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Tag Archives: Webinar

Free Webinar: Guidelines for the Practice and Training of Peer Support | 20 March 2014

What:  A free webinar titled The Road to Recovery: The value of MHCC’s Guidelines for the Practice and Training of Peer Support in strengthening your organization’s policies, programs and practices. (ENGLISH ONLY)

When:  Thursday, March 20, 2014 5:00 am, New Zealand Daylight Time

Duration:  One hour

Peer support is an important factor in the process of recovery. People who have experience with mental health problems or illness can offer support and encouragement to each other when facing similar situations. The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) recently released Guidelines for the Practice and Training of Peer Support to outline the important aspects of formalized or intentional peer support. The guidelines focus on the empathetic and supportive role of a peer support worker in fostering hope, empowerment and recovery.

Join the free webinar on Wednesday, March 19, 2014, to learn how you can use these Guidelines to bring the power of formalized peer support to your organization or community.

Register here for free

Guest Speakers:

  • Steve Lurie, Executive Director, CMHA (Toronto)
  • Kim Sunderland, Executive Director, Peer Support Accreditation and Certification (Canada)
  • Wendy Mishkin, British Columbia Schizophrenia Society, Victoria Branch
  • Karen Henze, Programs & Operations Manager, NISA/Northern Initiative for Social Action
  • Roy Muise, Program Coordinator & Peer Mentor, NS Certified Peer Support Specialist Program

For more information go to the MHCC website.

Or contact:
Liz Wigfull, Knowledge Broker
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Office: 1-613-683-3744
Cell: 1-613-857-4890
Email: lwigfull@mentalhealthcommission.ca

National Resource: Preventing Maori Suicide Webinar Video and Slides Now Online

The Suicide Prevention Information of New Zealand (SPINZ) video and slides from Wednesday’s webinar are now online:

Preventing Maori suicide: Involving whanau and community


Fill out the Evaluation Survey!  If you have a few minutes afterwards, the organisers would love to hear what you thought of the Webinar:


You can still register for the third webinar at:


Webinars on Preventing Maori Suicide: Schedule for 2013

The Mental Health Foundation – in collaboration with Office of the Pro Vice Chancellor Māori, Victoria University of Wellington – will be hosting a series of free webinars about Māori suicide prevention in 2013.

The webinars will address the issue of Māori suicide from an indigenous perspective. The invited presenters are Māori practitioners, researchers and leaders who will speak from their own personal and professional experiences in Māori suicide prevention.

For many people, New Zealand’s high suicide rates – especially for Māori – can seem overwhelming. We hope these webinars increase understanding of what can be done to prevent suicide, and increase viewers’ capacity to help vulnerable people in their own whānau and communities.

The webinar schedule is:

Each webinar will run from 12:30 – 1:30pm, and we hope about half of this time will be spent answering viewers’ questions.

If you would like to attend these free webinars, please RSVP here: http://suicidepreventioninformationnewzealand.eventbrite.co.nz/

Free Online Seminars for Young Adults & Parents

Free Webinars for Teens, Young Adults & Their Parents

A webinar is an online seminar, but instead of going to a conference room somewhere you can take part from the comfort of your home, office or local library – anywhere that there is a computer with internet access!

These sessions are brought to you by a company called MIOMO, which stands for ‘Making It On My Own’. MIOMO is all about empowering young New Zealanders with the skills they need to live flourishing, independent lives.

Webinar 1 – From Mistakes to Maturity!

Monday 17th October 7:30- 8:30pm

Mistakes can make us or break us. Learn how to turn bad decisions into great character. Understand the process for healing self-esteem, regaining confidence and restoring relationships.

Webinar 2 – Prepare your World for 2012

Tuesday 25th October 7:30- 8:30pm

Leaving school is an exciting but challenging time. Teens need new skills and the mindset to be competitive and successful in the adult world.

Learn what has to change and how to go about it so the whole family is happy!

Presented by:

Yvonne Godfrey – Young Adult expert & Founder of MIOMO

(10 Day Live-in course on independent living for 17 -24 year olds)

To register for these FREE webinars go to: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/346575465

For more info on Miomo or the Webinarswww.miomo.co.nz

Call Yvonne on 09 413 9777 or 027 249 5444