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Tag Archives: The Wider Journey Report

Wider Journey Report ready for Consultation

This is a link to the Human Rights Commission’s Wider Journey report.

This paper aims to provide information about  accessibility for disabled people and invites feedback on these issues.

The paper focuses on accessibility in three areas: the built environment, access to information and independent voting in Aotearoa.

The Wider Journey is part of the Commission’s work on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Disability Convention).

The report will help to inform the Government of its responsibilities and will also form part of the Commission’s independent report to the United Nations.

The consultation closes at the end of March 2012 and the Commission would appreciate your feedback on this draft paper.

Please get in touch if you need any further information.

Josie Maskell

  • PA/Administrator Kaiawhina, External Relations Team, Human Rights Commission
  • Direct Dial Waea Hangai: 64 9 306 2655
  • Email Karere Hiko: josiem@hrc.co.nz

Wider Journey Report on Disability Rights Published

The following came out on the Human Rights Commission’s website on Friday 2 December 2011.

The Wider Journey report

People with disabilities continue to face daily challenges in their lives because of the physical environment, in accessing information and in exercising their right to an independent vote. The Commission has produced a draft discussion report, The Wider Journey: The Rights of Disabled People to support and inform all those working towards better accessibility for disabled people through the built environment, access to information and independent voting in Aotearoa.

The Wider Journey is part of the Commission’s work under its obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Disability Convention). The report will help to inform the Government of its obligations and will also form part of the Commission’s independent report to the United Nations.

The report has been produced in a range of accessible formats, and a summary of the report is also available.

The Commission would appreciate your feedback on this draft report. Please complete the online feedback form on our website, call Infoline 0800 496 877 (toll free) or email Infoline@hrc.co.nz. Please respond by Friday 30 March 2012.
