Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Promotional Opportunities

Submit Your News & Events to The Engage Blog

If you have an event or news item that is relevant to mental-health recovery then please let the Engage Aotearoa team know.

Your event or news item will get posted on The Engage Mental-Health News and Events Blog where it can be easily found by people searching the internet. Your notice will then be sent out to the email database in a daily update where it can begin it’s journey out amongst another set of networks.

What kind of News and Events should you send? The Engage Mental-Health News and Events Blog publishes…

  • Professional development opportunities for people working in and around mental health, including cultural, disability and AOD environments.
  • Personal development opportunities for people with mental-health problems, including LGBT, AOD, disability and other issues that can impact upon mental-health
  • Learning and support opportunities for people experiencing difficulties and their friends, family/whanau
  • Legislation and political news that effects people with mental-health problems and those working with them, such as research findings and changes to benefit schemes, policies and procedure.
  • Community participation opportunities of any kind that are not focused on mental health but that would nonetheless be likely to benefit mental health.
  • Consultation opportunities such as surveys and community meetings that would allow people with mental-health problems and their families a way of being heard by policy makers and service-providers.
  • And much more…

There are varied paths towards improved wellbeing and working better with people who experience mental-health problems. The Engage Mental-Health News and Events Blog tries to bring these diverse approaches and strategies together in one location where they can be easily found by those who need them.

How to Submit your News and Event Items

  1. Send an email to admin@engagenz.co.nz with a title, event blurb/announcement content and contact details for the public. Include a website if you have one, phone number and email address in your contact details.
  2. Note that event blurbs and news announcements should be written in the third person. 
  3. Attach a jpg flyer, poster or logo file if wish an image to be included.