Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Submission Information

Submitting Information to the Engage Blog

VoiceBoxMEgaphoneYou are welcome to send information about any mental-health recovery related news and events, whether it’s some new research, a consultation process, a new service, a support group, a social activity or a workshop. From time-to-time we will also publish guest feature articles and opinion pieces. To include your notice in the Blog, please send the following information, in the main body of an email with any related images or documents attached to EngageAotearoa@gmail.com.

What to Send

Title:  Your Headline Like This.
Description/Information: Please use third person when describing your events and activities to make the source of the information clear (i.e. avoid using ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘my’ or ‘our’ unless it is part of a quote or an opinion piece). Have a look at some existing posts if you are unsure.
Contact Details: Organisation/Group, Person, Email, Phone Number.
Link for Further Information:  Facebook page, website etc

You may want to include images or attachments in your post.

  • Poster/Flyer/Logo Images: jpeg or GIF format, file-size of 200 KB or less
  • Attachments: pdf or doc format, file-size of 1 MB or less

Submit your items at least one month before you need them to be published online.