Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: One Hundredth Strategy

100 Coping Strategies in The Coping Kete

The Coping Kete on the Engage Aotearoa website reached a milestone on the 9th of June with the publication of the One Hundredth Weekly Coping Strategy in the online kete.

Use The Coping Kete to learn new strategies online and then add them to your Personal Coping Kete for use when the going gets tough.

Engage Aotearoa have been posting a new strategy every week for the past 100 weeks. That’s nearly two years worth of new coping strategies for people who are wanting to improve their mental health and wellbeing. There are still many more to come.

Also on the horizons is The Coping Kete Handbook, a paperback collection of the first 100 strategies with some extra background information and reflection exercises.