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Tag Archives: Self Harm

Research Articles from the BMC Psychiatry Journal

Here are some Research Articles from the BMC Psychiatry Journal:

Personality dimensions of schizophrenia patients compared to control subjects by gender and the relationship with illness severity

Miralles C, Alonso Y, Verge B, Setó S, Gaviria AM, Moreno L, Cortés MJ, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Vilella E, Martorell L

BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14 :151 (24 May 2014)

Abstract | Provisional PDF

Suicide and suicide attempts in people with severe mental disorders in Butajira, Ethiopia: 10 year follow-up of a population-based cohort

Shibre T, Hanlon C, Medhin G, Alem A, Kebede D, Teferra S, Kullgren G, Jacobsson L, Fekadu A

BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14 :150 (23 May 2014)

Abstract | Provisional PDF

Why alternative teenagers self-harm: exploring the link between non-suicidal self-injury, attempted suicide and adolescent identity

Young R, Sproeber N, Groschwitz RC, Preiss M, Plener PL

BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14 :137 (22 May 2014)

Abstract | Provisional PDF

A comparison of the characteristics of suicide attempters with and without psychiatric consultation before their suicidal behaviours: a cross-sectional study

Harada K, Eto N, Honda Y, Kawano N, Ogushi Y, Matsuo M, Nishimura R

BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14 :146 (21 May 2014)

Abstract | Full text | PDF

Gender differences in suicide attempters: a retrospective study of precipitating factors for suicide attempts at a critical emergency unit in Japan

Narishige R, Kawashima Y, Otaka Y, Saito T, Okubo Y

BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14 :144 (19 May 2014)

Abstract | Full text | PDF

Provision of group psychoeducation for relatives of persons in inpatient depression treatment – a cross-sectional survey of acute care hospitals in Germany

Frank F, Rummel-Kluge C, Berger M, Bitzer EM, Hölzel LP

BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14 :143 (19 May 2014)

Abstract | Full text | PDF

Radio Interview Available Online | Teenage Self-Harm: Behind the Scars

At 8:12 am on Sunday 3 February Radio NZ broadcast a special interview, Insight: Teenage self harm – behind the scars

Research shows up to half of Wellington teenagers have engaged in some sort of self injurious behaviour by the time they are 18 and GPs and guidance counsellors report a spike in such behaviour  among teens in post quake Christchurch. For parents the revelation their child has deliberately self-harmed, often in the solitary secrecy of their bedroom at home using simple household objects is a profound shock.  Radio New Zealand’s Sally Round talks to young people who have engaged in this form of self harm as well as those caring for them and in this interview asks whether enough is being done to build resilience among New Zealand’s youth.

Missed it? No worries – Listen to the Interview Anytime on the SPINZ website!