 9th October.
  • Workshops afternoon and evening, Auckland, Wednesday 10th October.
  • Workshops afternoon and evening, Palmerston North, Tuesday 16th October.

Please let Auckland Disability Law know if you would like them to coordinate an additional independent community hui in Auckland to discuss the consultation and to assist people in completing their own submissions.

The closing date and time for submissions is 5 pm, Tuesday 6 November 2012


Auckland Disability Law
Phone 09 257 5140
Fax 09 275 4693
Mobile 0274575140
email info@adl.org.nz

A guide to developing health education resources in New Zealand Released

Rauemi Atawhai – A guide to developing health education resources in New Zealand

Rauemi Atawhai – A guide to developing health education resources in New Zealand has been developed to help the Ministry of Health and its contractors produce effective and appropriate health education resources that meet the needs of the intended audience, are easy to understand, and support improved health literacy.

Read more

Play Computer Games to Combat Depression

SPARX Self-Help Computer Programme

SPARX is a self-help computer programme for young people with symptoms of depression. The programme has been funded by the Ministry of Health and developed by a University of Auckland team which specialises in treating adolescent depression. Check out the award winning game here http://www.sparx.org.nz/

Latest Health and Disabiity NGO Email Update from Ministry of Health

A recent report on the suicide prevention action plan, developments in youth forensic services, and working together to keep children safe are all topics covered in the latest update from the Health and Disability NGO Email Update.

All updates are available http://www.ngo.health.govt.nz/moh.nsf/indexcm/ngo-news-updates?Open&m_id=2.1.

Or to subscribe to regular email updates email ngo@moh.govt.nz

Nationwide Ministry of Health Resources

for your information and reference – Nationwide resources….provided by Ministry of Health across New Zealand

Support and help for individuals


  • Lifeline 0800 543 354
  • Lifeline’s Suicide helpline 0508 TAUTOKO
  • Youthline 0800 376 633
  • Kidsline 0800 543 754 (weekdays 4-6 pm)
  • What’s Up 0800 942 8787 (one to 11 pm 7 days, for young people aged 5 to 18)
  •  Depression Helpline 0800 111 757
  • Samaritans 0800 826 666 (lower North Island and Upper South Island) provides confidential, non-judgmental emotional support through their telephone helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to people in distress and at risk of dying by suicide.
  • Healthline 0800 611 116


  • The Lowdown (for young people) www.thelowdown.co.nz or freetext 5626
  • The Depression website www.depression.org.nz  which provides information about depression and an online depression self-management programme ‘The Journal’ presented by John Kirwan, which is backed up by online and phone base personalised support services.
  • Samaritans www.samaritans.org.nz


  • Primary care professional or general practitioner
  • Community mental health service through the local district health boards (contact details in the white pages or at www.moh.govt.nz/districthealthboards

Support for families and friends

General Information Sources

  • Ministry of Health www.moh.govt.nz/suicideprevention – information about suicide and suicide prevention, facts, and Ministry publications
  • Suicide Prevention Information New Zealand www.spinz.org.nz – the national information service to provide high quality information to promote safe and effective suicide prevention activities.
  • The Mental Health Foundation www.mentalhealth.org.nz provides free information and training, and advocates for policies and services that support people with experience of mental illness, and also their families/whanau and friends.

Crown Entities Reform – HPA

Health Promotion Agency (HPA) – Crown Entities Reform Bill

The Government has introduced legislation to establish a new Health Promotion Agency (HPA) with the intention that it will be up and running by the middle of 2012. The Crown Entities Reform Bill covers the Health Promotion Agency and reforms some other crown organisations, including bringing together the Health Sponsorship Council, ALAC and some functions of the Ministry of Health into the HPA. The Bill is being considered by the Government Administration Select Committee (not the Health Select Committee).

Submissions are now being accepted. To keep reading, visit www.hauora.co.nz/health-promotion-agency-hpa-crown-entities-reform-bill.html

Click below for the latest newsletter from the Public Health Association, who summarise the results of their submission on the HPA.
