Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Threat Of Closure

Petition to Save Auckland’s Rape Crisis Line – Again!

Auckland’s 24 hour rape crisis line is again under threat of closure — less than 12 months since 7,000 people signed the petition that forced PM Key to promise its survival.

2 000 people signed the new petition in the first 24 hours – but it’s not over yet.

The 24 hour rape crisis line is integral to our community. It’s the service that Auckland’s sexual violence survivors can turn to for help. For thirty years, it’s taken a call every hour of every day.

A year ago, PM Key said he’d do his part to help rape survivors by funding the crisis line. But, we always said we’d need to stay vigilant and hold the government to their word. And now that the spotlight has dropped off, the Government thinks it can get away with slashing funding for this essential service. 

The service needs just $116,000 from the government to survive. And we know we can get that commitment again if we continue the pressure. Sign and then share the petition with at least 5 of your friends and have them add their names to support a vital service. An immediate and overwhelming response will show the Prime Minister that we’re still watching.

This service will close unless we act now. The service’s board will soon start offering redundancies to counselling staff — the exact people rape survivors rely on for support and advice in their time of need.

Volunteers and staff are planning some media events and are trying hard to get the word out. But take a moment to share the petition with at least 5 of your friends and do your part to help an essential service that many rely on.