Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Pink Shirt Day

YouthworX Newsletter March 2012

We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat Queen Victoria

Engage Aotearoa receives this e-mail newsletter because we are a friend of YouthworX, and share this here with their permission.  Please contact Lisa Noonan on lisa@youthworx.org.nz to join their mailing list and receive this excellent monthly newsletter directly.

Youth Mental Health on the North Shore

A meeting will be held at PHAB, 8 Auburn Street, Takapuna on Monday, 2 April at 11.00 am to set up a steering committee to advance the establishment of a youth programme and respite facility here on the North Shore.  Please let me know if you would like to attend.


Fulbright NZ Awards

Fulbright-Creative New Zealand Pacific Writer’s Residency applications close April 1

This award, valued at NZ$30,000, is for a New Zealand writer of Pacific heritage to carry out work on a creative writing project exploring Pacific identity, culture or history at the University of Hawai’i for three months.

Fulbright-Harkness New Zealand Fellowship applications close April 1

This award, valued at NZ$15,000, is for an emerging New Zealand leader in any field of study or vocation (excluding health care policy and practice) to study or research in the US for a minimum of six weeks.

Fulbright New Zealand Travel Awards applications close April 1
These awards, valued at up to NZ$5,000, are for New Zealand academics, artists or professionals to visit the US for 12 to 90 days in order to present their work to American audiences.
To find out more click here:  http://www.fulbright.org.nz/


Free Cyberbullying Seminar with Local and International Experts

Cyberbullying is the most distressing online challenge facing secondary school students in NZ. But even for adults who work to protect young people, cyberbullying can sometimes seem a difficult issue complicated by legal and technological challenges.

However, NZ is very fortunate to have a visiting law professor, Dr Simone Van der Hof, from the Netherlands, who is in residence at the School of Government at Victoria University. Dr Van der Hof is an expert in the legal aspects of cyberbullying. NetSafe is excited to have someone of her calibre to talk to these issues. With this in mind we have partnered with the School of Government at Victoria University, as well as with the University of Auckland, to deliver a shared seminar at the University of Auckland on Cyberbullying.

  • Date: Tuesday 27 March
  • Time: 11.30am-12.30pm
  • Venue: The University of Auckland Business School, Case Room 1,
    Level 0, Owen G Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road, Auckland
  • To register for this free event please RSVP to: e-government@vuw.ac.nz with ‘Auckland Seminar’ in the subject line.

Pathways to Manhood Leadership Programme for Youth

Pathways to Manhood provides a vehicle for teenage boys to forge an authentic and strong self-identity in the company of a group of positive male guides and role models. Having his identity affirmed and developed by trusted men in a significant rite of passage event will give him the insight and skills to safely and confidently negotiate the risks of teenage life – peer pressure, loneliness, drugs, cars, alcohol, pregnancy and violence – and emerge as a leader in his own right.

Pathways starts in just over 3 weeks from 10-15 April and we still have a few places left. It is truly a programme that changes the lives of young men, and many fathers tell us it has transformed their relationship with their sons! You may be interested in this for yourself, someone in your family, a friend or a workmate.  For more info click here  http://essentiallymen.net/calendar/Pathways%20brochure%202012%20blankV5-email.pdf

Girls and Boys Teen Group

North Harbour Living Without Violence has a new series of workshops for young men and women aged 14-16 years.  The topics include:

  • Anger management skills
  • Communication skills
  • Respectful relationships
  • Self awareness and more

When:  Wednesday 2 May 2012 from 6.00-8.00 pm

Where:  Glenfield Community Centre, Cnr Glenfield Road and Bentley Avenue, Glenfield

More Info:  Contact Jennifer at North Harbour Living Without Violence, phone 489 3770 x 4 or email jennifer.nhlwv@xtra.co.nz

Thriving Lives Workshop

Thriving Lives introduces the practices associated with happiness and flourishing and then gives you a chance to use the Thriving Lives Worksheet to figure out how you can build those practices into your own daily life. Thriving Lives is an original Engage Aotearoa framework based on the latest research in positive psychology combined with a personal perspective of recovery.

Next Public Session: 6 July 2012 at Mind and Body Consultants Ltd, 395A Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland. Cost: $25 unwaged / $50 waged. 50% discount for Mind and Body Peer Support service-users.

More info:   admin@engagenz.co.nz or call us on 09 963 9455

SADD (Students Against Driving Drunk) Conference

SADD is a student led organisation that has been in New Zealand for over 25 years.  SADD aims to reduce the harm caused on our roads by drink driving and the programme runs in secondary schools, with messages and activity designed for young people by young people.

  • Invercargill Conference:  23 March at 5.00 pm
  • Napier Conference:  30 March at 5.00 pm

For more details, visit the web site http://www.sadd.co.nz/latest_news.html

10th Annual Asian Forum

At this forum you will have a valuable opportunity to explore the issues of disabilities that Asian New Zealanders have faced including identifying their strengths as well as the challenges.  We will also share useful methods/approaches on how to empower Asian families and members with disability and support service providers in responding to these needs. Experts from a range of agencies including MOH, University of Auckland, one of the PHOs and some service providers will share their expertise in the areas of physical, mental & intellectual disability and health.

  • When:  Wednesday, 4 April 2012
  • Time:  9.00 am to 3.30 pm
  • Where:  Fickling Convention Centre, 546 Mt Albert Road, Three Kings, Auckland
  • More info:  The Asian Network Inc. (TANI), P: 09-815-2338 F:09-8152330, www.asiannetwork.org.nz or samuel.cho@asiannetwork.org.nz

Fighting Fair Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training

A two-day course on mediation and conflict resolution (Auckland, 18-19 Apr) is being offered to assist professionals to explore conflict and impart the essential principles and process of mediation.  Visit the Fighting Far website for more information – http://www.fightingfair.com.au

Outward Bound Courses 2012

Don’t forget to sign up for the one-week Outward Bound professional development course from 24 Jun to 1 Jul. The course includes a week of outdoor activities and professional development at a lower rate of $900 for Ara Taiohi members.  For more information contact Shane Wratt, phone 0800 688 927, or email Shane shane.wratt@outwardbound.co.nz

Creative Transformative Change Workshop

Massey University and Te Aroha Noa community services are running a strengths-based practice workshop from 2-4 April 2012. Over three days participants will explore change processes when working with individuals, groups and families. The course draws on strengths-based approaches and other collaborative perspectives.

For more information and a registration form http://www.tearohanoa.org.nz/professional-development.html

Parenting Courses for Parents of all Cultures

The First 3 Years (9 weeks)

Begins Wednesday 2nd May 2012.  Based on the book “Dance with Me in the Heart” by Pennie Brownlee, Brainwave Trust Material and the S.K.I.P. (Strategies with Kids Information for parents) 6 Characteristics of Effective Discipline. Suitable for parents of children Birth to 3 years.

Effective Discipline of Our Tamariki/Children (10 weeks)

Begins Tuesday 24th April 2012

Based on the S.K.I.P. (Strategies with Kids Information for parents) 6 Characteristics of Effective Discipline.

Suitable for parents of children 4 to 14 years.

Connecting with Our Children by using the 5 Languages of Aroha (4 weeks)

Begins Thursday 7th June 2012.  Based on The first S.K.I.P. (Strategies with Kids Information for parents) Principle or Characteristic of Effective Discipline and The book “The Five Love Languages of Children” by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell.  Most suitable for parents of children 4 to 14 years.  Also helpful for adult relationships.

  • Course cost: $35.00.  You can enrol on line www.whanaumarama-parenting.co.nz.
  • Venue: Whānau Marama  212 Archers Road, Glenfield (under Glenfield Tax Accountants)

For further information Phone Tamati Ihaka 4410208 or Elizabeth Cameron on 4410209 or TXT 0274 932273

Youth in Local Government Leadership Conference

This conference will be held in Invercargill from 18-20 April 2012, and is an opportunity for people working in local government to develop stronger links with young people, and to build networks and discuss issues.  The Conference is relevant to young people, Mayors, Councillors and representatives from local councils such as policy makers, youth advocates and those working in community development teams.

For more information visit http://www.southlandnz.com/VisitSouthland/Conferences/YouthinLocalGovernmentConference.aspx

Step Up for Children:  Sharing Responsibility to Keep Children Safe

The Child Focus Group in Auckland North is planning a two day conference addressing issues of child abuse and neglect.   The conference will address issues that increase the vulnerability of our children locally and nationally, with emphasis on what we can do together to support our children and help them grow to their full potential.   This initiative is in collaboration with North Shore Community Social Services (NSCSS) and is supported by Shine, Family Works, Barnardos, Home and Family Counselling Services and Waitemata District Health Board.

Date: 7-8 May 2012

More info: Contact Ian Tomkins at Family Works Northern via email iant@northern.familyworks.org.nz or phone 448 2633.

Young Minds Conference, Sydney, Australia

The summit will be held 21 & 22 June at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre and features leading minds from Australia and overseas addressing the urgent issues facing our youth. Highlights of the two day event include world-leading psychologist Barbara Fredrickson discussing her latest research into positive emotions, hearing the inspiring personal stories of two amazing young people – intrepid solo sailor and Young Australian of the Year 2011 Jessica Watson and the UK’s Fraser Doherty, a highly successful young entrepreneur, discussing key issues in youth mental health, the art of happy parenting and more.  For more information, visit the web site http://www.youngminds.org.au/


The Really Big Kinda Massive Meet Up

An epic networking event for young people, people with disabilities, family, whanau, service providers and generally cool people to connect with really big brands making a massive difference for people with disabilities and our community.   Each presenter will be sprinting through their powerful presentation in 7 minutes, empowering you with clarity as to how they can be a part of your life.

To RSVP and for more details:  Contact: Meena 09 414 5360 or info@yesdisability.org.nz

Summer Street Art

Join the In2it Street Crew as we bring free outdoor art sessions to young people in partnership with Auckland Council.   All art material and resources will be provided. The sessions are informal and the target age group is between 10 and 17 years old.   All are welcome to come along and have a go, no matter what your skill level is.  In2it is about hanging with your mates and having fun listening to music.

  • When: 21 January – 31 March, Saturdays 1pm-4pm
  • Where: Collins Park, Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe
  • Cost:Free
  • Contact: Email scott@in2it.org.nz or call 027 286 3997 or visit the web site http://www.in2it.org.nz/

In2it Street Games

Sundays, 1 – 4 pm, Bayswater Park.  In2it provides opportunities for young people to be physically active during their unstructured leisure time. Free equipment, games, music and prizes. For more info, see www.in2it.org.nz

Neighbours Day:  24-25 March 2012

Save the date!  How will you celebrate with your neighbours?  www.neighboursday.co.nz or email kiaora@neighboursday.org.nz.  Take the lead and organise your own street party, gathering, BBQ or cricket match!

FYD Big Walk:  1 April 2012

Sport Waitakere is proudly sponsoring the FYD Big Walk for 2012 on Sunday April 1st.  The Foundation for Youth Development aims to inspire all school age New Zealand children to reach their full potential through programmes that help build self-confidence, promote good values and which teach valuable life, education and health skills. Current programmes include Kiwi Can, Project K and Stars.  The programmes have the potential to significantly benefit New Zealand through a youth population who are better educated, have enhanced employment prospects, greater self-confidence and are healthy and motivated. The Big Walk aims to create awareness for FYD, by getting families and communities together in the beautiful surrounds of six major NZ centres.  The Auckland walk is in the iconic Waitakere Ranges along the Karamatura Track in Huia.  Register online at www.fyd.org.nz or on the day from 8.15am.  The Big Walk starts at 10am and Sport Waitakere will be there in force running activity stations and participating in the walk.

The Youthtown Shore to Shore, the North Shore’s Largest Annual Fun run/Walk Celebrates 28 Years in 2012

The event is a chance for the community to enjoy an event that supports local schools – all money raised goes back to participating schools to help fund the purchase of sports equipment. The event starts at Takapuna Grammar at 9am sharp and heads along Takapuna and Milford beaches before finishing at Milford Reserve.

  • When:     Sunday 1 April, 9am
  • Where:    Start – Takapuna Grammar School, 210 Lake Road, Takapuna;  End – Milford Reserve, 24 Craig Road, Milford
  • Cost:       $7

Email Renate Smith for bookings:  youthsport@harboursport.co.nz or see website:  Harbour Sport:  http://www.harboursport.co.nz/

Pink Shirt Day 2012

When:   Friday 18th May 2012

Theme: An opportunity for schools to stand up and speak up against bullying

Youth Week:  19-27 May 2012

For your diary – Youth Week 2012 is from Sat 19 to Sun 27 May.

The theme for Youth Week is “Love the skin you’re in”.  This inspiring theme embodies just how important it is to have a happy, healthy and positive self-acceptance of who you are

RYDA New Zealand Ltd Road Safety Awareness Week on the North Shore from 12-23 May 2012 in conjunction with Youth Week activities

My Life – my Choices “- about keeping safe on our roads

RYDA is planning to hold a Road Safety Awareness Week  on the North Shore from Monday  May 12 – Wednesday May 23  for 15 – 17 year old youth, in conjunction with Youth Week activities.

The Rotary initiated road safety awareness programme seeks to lower the road toll amongst young people by delivering key Road Safety messages that are always taught in other driving programmes in order to change the attitude of young people at a time when interest in driving and being on the roads is high and peer pressure is paramount.   There will also be an evening for parents  when they will find out ways to encourage safe driving skills amongst their teens.

Queries and bookings by local schools and groups are welcome.  Email rae@ryda.org.nz or phone 09 360 7917, 021 631 794.

Schools Peace Week 2012

When:   Monday 6th-Friday 10th August (Week 4, Term 3, 2012)

Theme: Music for Peace

2012 Auckland Secondary Schools Symposium

  • When:   Friday 17th August (Week 5, Term 3, 2012)
  • Venue:  To be decided
  • Theme: Music for Peace

SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) Week: 13-19 August

Be a zero hero!  Zero alcohol – zero tolerance – zero crashes – zero deaths.  For information visit www.sadd.co.nz or find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/SADDNZ

What’s Happening at Auckland Zoo

To find out what’s going on at the Zoo, http://www.aucklandzoo.co.nz/whats-happening/upcoming-events.aspx


Mayoress’ Fund for Youth

The Mayoress’ Fund for Youth aims to continue to raise funds each year to support initiatives that that directly benefit the health, wellbeing, educational opportunities and employment of young people living in Auckland.

Applications are open for 2012.  The closing date for applications is 31 March 2012.  Grants will be announced 25 May 2012.   Applications should be made using the application form, which can be downloaded from the Auckland Communities Foundation web site:  http://www.aucklandcf.org.nz/95/for-community/grants-and-funds/mayoress-fund-for-youth

Youthfund Applications Open

Youthfund is currently accepting applications to fund local youth-run projects and events within the North Shore community.

More info:  www.youthfund.co.nz for an application form.  Any questions email Michael Bell michael@youthfund.co.nz or Gigi Alvarez gigi@youthfund.co.nz. Facebook like us on http://www.facebook.com/pages/Youthfund/145268689723

Fellowship in Youth Health Leadership

Applications are now open for this Fellowship offered by the Vodafone New Zealand Foundation, in association with SYHPANZ (Society of Youth Health Professionals Aotearoa New Zealand). The Fellowship is a leadership development grant that has been established for promising mid-career youth sector practitioners or researchers with proven leadership and experience in the youth sector to complete study, research or undertake a sabbatical. It is worth $90,000 for a 12-month period. Applications close Fri 1 June.

For more information see http://foundation.vodafone.co.nz/what-we-fund/youth-health-fellowship and direct any queries to syhpanz@gmail.com.

Two Scholarships Offered by Lattitude NZ

Lattitude Global Volunteering (formerly known as Gap Activity Projects) supports young people to make a positive difference to the lives of others through volunteering. Lattitude NZ is offering two scholarships for young New Zealanders aged between 17 and 25 who would make great volunteers and need financial support to volunteer overseas. Applications close Mon 2 April.

For more information see http://www.lattitude.org.nz/index.php?nodeId=31

Job Vacancies

Part time community youth worker, experience needed.  Able to work alongside “at risk” youth, run community events and work in a team environment.  Send CV before 5 April to:

Springboard, PO Box 112, Snells Beach.


New ArtStation Programme

The Term 2 Programme is available to view on the Artstation website:  www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/artstation or http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/whatson/arts/artstation/default.asp

Man Alive Youth Newsletter

http://communitywaitakere.org.nz/images/noticeboard/mamarch.pdf or contact Thomas Felton, Youth Coordinator/Counsellor, Man Alive Youth, 11 Edmonton Road, Henderson, Auckland, www.manalive.org.nz
Ph: 835 0509 ext 812    Fax: 835 0540


Bays Youth Community Trust

Greetings from the team at Bays Youth Community Trust!

We would like to introduce our team of youth development workers to you.  We have Miles Harrington, Debbie Healey, Jared Dixon, Joe Neupert and Melinda Heffernan who all work in the East Coast Bays area, focusing on positive early intervention and support for 11 – 18 year old youth.  Our plans for this year involve setting up a mentoring programme, running a Kia Kaha youth programme to intermediate age students, youth support at Long Bay College and Northcross Intermediate, running a adventure based learning programme to high school students, a Girl’s programme, an youth employment  project and a community based positive youth initiative.

As a team of youth development workers we see our main focus to be a support for youth and to have the privilege of walking along side them in their community.  We see this as a very important part of imparting a positive youth culture in the East Coast Bays area.

Please find us on the web at  http://www.baysyouth.co.nz/  and/or facebook search “BYCTrust””.  Kia Kaha from the team at BYCTrust.

What’s New for Youth in Wayne’s World?


Find out all about drugs, alcohol, bullying, eating disorders, arguing parents, step-families, acne.

Get the “Kid SMART HANDBOOK” – the kid’s guide to life

Want to know all about sex, drugs, legal stuff, leaving school, money, the education system, or getting behind the wheel?

Get the “Street smarthandbook” – the essential guide into adulthood.


UROK is on its way.  All youth providers need to be aware!  UROK connects youth to each other as well as youth providers.  Youth will be able to organise all of their contacts, hold discussions between friends via Chat, email, Facebook. Twitter, and video call, and access all of this via computer or smart phone.


NCEA Learning Advisory
Freedom Fitness PLUS, in association with local businesses and Te Kura, are pleased to announce a Learning Advisory for 2012 at 33 Rawene Road, Birkenhead.  If you seek a safe, friendly, and supportive atmosphere to gain NCEA Unit Standard credits in 2012 and you wish to take advantage of a complimentary gym membership (available only to students of the Learning Advisory) please contact Freedom Fitness PLUS
Learn more (including contact details) re any of the above www.freedomfitnessplus.blogspot.com

Hot Desk at Y for YOUTH Headquarters

Y for YOUTH have moved into new youth headquarters in Eden Terrace, Auckland City and have hot-desking shared space available. They are looking for other nonprofits/youth sector people/organisations to join us them.   View the space here http://www.sharedspace.co.nz/listings/detail/office-space/auckland/683/social-entrepreneurs-or-youth-organisations.html

Parenting Courses at Lifewise Glen Eden

Tweens & Teens (12+) Toolbox Parenting Course

Six Wednesday evenings – 25 April to 30 May – 7pm to 9.15pm

Parenting Through Separation

2 April, 24 May, 5 July, 9 Aug

Venue: LIFEWISE Family Services, 298 West Coast Road, Glen Eden

Contact: Griff Richards 818.0204 (or Reception 818.6834) GriffR@lifewise.org.nz

Counselling Service for Children and Young People

FamilyWorks North Shore has a qualified and trained team who are able to offer a safe space for children and young people who have been affected by abuse, including those who have witnessed family violence. The team can travel across the North Shore and are available from Monday to Friday. Please call Tania on 4482633 for further details or to request a brochure.

Kaipatiki Project Needs YOU for its Bush Blitzes

Do you enjoy the bush and working outdoors? Can you help us carry out chemical free weeding and a general spruce up local streams and reserves in Birkdale?

We meet at the Kaipatiki Project Environment Centre (17 Lauderdale Road, Birkdale) on the first Saturday of the month at 9.30am. We will be working mainly in a nearby reserve with no chemicals, just muscle and enthusiasm – learn how to tell good from evil in the plant world and have fun at the same time.

Bring wet weather gear, gumboots, your mates and some lunch. Morning tea and tools provided.  Enquiries phone 482 1172 or email coordinator@kaipatiki.org.nz. Website www.kaipatiki.org.nz

Dates: First Saturday of each month 9.30 am-12.00 pm:  4 February 2012 and 3 March 2012

Youth Band Exit 420 Available to Play

Exit 420 is a four-member band of local Year 9 and 10 kids who are keen to play in front of an audience. They have a few performances under their belt and made it to the regional finals at the Smoke Free Rockquest last year. Find out more about them on their Facebook page @ http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/EXIT-420/230001197010805 Their contact person is mum Adrienne Ling @ 445 2970 or 021 236 7891

Albany Primal Youth Looking for Performers

Albany Primal Youth is looking for local high school bands to perform at their Albany venue.  The group is looking for at least one high school band to play for per month, using Albany Primal as a venue for young people passionate about music to perform and get some experience under their belts. Preference is for high schoolers with a bit of musical skill and also who have original songs.

More info:  zacsejongkim@gmail.com or 0274 433 131

Learn How to Play the Ukelele

Milford “You Can Uke” – teens, come learn how to play ukulele. All welcome, you can gather your friends and create a new group, choose your own flavor of songs etc…or join the existing one, all is possible. Give Brigid a call on 4860921 or txt 02102254422

Foster Carers/Caregivers for CYF

If you are a member of a local community group, you may be able to help Child, Youth and Family in our search for foster carers / caregivers.  We are currently looking for people with big hearts to provide care and support for our New Zealand teens in need of a home.

Direct all queries to Frank Hunt from the Care Services Team on (09) 9173257 or details on website: www.cyf.govt.nz/info-for-caregivers

Resources and Research

Youth Groups and Drugs Policy

The Ministry of Health’s Community Action on Youth and Drugs, CAYAD project and the Health Action Trust have published guidelines and a workbook on drug polices for youth groups:


Teen Pregnancy – New Report

A recent report from the Families Commission on teen pregnancy in New Zealand makes recommendations aimed at providing more support, choice and opportunity for young parents.
To find out more click here:  http://www.familiescommission.govt.nz/research/parenting/teenage-pregnancy-and-parenting

Youth Suicide Resources

A recent report on the suicide prevention action plan, developments in youth forensic services, and working together to keep children safe are all topics covered in the latest update from the Health and Disabiity NGO email update.

All updates are available http://www.ngo.health.govt.nz/moh.nsf/indexcm/ngo-news-updates?Open&m_id=2.1. Or to subscribe to regular email updates email ngo@moh.govt.nz

America’s Promise Report:  Jobless Youth Want Opportunities

A new survey and research report by America’s Promise Alliance sought to better understand youth’s detachment from school and work, and discusses the benefits to the nation of re-engaging and reconnecting young people.  View the report here:  http://www.readyby21.org/news/information-update/americas-promise-report-jobless-youth-want-opportunities

Youth Forensic Services Development

Guidance for the health and disability sector on the development of specialist forensic mental health, alcohol and other drug, and intellectual disability services for young people involved in New Zealand’s justice system.  Read more here:  http://www.health.govt.nz/publication/youth-forensic-services-development

Community Resources at Engage Aotearoa

The Community Resources Directory is an awesome downloadable, easy-to-share handbook of places in your community that can help boost your mental health. From mental-health treatments and supports to legal advice, special interest groups and creative connections, The Community Resources Directory can help you learn what is involved in growing your mental health and where to connect with those things. Visit www.engagenz.co.nz and click on Community Treasure Chest to find your own copy of The Community Resources Directory and much more.

New Research on Assessing Mental Health in Young People

SPINZ provides information on new research around suicide.  This includes the research Is this normal? Assessing mental health in young people.  This Australian research provides the general practitioner with key factors in assessing a young person with a mental illness: when to worry and what the early stages of mental illness look like; and provides guidance and tips for effective treatment.  Access the research http://www.racgp.org.au/afp/201103/41499.

Positive Youth Development:  Weaving Connections

Positive Youth Development in Aotearoa is the Wayne Francis Charitable Trust’s latest resource that provides a holistic approach to youth development in New Zealand. The framework explores the connection between the young person and the community, and the approaches that can be used to achieve the development of both.

The resource was developed by the Trust’s Youth Advisory Group and is supported by first-hand accounts from Advisory Group members, and is endorsed by leaders in the sector. It has been designed as a guide to best practice for those working with young people and the organisations that support them. It is intended to promote discussion, and the Trust welcomes comments and feedback: http://www.wfct.org.nz/Resources/Publications

Specifically Pacific Report Highlights Young Pacific Workers

A report by the Equal Employment Opportunities Trust published in November 2011 provides much-needed information about the situation for young Pacific workers in New Zealand. Specifically Pacific: Engaging Young Pacific Workers draws on the positive experiences of several managers who provide a basis for establishing some working guidelines on how to support and engage successfully with young Pacific workers.

http://www.eeotrust.org.nz/research/index.cfm?cache=282002 or email library@eeotrust.org.nz.

Online Resource Identifies Skills

Know your Skills is an online self-help tool to assist young people to identify their skills. This interactive tool, developed by Careers New Zealand, takes young people through a series of interactive quizzes, video and audio exercises. At the end they assess themselves against 20 core skills and provide supporting evidence for their CV.

To view the Know Your Skills guide visit http://www2.careers.govt.nz/educators-practitioners/tools-and-activities/know-your-skills-guide/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cendec2011

Community Connections Auckland

ACDA have set-up a new website to help you network with other community groups and organisations in the Auckland region. You can load a profile for your group and search for others by area or category.  Visit http://www.communityconnectionsauckland.net/

New Web Based Tool will aim to Prevent Depression in Young People

A new research project at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) will develop a web-based tool to be used with young people who have strong family histories of mood disorders in order to try and prevent depression and related disorders from taking hold. The new ‘mood resilience e-tool’ will incorporate depression risk assessment, risk profiling and resilience-building activities.  http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/docs/Wilde_mood_e-tool.pdf

Identity, Anger and the Brain

The Reclaiming Youth International website regularly has interesting information including an article about identity and belonging, a review of a book, How to Be Angry: An Assertive Anger Expression Group Guide for Kids and Teens, and a review of The Hopeful Brain: Relational Repair for Disconnected Children.

For more information visit http://www.reclaiming.com/content/

Queer Youth Development Initiative

Curious is a national queer youth development initiative between the New Zealand AIDS Foundation and Rainbow Youth. Curious is a resource for young people to share feelings and experiences about sexuality and gender identity with the aim of enhancing connectedness and supporting them to promote diversity in their communities.  Check out www.curious.org.nz.

New Youth Peace Programme Web Site

We would like to introduce our recently updated ENACT website www.enact.org.nz! It’s an initiative of The Peace Foundation to support national and international youth peace programmes.  Our mission: “Enact’s mission is to engage young people in peace issues and activities, promote youth initiatives on non-violence, conflict resolution and cross-cultural understanding, and provide a space for the perspectives of young people on peace issues.”

The ENACT website includes a wide range of updates on different peace issues. It offers information about different programmes of The Peace Foundation, and upcoming peace related events, both national and international. Youth will also have the opportunity to contribute and comment on various peace topics. Check out our section ‘internships’ if you are interested in gaining practical experience in different organisations! Enjoy our website!

How-to Tools for Mentors

The Youth Mentoring Network, with support from the Ministry of Youth Development, have developed How-to Tools for Mentors as online fact sheets. You can access a new How-to Tool each month.  The current sheet is “How to help a young person explore their identity and culture”.   Download the fact sheets here:  http://www.youthmentoring.org.nz/tools/index.cfm

Youth Court Research – Ministry of Justice

A report has recently been released on findings from a Youth Court research project aimed at providing insights into the experiences and views of young people going through the court, their families/whānau, and the experiences of Youth Court professionals.

Download the report here http://www.justice.govt.nz/publications/global-publications/y/Publication

Make Your Communications Accessible

The Office for Disability Issues has put together a great resource with quick tips for plain English and effective communication, available from their website at:


Training Opportunities for Youth Workers

Project K Mentors

Being a Project K volunteer mentor is an amazing opportunity to make a difference in a young person’s life and a chance to give something back to the community.  Training sessions are scheduled in Auckland on the following dates.  The cost is $120, which includes meals and training materials.  Training grants are available.

14 and 21 April:  Manukau

9 and 16 June:  North Shore

23 and 30 June:  Central

21 and 28 July:  Manukau

MYD Keepin’ it Real Workshops

MYD  is offering the Keepin’ It Real workshop as part of your training planning for the New Year.  The training is free and lunch is supplied. Half day training can be negotiated if that suits better.

This full day workshop is an opportunity to learn about youth participation and how you can incorporate it into your own work to achieve better outcomes for young people.  It is useful for a wide range of individuals who work with young people, including youth workers, clinicians, service managers and community workers.

10-12 minimum attendees required.

The Keepin’ It Real workshops provide an interactive training that uses a variety of different activities to focus on:

·         what youth participation is

·         the benefits of effective youth participation

·         considering blocks and barriers to youth participation, and  identifying solutions for overcoming these

·         examining some successful examples of youth participation.

For more information, contact Melissa Lelo at MYD on 09 916 1848 or 029 200 6377 or email Melissa.Lelo001@myd.govt.nz

Health Training/Resources for those Working with Youth

Nourish Workshop

Nourish is a training and resource pack for those working with youth and has been developed by EDEN – New Zealand’s leading community provider of eating difficulties support.   Nourish has a focus on body image, self-esteem, health practices around food and exercise, bullying, and critical thinking.  The training and resources will equip you with effective tools to use in your education, health promotion or support role.  The Nourish pack also includes information and training on how to identify eating issues and provide support for those struggling with them.

The Nourish Workshop includes:

  • 4 hour training
  • Nourish resource pack– includes activities, workshops, links and images
  • Facilitator’s guide – includes tips, ideas, key questions
  • “At War With Our bodies” DVD
  • Light dinner included
  • Safety Guide – includes warning signs and ideas on how to support those with eating difficulties

When:  Friday, 27 April, 10.00 am to 2.30 pm.  Light lunch included.

Where: At EDEN – 395A Manukau Rd, Epsom, Auckland

Cost:     Community Group / School / Student: $160.00

Private Practice / Business / Government Organisation: $210.00

For more information:  http://www.eden.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Edens-Nourish-Flyer-and-Registration-28th-Feb-2012.pdf or contact info@eden.org.nz.

Supporting Someone with an Eating Issue Information Evening
Date: 21st March
Time: 7.00-8.00pm
Location: Eden Epsom

New Monthly Eating Issues Support Group
Date: Starting in April
Contact: support@eden.org.nz or (09) 631 7570 x 3

Support Services and Counselling
Contact: support@eden.org.nz  or (09) 631 7570 x 3

Just Youth

Just Youth is a creative arts and music approach to youth offending, problem behaviour and community rehabilitation. It’s a statutory approved community service based in a modern studio environment. Just Youth has been developed by Mark Wallis, an experienced youth social worker, programme manager and musician. For more information go to www.justyouth.co.nz

Training Opportunities for Young People

Young People – New Zealand’s Future is Yours:  25 March

This is a free educational event aimed at young people from 13 to 30 years of age and provides an evolution biologist’s perspective. The course hopes to stimulate and encourage views our young people hold for the environment and their relationship to the planet, whilst providing an evolution biologist’s perspective.

This event is free for those under 18 years of age and entry by donation (at the door on the evening) for others.  Seats are limited and we ask that you register your attendance below regardless of age.

The Event will be held on Sunday March 25th from 6.00pm to 8.00pm at the Hopetoun Alpha Building – 19 Beresford Square Auckland Central.  For more information and to register visit http://www.awct.org.nz/events/course-detail.asp?eid=24

DEAFinitely Stepping Ahead Transition Programme

DEAFinitely Stepping Ahead is a programme specifically designed for deaf or hearing impaired students in their last year or two of school who are thinking about further education, training or looking for their first job.

Its aim is to help young people be sure that their next steps are the right ones by checking they:

  • know all the services available to them and know how to access them
  • can quickly and easily organise NZSL interpreters and people who can work with the person
  • can easily access Deaf Awareness resources
  • have strategies for effective communication and are clear about what steps they need to take
  • can access specific D/deaf-related equipment (new hearing aids, alarm clocks etc) so you can be confident, independent and successful in stepping out into the world!

The programme can run from 3-12 months, depending on the choice of content so there’s plenty of time for the person,their family, whanau and school to complete each stage.

Contact Ursula Thynne by email ursula.thynne@deaf.org.nz or 828 3282.

Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Out of School Care (OSCAR) – Youth Guarantee

Free course for 16-17 year olds.  Certificate in ECE and OSCAR (level 3) gives you the knowledge, professional skills and practical experience to start a rewarding career in the ECE industry.  You will also gain the OSCAR Certificate (level 4) which gives you an opportunity to work in a before or after-school setting or in school holiday programmes.  You will also gain a first aid qualification.

124 credits, 36 weeks duration, New Zealand Career College, Waitakere Campus (level 1, 3047 Great North Road, New Lynn) .  Call now for more information or an application pack  on 826 4296 or 0800 88 6922.

Academy NZ North Shore Youth Training

Youth Training is for 16 and 17 year old students who are ready for a new educational challenge, have made a start towards NCEA, want to enrol in full time tertiary study and want to learn practical skills.  Tertiary study is FREE without a student loan.  The youth training programmes offered at Academy NZ include:

  • National Certificate in Pharmacy Assistant Level 3
  • National Certificate in Hospitality Level 1 and Level 2
  • National Certificate in Salon Beauty Level 2
  • National Certificate in Retail Fashion Level 2

For more information see www.academy.ac.nz, phone 443 7640 or email info@aknorth.academy.ac.nz

Youth Transition Services

Youthline offers a free service that helps 15-19 year-olds to get into employment, further training, apprenticeships and other meaningful activities. Our service range is for people who live or have attended schools in central Auckland and the North Shore. Depending on what they’re needing, we work over the phone or one-on-one with a youth worker who can help you in lots of different ways including career advice and planning, finding work experience, job searching and helping you to access training and apprenticeships. Our goal is to ensure that young people succeed and become independent after they leave school!

Free Youth Courses at Te Rapunga O Poutama

Te Rapunga O Poutama Work and Educational Trust offers FREE youth courses for 16 and 17 year olds, as well as 18 year olds who have left school within the last 6 months. Poutama is a great place for youth who are not achieving their potential at school because they need to learn in a more practical environment. We offer three FREE NZQA accredited programmes which are delivered in small classes by great tutors. Our goal at Poutama is to provide youth with the foundation and support they need to get started on their way to great jobs, careers or higher education. At Poutama youth are supported and encouraged to achieve one or more of the three National Certificates we offer and will do so while having fun participating in a range of awesome activities. Along with no fees, those students who live outside the central Auckland area can also qualify for an allowance to help with the cost of travel each day.

The three youth courses we offer are:

1. Customer Service and Computing – which is designed to give students the opportunity to learn customer service skills and to develop keyboarding and computing skills. Students will also be introduced to the diverse retailing industry. In this course students are able to work towards a Nation Certificate in Retail Level 2.

2. New Careers with Office Skills – which is designed to give students the opportunity to learn the basics associated with working in an office and is also structured to cater to students wanting to learn keyboarding and computing skills. In this course students are able to work towards a National Certificate in Business Administration and Computing Level 2.

3. New Careers with New Beginnings – which is designed to give students the opportunity to learn skills that will enable them to make appropriate decisions concerning their life choices. Students will also have the opportunity to work towards a National Certificate in Employment Skills Level 1.

We are located in central Auckland at 3 Glenside Cresent Grafton, off the top of Symonds Street, close to bus and train stops. We currently have spaces available in each of our youth courses so please contact us if you are interested on 09 309 7790 or email poutama8@xtra.co.nz . We hope to hear from you soon.

Dance and Drama Classes

The Hibiscus Coast Youth Centre teaches dance and drama classes. Hannah teaches both hip-hop and drama and thoroughly enjoys challenging the students with new creative ideas.  There are a variety of classes on a Thursday night for ages 3-11years. There is also a teen class for ages 12-18 years on a Saturday morning. All classes are sponsored by Creative Communities and the HBC youth centre so they are FREE of charge.  Book now!  Email hbcyouthcentre@ihug.co.nz or phone 09 426 5005.

NCEA Learning Advisory

Freedom Fitness PLUS, in association with local businesses and Te Kura, are pleased to announce a Learning Advisory for 2012 at 33 Rawene Road, Birkenhead.  If you seek a safe, friendly, and supportive atmosphere to gain NCEA Unit Standard credits in 2012 and you wish to take advantage of a complimentary gym membership (available only to students of the Learning Advisory) please contact Freedom Fitness PLUS:

Text 021 176 4266
Tel 09 282 3169
Email freedomfitnessbirkenhead@gmail.com

NCEA study via this Learning Advisory is open to all ages.  This is a correspondence course supported by weekly teacher/student meetings each Thursday.

Youth Opportunities

Art Contest – Global Monitoring Report

The Global Monitoring Report team is organising an art contest for young people on the theme of youth, skills and work.  The winner’s work will be used in the 2012 Education for All Global Monitoring Report.

The contest is open to those aged 18 to 24, the deadline for applications is 1 April.  The first prize is a trip to Paris to participate in an event publicising the artwork and meeting with the GMR team.  Full details are available here http://www.unesco.org/new/en/education/themes/leading-the-international-agenda/efareport/reports/2012-skills/contest/

Youth Declaration Conference

Want to have your say on New Zealand’s future? Youth Declaration is a national conference for high school students. Participants discuss issues that matter to them, as well as learning from experts and workshops. You will create a declaration that is presented to New Zealand leaders Youth Declaration is held in Auckland from the 13th to 16th of April. Go to www.unyouth.org.nz for more information.

New Zealand Model UN 2012

The organisers of the 2012 Model UN are determined this year’s event will be bigger and better than ever before. This “hands-on” opportunity for students to experience the diplomatic and decision making process that guide international relations will be held in Wellington, 6-9 July.

An invitation is extended to schools, students and teachers. Registrations open 1 March. For more information visit www.unyouth.org.nz

Youth Vision Youth Development Programme

Youth Vision is a FREE eight week youth development programme based in Helensville and runs three days a week for young people aged 15-24yrs. The curriculum includes Life Skills, Employment Skills, Social and Community Skills, Health, Wellbeing and Fitness and Adventure and Outdoor EducationThe next courses run from Tuesday 24 April to Thursday 14 June, Tuesday 17 July to Thursday, 6 September and Tuesday 16 October to Thursday, 6 December.

Discovery for Teens Programme

Discovery for Teens is running its next programme from the 15th to 21st April 2012. DISCOVERY is a seven day positive, high-energy residential programme filled with excitement, challenges and fun for 14 -18 year olds which provides an opportunity for participants to explore their untapped potential.

DISCOVERY is a state of the art combination of natural learning techniques which enables people to learn quickly and retain knowledge.  The programme is facilitated by key educators with the support of trained staff. There is a staff member for every 2-3 teenagers.

DISCOVERY equips the participant with a “toolbox” of skills and strategies which enable them to better navigate the teen years. Recent advances in neuroscience and endocrinology have highlighted both the vulnerability and the potential of the adolescent years.

DISCOVERY provides an opportunity for parents to develop a point of connection with their teen and teaches skills to maintain and strengthen that connection. Research has emphasised the vital role played by families and the community at large in promoting resilience and helping young people to build their strengths.

For more information contact  Francie at admin@discoveryforteens.co.nz or call on 0800 493 8267 or visit our website www.discoveryforteens.co.nz

Heads Up for 2012 Film Challenge and Workshop Series

The Sustainability Film Challenge for Young People

Kia ora folks – and a very warm welcome to the 6th year of The Outlook for Someday.

The entry deadline for the film challenge in 2012 is 21 September. And as usual The Someday Awards red-carpet ceremony will be in November or early December.
Last year over 600 young people took part making a record 153 entered films on the big issue of our time – sustainability.

Building on the success of last year’s pilot Workshop Series we will also this year be running film-making workshops throughout New Zealand. We’ll send out specific details about the 2012 workshops soon but please do email us if you’d like to know more now.
This year’s entry form for the film challenge will be up on the website in May or June, as well as information about this year’s Special Awards.

But there’s no need to wait until then because the basics are the same as ever: make a sustainability-related film, any genre, filmed with any camera and any length up to 5 minutes. Anyone up to age 24 can enter, either individually or in a team. That’s anyone who was born in 1988 or later and is a Citizen or Resident of New Zealand or studying or working lawfully in New Zealand.

Read more here:  http://www.theoutlookforsomeday.net/

Art for Peace 2012

Applications for an international art contest for young people is now open. The contest is run by the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs and the Harmony for Peace Foundation. The theme for the children’s and teens’ categories (5 to 17 years old) is to imagine a world free of nuclear weapons.  Visit www.unartforpeace.org to see artwork already submitted or post your entry at  http://www.unartforpeace.org/enter. Closing date is 30 April 2012.


Chill is a youth group initiative at the Hibiscus Coast Youth Centre run by the local youth and volunteers. Chill provides youth between the ages of 13-17 years a safe space to have fun with friends. On the 1st Saturday of every month they go and do something fun… i.e. Laser Force, Bowling, Waiwera etc. On the 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturday of every month Chill has skate comps, movies, café hang out, sports and more.  If you would like to be involved in this or would like more information contact the Centre on phone 09 426 5005 or Email hbcyouthcentre@ihug.co.nz.

Youth Voice Wanted

Young Foundation: The Way to Work

Last year the Young Foundation in the United Kingdom published an important report on transitions young people face moving from school to work. The Young Foundation is focused on social innovation and has an impressive range of projects.   This report is a fascinating and important read, and captures many of the challenges that face young and those of us who support them.  One of their key premises is that career programmes are struggling to keep up to date with the modern realities of work, and the transitions that young people face.   I think as we focus on this important area of social policy there is much to be learnt from this work for New Zealand.

The report can be downloaded here:


One of the important aspects of this report is that it involved young people in the development of the research and there is a very active participation by young people in the report development.  The authors note that often the discussion about young people does not actively include them.  It’s worth thinking more deeply about how we might ourselves include a more active youth presence in our Capable Auckland meetings.  It is quite clear that young people are interested to participate in these conversations and contribute to the solutions.

We would like to see whether you might be able to identify a young person within your own community to bring along to our meetings, to listen and participate.  We think it will contribute very positively to the dialogue.  The young person doesn’t have to be a school leader, they should be someone who is able to think and contribute to our dialogue.

If you would like to sponsor a young person at our upcoming meetings, can you drop Diana Leenhouwers (Diana.leenhouwers@careers.govt.nz ) an email as to who you will be bringing.

Keeping in Touch

Join us on Facebook!

We’ve set up a YouthworX group on Facebook as another way for us to all stay connected, share ideas and promote what’s going on. If you’d like to join the group please click on this link to request membership http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_176637339024273&ap=1#!/home.php?sk=group_176637339024273

Join our facebook network.

Promote your Youth events on Appleseed.

YouthworX. Connecting, Empowering, & Promoting a cohesive North Shore Youth Sector.