Engage Aotearoa

Tag Archives: Victoria University Of Wellington

Webinars on Preventing Maori Suicide: Schedule for 2013

The Mental Health Foundation – in collaboration with Office of the Pro Vice Chancellor Māori, Victoria University of Wellington – will be hosting a series of free webinars about Māori suicide prevention in 2013.

The webinars will address the issue of Māori suicide from an indigenous perspective. The invited presenters are Māori practitioners, researchers and leaders who will speak from their own personal and professional experiences in Māori suicide prevention.

For many people, New Zealand’s high suicide rates – especially for Māori – can seem overwhelming. We hope these webinars increase understanding of what can be done to prevent suicide, and increase viewers’ capacity to help vulnerable people in their own whānau and communities.

The webinar schedule is:

Each webinar will run from 12:30 – 1:30pm, and we hope about half of this time will be spent answering viewers’ questions.

If you would like to attend these free webinars, please RSVP here: http://suicidepreventioninformationnewzealand.eventbrite.co.nz/